Support => Looking for Freelancers / Paid help => Topic started by: JeWelz on October 25, 2006, 05:22:06 AM

Title: $250USD to modify batch upload
Post by: JeWelz on October 25, 2006, 05:22:06 AM

I need the batch uploading tool to

1. Be able to be run by cronjob and pick up photos that are older than 1 hour from a set of directories

2. Put the uploaded filename into the user3 field

4. Put all files into one hardcoded predefined album (like New Photos).

5. All normal_ and thumb_ files are put into the user's userpics folder (like when manually uploaded using upload.php).  User can be identified based on the directory the file was picked up from. (aka 10010 for user 10). After the file is processed and uploaded the image should no longer be in the upload directory.

6. A max number (which can be hard coded) of images per user will be processed per execution of the script.  This will prevent the system from getting too bogged if a user uploads hundreds of images.

7. All processed images must be placed in the "for approval" queue.

8. The owner of the image needs to be set to the owner with the owner_id which is equal to the directory the file to be uploaded/processed is found in.

Let me know if more clarity is needed.

Title: Re: $250USD to modify batch upload
Post by: Nibbler on October 25, 2006, 01:22:28 PM
I can do that for you.
Title: Re: $250USD to modify batch upload
Post by: JeWelz on October 25, 2006, 03:15:50 PM

I've sent you an email asking how I can pay you.

Title: Re: $250USD to modify batch upload
Post by: SoftDux on April 24, 2007, 12:54:08 AM
This sounds like a great mod.

Is it available for other people? Maybe you could sell it?