Hi All,
Here is the Andreas09 theme that I've ported from a WordPress theme designed by Andreas Viklund - http://www.andreasviklund.com (http://www.andreasviklund.com) and ported to WP by Ainslie Johnson - http://andreasviklund.com (http://andreasviklund.com). This is a popular WP theme that is widget ready and comes with a theme color selector which I've ported using javascript.
The WP theme has an issue in IE with the right sidebar overlapping the main content when shrinking the browser window to small sizes. In Firefox, the window has a min-width set which isn't recognized by IE. While this may work with a blog but it won't work with a photo gallery so I've fixed the issue by adapting the code from CSSplay - http://www.cssplay.co.uk/boxes/width2.html (http://www.cssplay.co.uk/boxes/width2.html) to create a min-width for IE. This took a lot of time to test and debug but I think the end product is stable now. I've tested this theme on FF v1.5x and IE v6.0x with screen resolutions of 800x600, 1400x1050 & 1024x768 and found no visual issues.
Known issue:
In IE the larger Configuration menus (groups & ecards) drops down below the sidebars but doesn't affect the theme in any other capacity or for your visitors. When I have time, I will come up with a fix or if you have one please post it here.
Please enjoy this theme and make all the changes you need to suit your gallery.
Billy :D
Demo (http://coppermine-gallery.net/demo/cpg14x/index.php?theme=andreas09) - Download (http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/coppermine/cpg1.4.x_theme_andreas09.zip?download) - Screenshot (http://coppermine-gallery.net/demo/cpg14x/displayimage.php?pos=-472)
What a great theme! Simply excellent.
Excellent job Gizmo..as always ;D
Nice one, billy ;)
Thanks Folks :) but in IE, the large intermediate photos in the demo aren't playing nice with the theme. I may have to add a function like danuvius did to the Blix theme to resize the intermediate. I'm not sure why the scroll bar isn't working in IE >:( so I'll look into this over the next couple of days but any suggestions are welcome. I'll also add some large intermediate photos to my test gallery to check for this in the future.
I've uploaded the latest version to my original post call
andreas09_v1.1. In this version are 2 fixes:
- the missing rating image in the "File Information" for the intermediate image. In FF it didn't show and in IE you would get the "boxed X". I've left the voting as theme colored text and used an image for the final tally.
- with intermediate images larger than the screen or window size, the theme would break down in IE and in FF would show the horizontal scroll bar. Neither were attractive so I changed the "function compute_img_size($width, $height)" to resize any intermediate larger than 420 pixels wide which now looks nice for 800x600 monitors. Images less than 420px are left as is so there's no resolution degradation.
There's still the issue with the larger Configuration menus (groups & ecards) in IE so I'll work this out when I can since it's usable. Maybe someone will come up with a fix????
GauGau, can you please exchange the latest version with the one in the demo as it will make the theme look as it should. Thanks. :)
Quote from: Gizmo on October 07, 2006, 02:02:18 PM
GauGau, can you please exchange the latest version with the one in the demo as it will make the theme look as it should. Thanks. :)
Did as suggested and replaced the files both in the demo as well as the download section. Above links should still be valid. Great work. Sorry for the late reply - I was away.
I am running SMF 1.1rc3 + TinyPortal 0.9.5 w/Manuscript theme bridged to Coppermine. This theme will only skin Coppermine, correct? Is it even compatible with the setup I have?
Quote from: Ciinien on October 10, 2006, 07:42:31 PM
This theme will only skin Coppermine, correct?
Yes , theme is not related to the bridging ... so you can use it to skin your coppermine
Excellent, thanks for the response.
1 quick question please:
I visited my site at work today with this theme installed and got a block error, now I visited it back at home and it shows even with my cache deleted, do you get the same if you visit it?
Thanks 8)
With Firefox the login form appears outside , you should have to either show on three lines to to fit in the side panel, or put on the top of the page.
With IE6 (can't check on newer version, as I can only "force" this one under wine) it's OK, but the left sidebar is wider then the right on
Hi guys
Is there a way of changing the size of the intermediate picture as its set to 600 but is showing up smaller than 600 ???
check it out: http://cdcoverhideout.com/gallery/displayimage.php?album=lastup&cat=0&pos=0
In one of previous messages up here you will notice the intermediate picture size is forced to 420px to avoid theme to break down.
Open your theme.php file, line 343 and modify to 600px if you wish, but on screens with low resolutions, the theme won't look fine ;-)
thanks mate ;D
Hi Gizmo,
As per my thread here: (http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php?topic=41423.0), I'm having a little trouble with the theme. I've updated to the latest version, yet the intermediate images are still forcing a horizontal scroll bar in firefox/ie.
Also, the "display/hide information" and "enlarge image" (ie. when the intermediate image is clicked) aren't working for me. Because of this, users are unable to view the real full sized image (because clicking on the photo does nothing).
Any help will be greatly appreciated!
Thank you for the fantastic theme and all the work you've done. Once my site is up and running i'll be sure to link you to it.
hijacking other one's thread to cross-link own ones is never a good thing...
What and where do I add coding for IE and firefox to make the scroll bars invisible? Sometimes they show up, sometimes they don't. Or which file do I edit to fix the width and height of the middle table?
Lontano has ported this theme to be used with Stramm's modpack. If you're running the modpack and want to use this theme, read the thread "Themes D-Fire & Andreas09 for Modpack - download (http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php?topic=45146.0)"
How can I disable the right panel in this theme to be used by the content panel ?
I comment the <div> tag but the blank space is still there.
Any clues?
The column on the right is set to be 165 pixels wide - you'll need to set the width to zero. Edit wp_style.css, find#leftside, #rightside {
padding:0 10px 10px;
and replace with#leftside {
padding:0 10px 10px;
#rightside {
padding:0 10px 10px;
Another option would be to get rid of the container - edit template.html, find<!-- Right Sidebar Template -->
<div id="rightside">
<li><a href="http://www.bullseyephotos.com/blog/" title="Read my blog">Blog</a></li>
<li><a href="#" title="Contact the Author">Contact</a></li>
<li><a href="http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/" title="Coppermine Support Forum">CPG Support Forum</a></li>
<li><a href="http://www.mozilla.com/firefox/" title="Get Firefox">Get Firefox</a></li>
<li><a href="http://chrispederick.com/work/webdeveloper/" title="Web Developer Extension">Web Developer Extension</a></li>
<li><h2>Theme Colors</h2>
<FORM name="guideform">
<SELECT name="grootte" onChange="SetCookie(nameOfCookie, this.value, exp); doRefresh();"> <OPTION SELECTED value="2">--Color--
<OPTION value="1">Red
<OPTION value="2">Red2
<OPTION value="3">Blue
<OPTION value="4">Blue2
<OPTION value="5">Black
<OPTION value="6">Black2
<OPTION value="7">Green
<OPTION value="8">Green2
<OPTION value="9">Purple
<OPTION value="10">Purple2
<OPTION value="11">Orange
<OPTION value="12">Orange2
<OPTION value="13">Pink
</div><!--End rightside-->
and replace with<!-- Right Sidebar Template -->
<!-- commented out to give the other columns more room
<div id="rightside">
<li><a href="http://www.bullseyephotos.com/blog/" title="Read my blog">Blog</a></li>
<li><a href="#" title="Contact the Author">Contact</a></li>
<li><a href="http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/" title="Coppermine Support Forum">CPG Support Forum</a></li>
<li><a href="http://www.mozilla.com/firefox/" title="Get Firefox">Get Firefox</a></li>
<li><a href="http://chrispederick.com/work/webdeveloper/" title="Web Developer Extension">Web Developer Extension</a></li>
<li><h2>Theme Colors</h2>
<FORM name="guideform">
<SELECT name="grootte" onChange="SetCookie(nameOfCookie, this.value, exp); doRefresh();"> <OPTION SELECTED value="2">--Color--
<OPTION value="1">Red
<OPTION value="2">Red2
<OPTION value="3">Blue
<OPTION value="4">Blue2
<OPTION value="5">Black
<OPTION value="6">Black2
<OPTION value="7">Green
<OPTION value="8">Green2
<OPTION value="9">Purple
<OPTION value="10">Purple2
<OPTION value="11">Orange
<OPTION value="12">Orange2
<OPTION value="13">Pink
commented out to give the other columns more room -->
<!--End rightside-->
As suggested in the default text for the right column (the one you want to get rid of), you should really try the Web Developer Extension - it's the perfect tool to find out about such issues.
As your question is not related to the theme directly, you should have started a new thread on the regular themes support board. If my answer doesn't fully cover your issues, please do as suggested and start a new thread.
Thanks for your help.
Modifying the css solves the problem. I have to change this code too:
#content {
margin:0px 20px 0px 180px;
min-width: 460px;
for the content to expand to the right.
I'm sorry about posting in this thread, I think the people here understands better the theme I'm using. Won't happen again.
Sorry about my english too, is not my native language.
See you guys and thanks again.
I am having a problem with the next file button not showing on the preview screen unless you use that scroll bar to move to it. What can I do to resolve the space issue on the preview window? I tried changing line 343 from 420 to something else, but that doesn't seem to change the preview window.
Well, I figured it out to work it in FF, edit line 265 in wp_style.css, changed margin to 180..
Now what do I edit to resolve the issue in IE?
An unrelated reply by 34drvr to this thread has been split and moved into the sub-board cpg1.4 miscellaneous (http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php?board=54).
http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php?topic=47978.0 (http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php?topic=47978.0)
I'm currently using this theme and I really like it and I don't want to change, but I'm having a problem with a scroller folou has created for me, basically it doesn't work in IE6 but it works in FF, I have a test theme and it works fine, is there a way of making this work with this theme
anybody ???
Not related to this thread, but your customization. Impossible to tell without knowing your customization. Your question doesn't belong here, but into a separate thread, where you should post the needed details (the customization code you have applied). Post a reference to this thread in your own one.
There is no guarantee that people will respond to your question.
Can someone tell me how to set a default color in this theme?!
Edit the template.html file as below.
Find and remove:
<script type="text/javascript" src="themes/andreas09/changeStyle.js"></script>
Find and remove:
<li><h2>Theme Colors</h2>
<FORM name="guideform">
<SELECT name="grootte" onChange="SetCookie(nameOfCookie, this.value, exp); doRefresh();"> <OPTION SELECTED value="2">--Color--
<OPTION value="1">Red
<OPTION value="2">Red2
<OPTION value="3">Blue
<OPTION value="4">Blue2
<OPTION value="5">Black
<OPTION value="6">Black2
<OPTION value="7">Green
<OPTION value="8">Green2
<OPTION value="9">Purple
<OPTION value="10">Purple2
<OPTION value="11">Orange
<OPTION value="12">Orange2
<OPTION value="13">Pink
<link rel="stylesheet" href="themes/andreas09/wp_style.css" type="text/css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="themes/andreas09/black.css" type="text/css" />
Change the black.css to what ever color you chose.
Thank you Gizmo. Your help is very appreciated.