I want my video to be displayed with DivX player insted of Windows one, so I've changed the
avi video/avi movie WMP
entry in cpg130_filetypes
avi video/avi movie DIVX
and that works fine, can see on
http://fabski.com/images/displayimage.php?album=topn&cat=12&pos=0, using the correct player (if installed).
but for some strange and unexplained reason, once in a while, the DB is "cleaned" and that entry is restored to WMP.
I've tried couple of time to change it and always same effect after couple of days/weeks...
Has anyone a clue on what could do that ???
I've check on the DB side, can't see any cron job or anything else that could do that kind of thing from the server side... but nothing...
Thanks for your help
Stop running update.php
I just ran it after the migration, never again... any other idea ?
The only way to change back the default value (WMP) is running update.php , may be someone else run it !!!
you can remove it for a while and see if its happen again ....
Also you must upgrade your gallery to most recent version (1.4.12 for now)
OK, I'll update and rename the script.... and we'll see.
thks for your contribution
All done, I'll check from time to time.
Would be a nice feature to be able to choose in the prefs which player will be used to view videos...
Install the filetypes plugin then. Marking as solved.
done.... but DivX is not in the "Associated Player" pull down !!!
can you update the plug-in ?
The options listed are the only players supported by Coppermine.
I see... any reason why not to support DivX ? it's quite popular those days....