I am looking for someone to personalize my install of Coppermine, located at http://www.larsanna.com/gallery (http://www.larsanna.com/gallery)
It's an install used as a private gallery, where my wife and I share family pictures with our families - scattered all over the World. I have no idea how to customize it, so please send me some samples sites or pictures, along with a price tag.
FTP access will be granted the Coppermine directory as needed.
Please email me at larsbreuning@gmail.com
Quote from: GauGau on July 22, 2004, 10:32:01 AM
It's advisable to post the budget you're ready to spend, the time schedule you have in mind and as many details as possible on the customization you need
Quote from: GauGau on November 15, 2006, 11:02:34 PM
It is not advisable to post your email address in your thread - this will only make email harvesters store your email address, resulting in even more spam. Just enable notifictions for the thread you start instead. You'll be emailed then if potential job takers reply to your thread.
Regarding budget: I have no idea how much it will cost nor how long it'll take. I wouldn't mind spending $1-200 on this project. I'm having greater difficulties when it comes to the actual content, as fas as graphical design goes.
Regarding me posting my email address: It's a free Gmail account, that I only use for every day, run-of-the-mill stuff. My private email is safe and sound with me 8) but thanks for the concern.
Sent you an e-mail.