I have the following issue when trying to bridge coppermine and Joomla 1.5:
[The bridge file bridge/joomla15.inc.php doesn't exist on the server. Check if you have actually uploaded it.]
Coppermine install: http://graphicshaven.net/gallery/
Forum install: http://graphicshaven.net/forums/
Coppermine version: 1.4.12
Forum version: phpbb 3
Test user account: test / 1234
BridgeManager settings:
Forum URL: http://graphicshaven.net/forums
Relative path to your BBS's config file: ../bla/ <--- I don't know :(
Use post-based groups?: 0
Cookie name/preifx (if applicable)
I'm looking at the joomla15.inc.php in /coppermine/bridge dont know why its not working.
you are probably looking at '/home/uposer11/public_html/coppermine/bridge/joomla.inc.php ' as your server says when visiting your gallery?
'bridge/joomla15.inc.php ' does not exist on your server!
Quote from: deadglory on February 18, 2008, 09:51:07 PM
Relative path to your BBS's config file: ../bla/ <--- I don't know :(
Should be
Paying anyone willing to setup bridging to my phpbb 3 forum with coppermine 25$ USD, if you interested in helping, please email me at jeff_s@wi.rr.com.
Moving your thread from bridging to paid support. Read the sticky there. Posting your email is not a bright idea.