I read the stickies at top and offered a few people the money they requested but they still have yet to get back with me.
I hope to have some arrangements made and plans set in motion before I leave work today.
The system admin here at my work is my host so any information you may need about my host I will have to get from him before we both leave.
Anyways I'm completely new to coppermine but i like it and I would love to have a gallery on my site!!
someone please message me soon, or you can email me at Lextc69 [AT] gmail [DOT] com | [Edit GauGau] Edited out your email into a format that makes it readable for humans, but nearly invisible for email harvesters [/edit]
Oops I don't know how to edit my post to take out my email, i just read the sticky. :o
Anyways I actually have two sites I would like coppermine installed on. I would like to do one at a time though.
Time I need it completed by does not matter, as long as I can get someone hired asap.
I see the prices for installation in the stickies above are from $5 - $10. So I am hoping to be in the same price range, I don't see why not.
Also I don't know exactly what customization is but I might consider it if you can show me some good examples of sites you have customized.
Not really looking for super wild customizations but we will see!
Thank you
My earlier thread didn't get any attention and I would like this done ASAP!
If you want the job you must show me an example of a gallery you have installed.
WoW $20? What's the catch!?
You have to chat with me via AIM or another instant message medium like Google Chat to help introduce me to Coppermine thought I feel it shouldn't be too difficult for me to pick up. Just Installation seems really scary and difficult to me. If you can customze it I will give you more money!
Also I plan on installing coppermine on another site in the near future, doing good on this site can pretty much garantee you another $20+ in the near future......
apparently I don't have Xcpanel so you will have to work around that.
I use www.hostmysite.com for one site and www.dreamhost.com for the other site that will be getting a coppermine gallery later on...
Let me know..
AdaptiveOD [at] G [mail] .com
Do you have full access to ftp and a domain control panel?
I will do it.. here is my latest install http://bretttelmanik.com/gallery (http://bretttelmanik.com/gallery)
Quote from: Adaptive on July 14, 2007, 03:34:04 AM
My earlier thread didn't get any attention
Don't double-post. Merged your new thread with the existing one.