Just wondering how much someone would charge to transfer my website to a different host. Basically my website contains the following:
1. MyBloggie (http://mybloggie.mywebland.com/) which is customized just a bit...theme wise. I don't think that would need to be messed with if a directory to directory copy was made.
2. CPG 1.4.8 (stable) with cpgfetch on the sidebar of mybloggie
3. A simple 'contacts' php script thing with mysql backend.
4. An extremely simple poll in the sidebar of mybloggie which is also on a mysql db.
Basically, I don't know anything about mysql, but the existing host is netfirms, and the new host would be godaddy. my site (http://www.mikealbano.com)
Quote from: mike909 on April 22, 2007, 07:49:14 PM
CPG 1.4.8 (stable)
It's mandatory to upgrade to the most recent stable release (currently cpg1.4.10).
work has been completed. this is done.