Support => cpg1.4.x Support => Older/other versions => cpg1.4 miscellaneous => Topic started by: 829 on November 15, 2007, 09:14:44 PM

Title: Subfolders
Post by: 829 on November 15, 2007, 09:14:44 PM
During some recent host changes, I went from Coppermine to Gallery2 and back to Coppermine. After being on Coppermine for so long, I just hated gallery2.

My question is, the one thing I liked about G2 was being able to make sub folders, is this possible with Coppermine without a lot of modification? I did a search for sub and subfolders, but maybe I am searching for the wrong thing?

I want to be able to have a Family folder with the different Family members in that folder, then break out from there with their own topics.

For Example:

   |                               |                        |
Florida Vacation            Hiking Trip             ETC

Thank you.
Title: Re: Subfolders
Post by: 829 on November 15, 2007, 09:23:15 PM
* Did not see an edit button.

I should note, I have a Category called family.
Title: Re: Subfolders
Post by: Nibbler on November 15, 2007, 09:43:19 PM
They are called subalbums, and they are not supported. You should be able to do what you want with simple subcategories however.
Title: Re: Subfolders
Post by: 829 on November 15, 2007, 09:52:16 PM
Thank you for the reply.

Can you comment on if they will be supported in an upcoming version?

Unless I give each of the family members administrator privilege, they will not be able to make subcategories.
Title: Re: Subfolders
Post by: Joachim Müller on November 16, 2007, 08:24:12 AM
That's correct. However non-admins are not allowed to create albums in public albums either.
Sub-albums are hard to implement, given coppermine's core design, that's why it's impossible to say if it is going to go into a future release. I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for that feature.