Support => cpg1.4.x Support => Older/other versions => cpg1.4 miscellaneous => Topic started by: bgbearcatfan on May 15, 2007, 11:56:52 PM

Title: Create New User Link doesn't work
Post by: bgbearcatfan on May 15, 2007, 11:56:52 PM
Hello all,

Hoping someone can help me out.

I've recently installed Coppermine version: 1.4.10, Revision: 3305.

Everything is working great, except for one function, the create new user link.  When i click on the link, the page tries to load, but nothing happened.  I have let it sit for 2 hours plus, with the same result, no timeout, no error message, just constanly trying to load the

I don't know if this will help, but here is the Debug Info:

    [ID] => 7b8e642c38249c459e45087886fdd678
    [am] => 1
    [lang] => english

    [user_id] => 1
    [user_name] => bgbearcatfan
    [groups] => Array
            [0] => 1

    [disk_max] => 0
    [disk_min] => 0
    [can_rate_pictures] => 1
    [can_send_ecards] => 1
    [ufc_max] => 3
    [ufc_min] => 3
    [custom_user_upload] => 0
    [num_file_upload] => 5
    [num_URI_upload] => 3
    [can_post_comments] => 1
    [can_upload_pictures] => 1
    [can_create_albums] => 1
    [has_admin_access] => 1
    [pub_upl_need_approval] => 0
    [priv_upl_need_approval] => 0
    [group_name] => Administrators
    [upload_form_config] => 3
    [group_quota] => 0
    [can_see_all_albums] => 1
    [group_id] => 1

    [0] => SELECT extension, mime, content, player FROM cpg1410_filetypes; (0.001s)
    [1] => select * from cpg1410_plugins order by priority asc; (0.001s)
    [2] => delete from `photogallery`.cpg1410_sessions where time<1179262198 and remember=0; (0.001s)
    [3] => delete from `photogallery`.cpg1410_sessions where time<1178056198; (0.001s)
    [4] => select user_id from `photogallery`.cpg1410_sessions where session_id=md5("2987706c0d206e4be69e81bb4d06a7eda3b540b22f2fb2a34eae8dc7ae54ae4e"); (0.001s)
    [5] => select user_id as id, user_password as password from `photogallery`.cpg1410_users where user_id=1 (0s)
    [6] => SELECT u.user_id AS id, u.user_name AS username, u.user_password AS password, u.user_group+100 AS group_id FROM `photogallery`.cpg1410_users AS u INNER JOIN `photogallery`.cpg1410_usergroups AS g ON u.user_group=g.group_id WHERE u.user_id='1' (0s)
    [7] => SELECT user_group_list FROM `photogallery`.cpg1410_users AS u WHERE user_id='1' and user_group_list <> ''; (0s)
    [8] => SELECT MAX(group_quota) as disk_max, MIN(group_quota) as disk_min, MAX(can_rate_pictures) as can_rate_pictures, MAX(can_send_ecards) as can_send_ecards, MAX(upload_form_config) as ufc_max, MIN(upload_form_config) as ufc_min, MAX(custom_user_upload) as custom_user_upload, MAX(num_file_upload) as num_file_upload, MAX(num_URI_upload) as num_URI_upload, MAX(can_post_comments) as can_post_comments, MAX(can_upload_pictures) as can_upload_pictures, MAX(can_create_albums) as can_create_albums, MAX(has_admin_access) as has_admin_access, MIN(pub_upl_need_approval) as pub_upl_need_approval, MIN( priv_upl_need_approval) as  priv_upl_need_approval FROM cpg1410_usergroups WHERE group_id in (1) (0s)
    [9] => SELECT group_name FROM  cpg1410_usergroups WHERE group_id= 1 (0s)
    [10] => update `photogallery`.cpg1410_sessions set time='1179265798' where session_id=md5('2987706c0d206e4be69e81bb4d06a7eda3b540b22f2fb2a34eae8dc7ae54ae4e'); (0.001s)
    [11] => SELECT user_favpics FROM cpg1410_favpics WHERE user_id = 1 (0.001s)
    [12] => DELETE FROM cpg1410_banned WHERE expiry < '2007-05-15 21:49:58' (0.001s)
    [13] => SELECT * FROM cpg1410_banned WHERE (ip_addr='' OR ip_addr='' OR user_id=1) AND brute_force=0 (0s)
    [14] => DELETE FROM cpg1410_users WHERE user_name = '' LIMIT 1 (0s)
    [15] => SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cpg1410_pictures WHERE approved = 'NO' (0s)
    [16] => SELECT count(*) FROM `photogallery`.cpg1410_users WHERE 1 (0s)
    [17] => SELECT user_id as user_id, user_name as user_name, user_email as user_email, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(user_regdate) as user_regdate, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(user_lastvisit) as user_lastvisit, user_active as user_active, COUNT(pid) as pic_count, ROUND(SUM(total_filesize)/1024) as disk_usage, group_name, group_quota FROM `photogallery`.cpg1410_users AS u INNER JOIN cpg1410_usergroups AS g ON u.user_group = g.group_id LEFT JOIN cpg1410_pictures AS p ON p.owner_id = u.user_id GROUP BY user_id ORDER BY user_regdate DESC LIMIT 0, 25; (0s)
    [18] => SELECT group_id, group_name FROM cpg1410_usergroups ORDER BY group_name (0s)



PHP version: 5.2.2 - OK
mySQL version: 5.0.41-community-nt
Coppermine version: 1.4.10(stable)
Module: GD
GD Version: bundled (2.0.34 compatible)
FreeType Support: 1
FreeType Linkage: with freetype
T1Lib Support: 1
GIF Read Support: 1
GIF Create Support: 1
JPG Support: 1
PNG Support: 1
WBMP Support: 1
XPM Support:
XBM Support: 1
JIS-mapped Japanese Font Support:

Module: mysql
MySQL Supportenabled
Active Persistent Links 0
Active Links 1
Client API version 5.0.37
Module: zlib
ZLib Support enabled
Stream Wrapper support compress.zlib://
Stream Filter support zlib.inflate, zlib.deflate
Compiled Version 1.2.3
Linked Version 1.2.3
Server restrictions (safe mode)?
Directive | Local Value | Master Value
safe_mode | Off | Off
safe_mode_exec_dir | no value | no value
safe_mode_gid | Off | Off
safe_mode_include_dir | no value | no value
safe_mode_exec_dir | no value | no value
sql.safe_mode | Off | Off
disable_functions | no value | no value
file_uploads | On | On
include_path | .;C:\php5\pear | .;C:\php5\pear
open_basedir | no value | no value
Directive | Local Value | Master Value
sendmail_from | no value | no value
sendmail_path | no value | no value
SMTP | localhost | localhost
smtp_port | 25 | 25
Size and Time
Directive | Local Value | Master Value
max_execution_time | 30 | 30
max_input_time | 60 | 60
upload_max_filesize | 2M | 2M
post_max_size | 8M | 8M
Page generated in 0.125 seconds - 19 queries in 0.008 seconds - Album set : ; Meta set: ;
Title: Re: Create New User Link doesn't work
Post by: Nibbler on May 16, 2007, 03:04:11 AM
Please post real links.
Title: Re: Create New User Link doesn't work
Post by: bgbearcatfan on May 16, 2007, 07:41:59 PM
My bad,
Title: Re: Create New User Link doesn't work
Post by: bgbearcatfan on May 18, 2007, 03:08:00 AM

Any ideas or suggestions?
Title: Re: Create New User Link doesn't work
Post by: Nibbler on May 18, 2007, 12:12:51 PM
I can't think of anything that could cause this. Have you tried a different browser or computer?
Title: Re: Create New User Link doesn't work
Post by: bgbearcatfan on May 18, 2007, 09:09:23 PM
Yah i tried IE 6 and IE7, and firefox.

I have full uninstallations, and reinstallations literally over 10 times.

My server is running windows 2003 with the following:

MySQL 5.0.41
PHP 5.2.2

Maybe a need to downgrade one of the above?

Thanks for your response
Title: Re: Create New User Link doesn't work
Post by: Nibbler on May 18, 2007, 09:20:28 PM
Should work on that, but I'm not familiar with windows servers.

The fact that I get the access denied message indicates the request got as far as Coppermine. Only thing I can suggest is that you start adding die() calls in various places in the code and try to track down the exact line that causes the problem.
Title: Re: Create New User Link doesn't work
Post by: zime on July 10, 2007, 12:01:29 AM
I had the same problem, and i found the problem is in table _users, infact field user_profile6 is NOT NULL but doesn't have any default (default is not allowed for TEXT and BLOB), i correct problem changing creation script:

  user_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  user_group int(11) NOT NULL default '2',
  user_active enum('YES','NO') NOT NULL default 'NO',
  user_name varchar(25) NOT NULL default '',
  user_password varchar(40) NOT NULL default '',
  user_lastvisit datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
  user_regdate datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
  user_group_list varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  user_email varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  user_profile1 varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  user_profile2 varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  user_profile3 varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  user_profile4 varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  user_profile5 varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  user_profile6 text NULL,
  user_actkey varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',

  PRIMARY KEY  (user_id),
  UNIQUE KEY user_name (user_name)
) TYPE=MyISAM COMMENT='Used to store users, not used when bridged';

Title: Re: Create New User Link doesn't work
Post by: Joachim Müller on July 10, 2007, 10:45:57 AM
You must be running an outdated version, this has been fixed long time ago. Upgrade!
Title: Re: Create New User Link doesn't work
Post by: zime on July 26, 2007, 01:14:13 PM
I made other check, and I found the problem is MySQL configuration.
If engine is INNODB and sql-mode="STRICT_TRANS_TABLES", is not possible to leave blank text field not null.
Solution is: alter table set field nullable or change engine to MyISAM or set sql-mode="" in .ini file
Title: Re: Create New User Link doesn't work
Post by: Joachim Müller on July 26, 2007, 03:39:09 PM
Modifying the mysql configuration is not an option for most users. That's why we have taken care of this by assigning default values whenever possible. We did so in previous maintenance releases. Those maintenance releases do not only fix this minor issue, but severe security vulnerabilities as well. That's why it's short-sighted to just doctor this minor issue on the mysql-side. Do as I suggested and upgrade your coppermine install. You will then not have to fiddle with your mysql tables manually as a nice side-effect of having your coppermine-version fixed.
Title: Re: Create New User Link doesn't work
Post by: zime on July 31, 2007, 05:22:20 PM
The version I installed is 1.4.12, i don't tink is outdated.  ;)
Title: Re: Create New User Link doesn't work
Post by: anthonym on August 03, 2007, 04:46:19 AM
I'm having this exact issue also. Running the latest version of coppermine on a Windows 2003 server but with Apache not IIS.
Title: Re: Create New User Link doesn't work
Post by: Nibbler on August 03, 2007, 10:08:27 AM
Don't run MySQL in strict mode then. It's not the default so don't enable it unless you are actually prepared to debug scripts.