I am looking for a good theme designer to design a theme for a new website I am working on. This is a paid job i am lookimg to pay around 50 pounds the website will need to incorperate mpush which i already have been able to incorperate using information i have found on this site so know is quite a simple thing to do. I have a rough colour palette of silver. black purples and pinks. This is for a nightclub so use this sort of idea as a starting block. The design needs to be fairly easy to navigate. It will need to incorperate a css box for advertising as well.
Quote from: GauGau on July 22, 2004, 10:32:01 AM
It's advisable to post the budget you're ready to spend, the time schedule you have in mind and as many details as possible on the customization you need - a link to your page is almost mandatory.
i have stated a price i am willing to pay up to 50 british pounds. I would hope to get the task completed in about a week anyone that is interested can message me then i will reveal more specific details the site is not any type of secret but i am looking for a serious designer. There is quite a large possibility that if the work is up to scratch then there will be more work available.
I'm aware that you posted your budget, that's why I highlighted the section that I find very important: freelancers usually need to see your overall site design to be able to judge the amount of work. If your site is not a secret, why don't you just post the address here? This is just a suggestion, based on my experience.