I am upgrading from 1.4.2 and I have read the steps on how to upgrade but I really don't know what I am supposed to backup or even how to backup files from my FTP. I really don't want to screw anything up and ruin my gallery I do not have the time to re-do the entire thing but right now none of my images work becuase my gallery is outdated so I really need to get this done asap. Is anyone willing to help me or explain in more detail what I need to do? Please.
Backup all files by downloading the coppermine folder and everything within it to your client, using your FTP app.
Then create a backup of your database by creating a dump. There are two apps we recommend to use for creating database backups: phpMyAdmin or mySqlDumper
Yeah see I have no idea how to do either of those things, I have never done it before. If I give you my login info or someone else, could they do it? I really know nothing about coppermine and I do not want to lose anything I have over 5000 photos and I can't lose them. Anyone willing to help? I will pay if someone is willing to do this for me.
Moving to paid support then, although I recommend doing this on your own - you'll learn a lot if you try. I suggest posting your budget and a link to your gallery.
This is sorted GauGau, did it for her today ;D