Support => cpg1.4.x Support => Older/other versions => cpg1.4 miscellaneous => Topic started by: renede on April 10, 2007, 09:50:07 PM

Title: Its gone wrong...
Post by: renede on April 10, 2007, 09:50:07 PM
Hi guys its me again,

I had my gallery running beautifully. But something has gone wrong with my host. No mail/ftp-acces for hours and now my gallery doent work any more. A wellknown "fatal error" on a white sreen... My SQL says:
MySQL retourneerde: 

#1016 - Can't open file: 'cpg1410_2sessions.MYI' (errno: 145)

Before the people from my host try to get me an answer... does anyone here know what to do?

Title: Re: Its gone wrong...
Post by: renede on April 10, 2007, 09:54:47 PM
ow im sorry... its: (

just typing doesnt help, ive redirected it to some half-finished old version...
Title: Re: Its gone wrong...
Post by: Nibbler on April 10, 2007, 10:38:42 PM