Support => Looking for Freelancers / Paid help => Topic started by: Mattyboy33 on May 25, 2007, 10:22:40 AM

Title: Looking for UK based programmer for regular work
Post by: Mattyboy33 on May 25, 2007, 10:22:40 AM
I am looking for an experienced coppermine programmer to help evolve my integrated gallery. I have a monthly freelance budget which I want to use specifically to evolve my website and PHP programming experience in CMS (I am using PHP Fusion) would be advantageous as much of the work will include working with my gallery and my site members profiles.

The first upgrades centre generally around the Reader Gallery section of the site as this is the most used part. Here's the list of

* The opening page to the reader gallery is pretty poor, I would like the first page to be a 'Picture of the day' basically a random full resolution picture taken from the database which includes the member name, camera used and image title. Then a click through link to continue to the gallery.

* I would like to list all the reader galleries just by member name, sorted by an alphabetical table A-Z. This will make it much easier to navigate.

* Currently when you navigate though the galleries you use a numbered sequence. This is very clunky if you want to navigate page by page (you have to click page numbers) can we have a simple left and right arrow either site of the page numbers, also if this was also replicated on the top of the thumbnails it would make it easier for people who are viewing the page at lower resolutions (the bottom of the page including the current navigation bar is cropped off)

Would ideally like to use a UK based programmer, makes payment and contact easier.