There is already a mod for this but I can't get it to work and I am not sure if I am overlooking something or what the problem is. I know ffmpeg is installed and working properly because it creates the thumbnail, I also know video uploads work because I can upload videos - however
- I can only upload videos with the thumbnail generation turned off -
When I turn the thumbnail generation on, the thumbnail is generated, but the video does not get placed into the album
This is an urgent request and I beg for someone to help me!
Here is the current mod that seems to work for other people:
Please contact me via this board, via email:
Note: I am reliable with payment/etc, I have already paid foulu for 3 seperate jobs on custom coppermine plugins!
wow - seems like you can't get any freelance work here from anyone other than foulu - he took care of this for me - thanks again foulu!
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