I'm looking for a coder who can do the following:
Scenario (Everything as per usual): Log into gallery > go to My Album (any album, not important which).
On Thumbs Page, I would like an export button for each image that is loaded into the gallery.
Upon clicking on the export icon, I want the original hi-res file exported to the users "export directory" located on the same server but in the ftp accounts.
If the users "export directory" does not exist within the designated "parent directory" where the "export directories" are located, then it should be automatically created using the users login name as the default "user directory" name.
1. The export-user-directory in which the images are exported to "does not" have to be visible in Coppermine. As long as the image is exported across to the "Export_Directory".... Then that is enough.
2. After clicking on the "Export" Icon, I would like some kind of confirmation that the image has actually been copied across?? A simple pop-up would be enough.
3. The "export_directory" which is created if does_not_exist should have file permissions of 0755
I hope that all made sense?
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.
As far as payment is concerned, I'm happy to pay a fair rate and am open to offers?