Support => Looking for Freelancers / Paid help => Topic started by: bprice on December 06, 2007, 04:38:04 PM

Title: [Closed]: Coppermine / Joomla Integration
Post by: bprice on December 06, 2007, 04:38:04 PM

We are looking for someone who can

1) Integrate Coppermine (including registrations, logins, etc.) with our beta Joomla-based site (back-end integration). Coppermine content should be available from within Joomla so that the images and videos can be used by authors, editors, publishers, etc.

2) Potentially, keep the two updated in terms of patches, security fixes, and the like.

3) Front-end look and feel integration between the two for visual consistency. This could well be a second project with a different vendor, template development is not your thing.

There is room for regular future work as we build out the site into a community portal, although we are a non-profit rather than a commerical entity, so we'll need to consider quotes carefully.

contact via chronique_editor "at" yahoo dot com.
Brian R. Price,

Title: Re: Coppermine / Joomla Integration
Post by: bprice on December 06, 2007, 05:12:56 PM
Although I'd rather have a quote, my guess is that this is worth about $200 to have it done right, but we'd like to have it done before 12/13, if possible.

Title: Re: Coppermine / Joomla Integration
Post by: Cynos on December 09, 2007, 02:09:30 PM
salut !
integrate coppermine into joomla is simple, did you try medhi bridge ?
It's easy to do: (

1/ create a folder for your coppermine instalation in the same nivel as your joomla site
2/ install coppermine in the same bdd
3/ install the bridge componment
4/ link the url of coppermine into your joomla
5/ upload the mentionned files
6/ replace the hacked files
7/ use the bridge tool of your coppermine instalation (you will see a new joomla bridge)
8/ use the css integrator

it's done, your coppermine use the same rights as your joomla, and it's totaly integrated onto your joomla.
you can upgrade only your joomla, or only your coppermine if needed, juste desactivate the bridge when you do that.

see an exemple in a beta site: here (

hope it helps
(sorry for my englis, I'm french)
...  ;)