Hello all,
First let me pass on a big congrats and thanks for coppermine!
I've stumbled across something odd in my gallery (version 1.4.10), namely I have 3 pictures which I have custom sorted, and since doing so, they no longer increment the view counter.
Here is link to the album: http://rfamily.ca/photogallery/thumbnails.php?album=50
The pictures in question are currently the first three displayed (filenames: DSCN2381.JPG, DSCN2380.JPG, DSCN2379.JPG)
All other pictures increment the view counter normally. Is there something odd to my environment/configuration or is this a know issue? (I searched the boards but didn't find anything on it.)
Thanks in advance,
Admin views are not counted.
I should have specified, I'm not logged in as Admin.
Then your views might be rejected as repeat views. Go view some other pics in your gallery and then come back to the ones in question.
Thanks - that was it.
PS. thanks once again for an awesome product!