Hi all!
I have this problem when I use this MOD:
My gallery here:
I don't know what a problem. If I use original functions.inc.php, then not problem. I don't understand what a problem, because after change to MOD, then IE can save only Untitled.bmp. MOD was worked, but at today I try save a picture, but I cannot download with original filename and type.
Update: I don't know what a problem... If I install Download and Alternate File Loading v1.3 plugin without watermark MOD, then I get same problem: I cannot save real name and type in IE7... If not installed any image manipulation MOD or plugin, then no problem... ???
News: If try download picture with Free Download Manager, then I get link this: http://
and no more... ???
If view source code in IE, I get this end of source:
" <td align="left"><img src="themes/noteBored/images/crayonEnd.gif" border="0"></td>
<!-- END home -->"
No more. Under Firefox I get more source code...
I tried with this link:
Quote from: mykee on November 22, 2007, 09:01:04 AM
News: If try download picture with Free Download Manager, then I get link this: http://
and no more... ???
If view source code in IE, I get this end of source:
" <td align="left"><img src="themes/noteBored/images/crayonEnd.gif" border="0"></td>
<!-- END home -->"
No more. Under Firefox I get more source code...
Source code OK now under IE, but FDM get http:// link only...
I remember: this MOD and Save as worked under 1.4.12 with IE, but with 1.4.13 not... Security update was changed functions.inc.php? Or other files? ::)
I tried my site with IE6 and IE7, other places and computers... Under Firefox is ok, bug under IE versions.
News: If disable plugins, then Watermarks plugin works... I see what plugin incompatible...
I found!!!!!!!!!!!
If I removed Captcha 2.0 version plugin, then filename & type works!!!
Captcha 3.0 version is not working well with my theme or gallery.. I don't use Captcha if incompatible with my watermark.
>:( I get a more spam, when unloaded Captcha plugin. >:(
Why not compatible Watermark MOD and Captcha plugin???
I disabled comments for all users on my gallery. >:(
Ok, Use watermark plugin with captcha this:
- use Captcha 3.0 (2.x version not compatible with watermark MOD)
- Captcha plugin will be second place of plugins list
Watermarked saving work under IE, and correct under Firefox.
Issue solved then?
Yes, solved.