(This is no spam even though i posted many posts directly after each other, i just do what i am told to do.. making 1 question pr post)
Ref: http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php?PHPSESSID=b7ee8102a86744715537b63508af3b9c&topic=36813.0
My he gallery (based on the Classic theme) is centered always except when the album pictures index is viewed.. (take a look at http://www.tjelle.info/redirect/cpg/thumbnails.php?album=4) then the right margin is larges than the left one.. How can this be fixed?
link doesn't work for me
Strange, it works for my friend.. what error message do you get when you try that link?
a 404
QuoteNot Found
The requested document was not found on this server.
Web Server at tjelle.info
Ok, i'm sorry the link did not work.. i could paste a picture if that is good enough?
can't you post a working link?
Please set this thread to close/solved :)
Solved by removing/skipping the thumbnails page