I would like to pay someone to install Coppermine into my phpbb installation at http://start.prodj.com.
We would need it installed based on the combined database system of them both off one db, have groups that I can set that get to post pictures (while allowing everyone to view), and have our graphical look of the site slid over into the Coppermine install. It would be replacing the "Free Stuff" option at the top of our nav area with "Events Gallery". We would want some integration into our portal.php homepage of the phpbb system possibly showing a rotating gallery of latest pictures posted or something like that, open to suggestions here.
Can I make a nice donation to the Project or have an outsider familiar with both systems work on it and get paid for their time. My staff could but aren't as good at this stuff as most of the people here. We also have a couple other bugs in the system that aren't causing trouble on the public site but are causing errors in our error log.
I would like to have it done in the next week or two if possible.
Ryan Burger
ProDJ Publishing
rb@mobilebeat.com or rb@prodj.com
515-986-3300 ext 300
Moving to paid support then...
I have money and am willing to pay well for this. Please someone quote me.
Just to let you know i am doing the Job for Ryan :)