I have ported the "sosuechtig_black" theme from wordpress to coppermine
Its my first attempt, so dont be too cruel when judging
It works for cpg1.4.10 stable but maybe you can check on other versions
I have also added a blank header.
If its ok for U (The Moderators) , you can put it for download
(sorry for my bad english, I am from Germany)
Best Regards
Demo (http://coppermine-gallery.net/demo/cpg14x/index.php?theme=sosuechtig_black) - Download (http://downloads.sourceforge.net/coppermine/cpg1.4.x_theme_sosuechtig_black_v1.4.zip)
Nice theme, thanks for your contribution.
Thank YOU for hosting this theme at your downloadsection!
On the other there are a couple of small imperfections to correct (I'd do if I knew how):
- the footer is slightly not aligned to the body of the page
- the word "password" is spelt with a ending "d"
- long gallery titles (such as the demo one) breaks on the orange column: is there a way to split on two lines and stay in the black side?
Apart from this, this theme is absolutely awesome! Thanks!
I´ll try to fix it today or tomorrow!
Thanx for the feedback.
.:::UPDATE:::. DOWNLOAD: cpg1.4.x_theme_sosuechtig_black_v1.4.zip (http://www.chylly.de/cpg1.4.x_theme_sosuechtig_black_v1.4.zip).:::UPDATE:::.
Thanks for the fix - you forgot to add the {CUSTOM_HEADER} token both to your initial releasas well as the fix. I added the token to both versions and re-uploaded your second release to the download repository. This means that my initial download link is still valid and contains all fixes.
For future updates, please base it on the fixed version.
Sorry to bother you again, but I had to change the User_Admin styling. It´s a tabled menue now like the Adimin_Section! Its the last update, I promiss! Future updates (I am planning to add some additional features to the right, black column) will be announced threw the board I have created for the theme!
Download latest version: http://chylly.de/cpg1.4.x_theme_sosuechtig_black.zip (http://chylly.de/cpg1.4.x_theme_sosuechtig_black.zip)
(GauGau, like you told me, I refered to the latest one at YOUR downloadsection!)
Thanks for the update, I did as before and updated the demo and download section as well. The minor issue with the spelling of the word password/passwort has crept back in in your version, which I fixed as well. For future versions, you might want to create a separate, PHP-driven block in theme.php that creates the login form. This way, you could use the localized words from the language files. Again, thanks for the update.
OK, I had a bit spare time, so I created a theme-driven login form that takes into account wether you're logged in or not and wether you're bridged. To make it work for all languages, a slight modification of the language file(s) is needed: you need to edit lang/some_language_file.php (using a plain text editor), findif (defined('LOGIN_PHP')) $lang_login_php = array(
and replace with$lang_login_php = array(
I have added a small bit of JavaScript that makes the target="_blank" attribute obsolete (as suggested in New-Window Links in a Standards-Compliant World (http://www.sitepoint.com/article/standards-compliant-world)) and a readme file that you're welcome to edit.
I haven't added my modification to the download repository yet, but have just added it to my posting as an attachment - please review. I'll be glad to add it once you have approved it.
Attachment removed. Use the download link above
WOW!! Nice!
Thanx for your help!
I approved it and it works perfect and therefore I didn´t changed anything!
You can add it for downloading!
Thanx again for your great help
Removed the attached version from my posting and uploaded the approved version to the download repository at sf.net. Use the download link I posted above.
I'm having a bit of a problem.This themes is overriding my options in configuration and I tried fixing this in the template file where I see the coding but whatever I am doing isn't working.Can anyone tell me how to fix this so that my options show? By the way, where ist says
$CONFIG['max_film_strip_items'] = 4; //overrides the number of thumbnails.
I am changing the 4 to 8 as I want 8 thumbnails to show in the recently uploaded area on the index page.
Thank you :)
I am not shure what options you mean? Can you please explain?
On the index page under Last Additions, I would like to show 3 images across with 3 rows down.I have 3 going across but cannot seem to get 3 rows down.It only shows 2 rows.
Your right! I testet it with my themes and the standardthemes pre-installed with coppermine! I cant get a 3rd row neither!
Ok, I guess I can live without the third column for now :)
Can you tell me how to either get rid of the intermediate images which I never used or how to show a larger intermediate image.If I must show an intermediate image I would like for it to be at least 600 pixels wide.Is this possible?
Thank you again :)
Not related to this particular theme. Please don't clutter this theme announcement thread with questions inherent to coppermine in general. Instead: start a thread of your own.
Quote from: Chylly Kayza on March 17, 2007, 01:23:52 PM
Your right! I testet it with my themes and the standardthemes pre-installed with coppermine! I cant get a 3rd row neither!
Edit the theme.php file. It has preset options to keep the theme from over lapping..
Look for:
// These parameters overide what the user inputs in the Configuration setup to prevent the theme from breaking.
What do I need to adjust to allow the theme to expand if I wish to add more columns to the thumbs?
Or what do I edit in the style.css in order to expand the main window, without breaking the theme apart?
-- Skidpics
As this theme is built with 2 sidebars you have to remove one sidebar for expanding the mainframe!
If you are familiar with editing graphics you know how to edit the header and footer pics - this is the first step to remove one of the sidebars! (is suggest the orange one). You need to edit the cascading-style sheet and the template.html, too.
There is much more to edit, to costumize the theme to your needs, I think this will move the theme to version 2.0
I got a few days off from work in april, and I think I can have a look at it, but I can not promis.
Further I think its the best way for you to use a theme with wider mainframe.
Using another theme is out of the question. Your theme is awesome!
When I have time, I will tinker around with it. If I accomplish anything, I will post it here.. Is not, I will be watching the thread, in case you decide to alter the theme to 2.0..
Hey Chylly! This is a really nice theme and I want to thank you for the links and the compliment on the sidebar. That's really cool of you to say that but now I guess I better get back to work and start porting some more themes. ;)
To answer the question for a wider theme, you can go in the direction of removing one of the sidebars but I think that would destroy the theme layout as it was intended. I would recommend increasing the width of the main content window by editing the 3 background images (top, middle & bottom) in an image editor then changing the css values to accommodate the added width. The only problem is that the layout is now at 970 pixels wide so to fit a 1024 pixel monitor (according to W3C the most common resolution width), you could only add 50 pixles to the main content window which might not get you very much added real estate.
Hi Chylly! Thanks for this great theme! ":)_ Its really looks smooth.
I hope you dont mind if i do some tweaks and edits in it. I didnt remove any of the credits at the bottom. But i do have to redo one so that it can be seen with a white background. ":)_
Thanks for the tip. I was able to remove the 3rd column and in the process was able to get more space for the pictures.
Im planning to add an additional navigational bar at the top. Il probably just place it in the {CUSTOM_HEADER} area.
Heres my site if you guys would want to look at it. ":)_
Thanks again and more power!
I guess that answers the question as to what the theme looks like without the second sidebar. What did yuo edit to get it out? I know I can figure out, just lack of time..
-- Skidpics
Hi skidpics, ":)_
I just followed the tip given by Gizmo.
I edited the "cpm_header.jpg" and "footer.jpg" to reflect the width of what i want the main body and the navigational area of the gallery to look like. The white area is now 760px wide. Before it was only 550px.
Next i edited "template.html". I removed everything in-between the "<!-- RECHTE SPALTE -->" and " <!-- FOOTER -->" notes. Except for the 3 "</div>" tags.
Then i edited the "style.css" file.
#wrapperleft {
width: 760px;
to the width of the new whole area of my site to
#wrapperleft {
width: 970px;
also changed the part of the CSS that controls the area where photos/thumbnails are shown.
#main_wp {
width: 550px;
float: left;
#main_wp {
width: 760px;
float: left;
Thats it. ":)_
i hope my explanation didnt made you more confused. ":)_
Im not really a coder/programmer. ":)_ ehehhehe
What controls the category listings? How can I get it to show as a single line, instead of a large row format when there are albums within the category?
-- Skidpics
QuoteHi Chylly! Thanks for this great theme! "Smiley_ Its really looks smooth.
I hope you dont mind if i do some tweaks and edits in it. I didnt remove any of the credits at the bottom. But i do have to redo one so that it can be seen with a white background. "Smiley_
Thanks for the tip. I was able to remove the 3rd column and in the process was able to get more space for the pictures.
Im planning to add an additional navigational bar at the top. Il probably just place it in the {CUSTOM_HEADER} area.
Heres my site if you guys would want to look at it. "Smiley_
Thanks again and more power!
Nice work, i like your version a lot! Can we have it for download ?
Quote from: HYM on June 10, 2007, 08:12:09 AM
Hi skidpics, ":)_
I just followed the tip given by Gizmo.
I edited the "cpm_header.jpg" and "footer.jpg" to reflect the width of what i want the main body and the navigational area of the gallery to look like. The white area is now 760px wide. Before it was only 550px.
Next i edited "template.html". I removed everything in-between the "<!-- RECHTE SPALTE -->" and " <!-- FOOTER -->" notes. Except for the 3 "</div>" tags.
Then i edited the "style.css" file.
#wrapperleft {
width: 760px;
to the width of the new whole area of my site to
#wrapperleft {
width: 970px;
also changed the part of the CSS that controls the area where photos/thumbnails are shown.
#main_wp {
width: 550px;
float: left;
#main_wp {
width: 760px;
float: left;
Thats it. ":)_
i hope my explanation didnt made you more confused. ":)_
Im not really a coder/programmer. ":)_ ehehhehe
Thanks! got it to work finally!
Quote from: Chylly Kayza on September 01, 2007, 01:23:39 PM
Nice work, i like your version a lot! Can we have it for download ?
Good day Chylly Kayza!
Im so sorry for the super duper late reply. :(
Been so busy these past few months that its just now that i got to visit this forum.
Anyways, what do i have to do so that it would be available for download?
Just zip your version and attach the zip file to your posting (using "additional options" when composing your message).
Thanks GauGau!
Ive attached the files for the theme with 2 columns.
I hope i did it correctly.
Thanks. :)
has anyone tried this theme for 1.5.x ?
The Theme Support (http://chylly.de/kayzaboard/) is closed!
If it not in the downloads it is not done. Locking.