I'm the owner of topic "Solving center of Coppermine ~\(^_^)/~ (http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php?topic=39514.0)". I just change my use email and I want to change it in my topic, too. But now the topic was lock so I cant edit my post to change. Because of that, I need an admin help to change my email in my post to the new one.
old mail: foulu_bk@yahoo.com
new mail: kak@amfcvn.net
Changed the email as requested.
Quote from: GauGau on October 09, 2007, 03:35:18 PM
I don't think that it's a good idea to display your email address in the link, as it is spiderable and will probably result in a huge increase of spam for your email address. I suggest adding a link to your home page instead (maybe the contact form).
As suggested in the other thread: it's not a bright idea at all to display any type of email address on a publicly accessible internet page, as email harvesters will collect your new email address as well. They will sell your address to those spammmer-jerks we all hate so much. As a result, your new email address is going to be flooded with unwanted ads. Unless you really need those pharmaceutical products, real estate bargains and whatever those spam emails are about, just don't display your email address publicly, or at least disguise it like this:
kak AT amfcvn DOT netBest option still is a bullet-proof contact form.