Gallery Link:
Test user: test
Test pass: help
Some users can't seem to log in to the gallery.
Quote*** Couldn't log in. Try again ***
Some reregister, given "Your account is now active and you can login with your username and password," gets redirected to the home page. When they try to log in using their new usernames, they get the following error:
Quote*** Couldn't log in. Try again ***
My admin account can login fine but it won't let me log in using the new account.
Debug mode is enabled btw for admin but there was special error message displayed.
You appear to have messed with the core code - when accessing your site with another theme (e.g. classic, the menus don't show up properly. Undo your over-edits, at least temporarily, to figure out if they are the culprits. Upgrade!
I updated the gallery to version 1.4.10. I can't log in using the jared one and using the 1.4.10 classic theme. The same error shows up
Obviously, there's something fishy with the test user account you posted. I registered on your page (username "gaugau", password "test") - loging in worked flawlessly with it.
Hmm, it seems to be selective. These are the comments from people who can't log in.
Quotewhen i try to log into the gallery it says *Couldn't Log In, Try again later.* so then i tried to get it to email me my password thinking that i just typed it wrong when i registered, but it said that no account exists under my email. so i decided to register again but it said that there was already an account under that email address... lol
so idk what's up. but i told you my story hoping it might help you in some way... :D
Those are reports by end users. They complain about not being able to log in to a forum, although coppermine is not a forum, so it's doubtful that they really know what they are doing. Maybe they have something on their client that keeps them from logging in (e.g. silly cookie settings in their browsers or silly pseudo-security apps like "Noron Internet Security" that interfere with the cookie management). There's no saying what they did wrong actually. Not sure what to recommend. If things work for you and work for me, what else could we do? You could try to provide support to your end users, telling them how to configure their client. I wouldn't bother.