Hi, guys! ;D
My gallery has broken today! I in a shock, can understand nothing. Yesterday all was normal, and today: Fatal error! My website: www.avril-gallery.ru
I hope for your help! :)
enable debbug mode to have the entire error message http://coppermine-gallery.net/tutorial/debug_mode.php (http://coppermine-gallery.net/tutorial/debug_mode.php)
While executing query "delete from `avrilga_avrilindexru`.cpg1411_sessions where time<1198057841 and remember=0;" on Resource id #6
mySQL error: Table './avrilga_avrilindexru/cpg1411_sessions' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
What is it? ???
QuotemySQL error: Table './avrilga_avrilindexru/cpg1411_sessions' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
your sessions table has a problem, you must repear it via phpmyadmin