Well iv been n this now for three days and im ready for quiting,,
Need some help to put coppermine on line and reay from me to
Please help,,
read board rules (http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php?topic=8170.0) first please !
All i need is advice,,
im not a computer wizkid,, i can do photoshop, illustrator,,
but not coding, iv read the tutorials but i dont understand them,,
i could do with a step by step tutorial. :'(
im despratly in need of a gallery for my wifes website
iv tried gallery 1 & 2 but they never answer Q you send ,, :'(
Isn't this (http://coppermine-gallery.net/demo/cpg14x/docs/index.htm#how) helpful?
Btw: You have posted in paid support board. That means you are ready to hire someone to do the job for you. Is it? If yes then read the board rules as suggested by Frantz. If no then let us know and we will move the thread accordingly.
its ok im not going to bother now as its to much hassle ,,
Also found the suport was not upto scratch,, and not very helpful
sending me to the same link all the time with out any help
iv found another program that worked straight away,,
thanks anyway,,