Support => cpg1.4 themes/skins/templates => cpg1.4.x Support => Older/other versions => cpg1.4 theme contributions => Topic started by: Timos-Welt on March 06, 2007, 08:44:37 PM

Title: New Theme: TimosWelt
Post by: Timos-Welt on March 06, 2007, 08:44:37 PM
To make CPG fit to my homepage, I modified the Igames theme accordingly. In the end, it looks quite different, so probably some may want to have the modified theme - here it is.

Have fun!
Title: Re: New Theme: TimosWelt
Post by: Joachim Müller on March 07, 2007, 07:38:30 AM
Demo ( - Download (
Title: Theme "Timoswelt" new version
Post by: Timos-Welt on March 13, 2008, 11:12:29 AM
- Valid XHTML 1.0
- Valid CSS
- No disturbing horizontal scroll bar in IE 6
- Works with Stramm's ModPack without error, though not all features are supported
- Tested with CPG 1.4.16


Have fun!  :)
Title: Re: New Theme: TimosWelt
Post by: Joachim Müller on March 13, 2008, 05:53:48 PM
Thanks for your continued contribution. I prefer version numbers over terms like "improved version", so I re-packaged your most recent contribution and named it v1.1.
I had to apply some minor tweaks (like moving the additional image into the proper folder) and replacing the image that displays "Fotogalerie" (mind the German-only spelling) with the actual gallery name. I edited my above posting - the new download link now is - the demo link remains the same.

Title: Re: New Theme: TimosWelt
Post by: Timos-Welt on March 13, 2008, 08:01:30 PM
Hi Joachim,

thanks for merging the threads, and I'll use version numbers from now on of course.

Quotereplacing the image that displays "Fotogalerie" (mind the German-only spelling)

A question of personal taste I think. In the end it was meant as a placeholder; all the user has to do is exchange a JPG file to adapt the header optics to his/her own needs. Something that surely everyone can do who deals with photos often enough to want an own gallery ;)

Don't know if a newbie user will find the line
<h1>{GAL_NAME}</h1><a id="scrolldown" name="scrolldown"></a>
and the corresponding CSS information to adapt the header font, color, optics etc. to his/her own need as easily. I remember myself quite well playing around with CPG and themes for the first time. I surely didn't then.

But as I said - it's a question of taste, and your solutuion surely is more 'pure'.

BTW: Could be a nice feature for future versions not too difficult to implement - "replace gallery head line by own image". There's quite some themes where this would work well.
Title: Re: New Theme: TimosWelt
Post by: fasciatus on March 14, 2008, 09:35:23 AM

An user of our web group has done a modification of timoswelt theme.

You can see the theme here.

And I attach the archive.


Thanks for all!!