Hi All
I have a client whose site is at universaldancedestiny DOT com - click on Photo Gallery and you can see how it is setup. I am trying to set her up with a new Content Management System for her site, and wanted to simply add more photos to her gallery, as well as try to setup the gallery into a wrapper for the CMS. Just managing the gallery is confusing me already. If I could just get the photos uploaded and figure out the installation I could do the rest myself.
The client asked me to add some more recent photos to her site and create an album. As you can see from the link above, the latest album is the April 2007 Ordway event, but even though I've uploaded files I'm failing to have the photos show up.
This setup appears to be a custom solution of Coppermine install of earlier than 1.4 (not positive about that), along with some other .php solution. The main Coppermine setup exists at /cpg-ugallery. I hav logged in and tried to tried to follow the Coppermine documentation to upload photos and manage albums, I cannot seem to understand what is connecting with what!
Upon further inspection of the ftp server files, I see that there is also a folder called 'gallery' which contains the distribution for SPGM (Simple Photo Gallery Manager). The photo.php file indicates an include pointing to this SPGM script, though how I can manage the photo gallery is beyond me.
I asked the client if she retained any information from the previous webmaster, but alas he is no longer available to contact. I decided to take matters into my own hands and do a clean new install of Coppermine (through her CPanel Fantastico setup), and the new gallery setup is at /cgallery.
I am willing to pay for someone to look into the setup of the existing /cpg-ugallery as presented in photo.php, and identify my main issue and possible solutions, so that I can perhaps avoid using this latest install, or if perhaps I can combine the SPGM setup and flavors to be used with the new /cgallery install.
I estimate this may take a hour or so to look through and the solution may take another hour or more. I'm willing to pay $20 per hour to get this done.
At this point I'm just interested in getting this fixed and I have no desire to really fiddle through and try to understand the complexity of this setup. Not that I think Coppermine seems complex... it's just the combination of it and the SPGM that is befuddling me!
I estimate 2-3 hours tops for this, could be less time (?) and I have the funds today if needed. I can provide gallery login/ftp credentials to whomever is interested.
Can't seem to find where to modify this post. I wanted to change the title, I just realized that it didn't seem very clear.
The Help documenation on this forum mentions using "modify" to edit posts but I don't see that! Perhaps you all have it set to lapse after a few minutes? Weird.
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