I have a site that uses the following three scripts
SMF 1.1.1
Coppermine 1.14.10
eFiction 3.1.1
All of the scripts are bridged together (through SMF) so what I would like to do is have a common theme shared between them so that section of my website looks the same throughout. Looking for a way to have a common menu throughout as well.
Anyone familiar with themeing these three scripts please contact me. Pricing is open. I'm also open to a theme that will work with TinyPortal so that perhaps I can better link the three sections together.
To see what the overarching theme/colors of my site is, visit www.mendala.com
I'm open to changing the overall theme of the site if you have the ability to make a common header (similar to what is already there) but just getting those three sections straight would be awesome.