The album tittle is long and it won't let me fit in the whole thing. Is there anyway I can change the setting to allow it to be longer?
Quote from: Charity on January 26, 2007, 02:24:45 AM
The album tittle is long and it won't let me fit in the whole thing. Is there anyway I can change the setting to allow it to be longer?
You should have 80 characters available. Is that not enough? An album name is usually a title or subject rather than a long sentence.
Well here's an example:
Jessica Simpson & Nick Lachey Host Sony Ericsson T610/T616 "Shoot For The Stars" Charity Auction - November 13, 2003 [HQ]
It's just that I don't want to take words out because they are all important including the date and stuff
Why not use the album description field? It will then display along with the title and thumbnail.
but if it possible to allow it to be longer
Edit albmgr.php and up the limit to 255 (imposed by the db schema).
<input type="text" name="album_nm" size="27" maxlength="80" class="textinput" style="width: 300px;" onChange="Album_NameChange(this.value);" onKeyUp="Album_NameChange(this.value);" />
<input type="text" name="album_nm" size="27" maxlength="255" class="textinput" style="width: 300px;" onChange="Album_NameChange(this.value);" onKeyUp="Album_NameChange(this.value);" />
text = change_name.substring(0, 80);
text = change_name.substring(0, 255);
Thanks! But I can't find the
text = change_name.substring(0, 80);
in albmgr.php
It's there, trust me.
ok i found it now. and it works great. thanks!