I am looking for someone who can help me with a redesign of the template for my site PhotoShowdown.com. We are going to upgrade to the newest version of Coppermine and want to get a fresh and up-to-date look. Please contact Gunther at [email removed] and leave me your e-mail address or phone number. This is my home e-mail and I will not get to it until the end of the day. 8)
Ar you asking for paid support? If yes, do as suggested in coppermine-gallery.net > Support > Looking for Freelancers / Paid help > sub-board rules, read first! (http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php?topic=8170.0). A moderator will then move this thread accordingly.
Yes, I would like to pay someone if they ask a reasonable price. Please contact me at design(at)ultimatepractice(dot)com - Gunther Allen
[Edited By Sami]:changed regular email to complex one as requested ;)
Quote from: GauGau on November 15, 2006, 11:02:34 PM
It is not advisable to post your email address in your thread - this will only make email harvesters store your email address, resulting in even more spam. Just enable notifictions for the thread you start instead. You'll be emailed then if potential job takers reply to your thread.
Sorry - is there a way to take off my address? Can the webmaster?
Moderators can. Nibbler did.