Hi, I give up.
I'd like to move the File Information table from below the thumbnail and ratings strips to the right of the Intermediate image.
I can't find the template to do this, please help.
You need to play with theme_display_image function
here is the part that you should check
$picinfo = isset($_COOKIE['picinfo']) ? $_COOKIE['picinfo'] : ($CONFIG['display_pic_info'] ? 'block' : 'none');
echo "<div id=\"picinfo\" style=\"display: $picinfo;\">\n";
echo $pic_info;
echo "</div>\n";
aha thanks. OK now I found a reference to it but only in the sample/theme.php but not in ..hardwired/theme.php, so I assume I copy the code into the right theme.php but I can't find any reference to the image placement table in hardwired/theme.php.
Yes you are correct , you need to copy that function from sample/theme.php to your theme.php
Also you need to copy
$template_display_media variable from sample/theme.php to your theme.php
then you can play with picture ({IMAGE}) position
G'day again, thanks for that. I've looked at it and can see both codes to move over but think the knowledge to shift it beside the 'image' is beyond me ??? so I probably shouldn't be wasting your time. I'll see if I can find somebody who knows more than me (not hard) to do it for me. :'( Thanks again, you guys are a marvel taking the time to help others. It's a great gallery. Adrian (Australia)