Hello, I am running CPG V1.4.16 with the Ijames skin/template. I am trying to add an "AddThis" social bookmarking sharing button to all pages. It is basically a javascript.
The problem I am facing is this:
1. Do I use anycontent.php?
2. I already have anycontent in "The Content of the main page", do I add it twice?
Example: breadcrumb/catlist/alblist/random,2/anycontent/lastup,2/onlinestats/anycontent
3. Similar to "Random files", "Welcome", "Last addition", and "Online Today", I will like to add "Social Bookmarking" on "table1a-bg-middle.gif" and immediate below it put my "AddThis" button.
anycontent.php is not on all pages. Add the code into your theme's template.html.
Thanks, however I do have a follow-up question. In my template.html, I have my Google Adsense directly below:
<div id="SYS_MENU">
A visual image is at http://www.hairnations.com
My problem: I am not sure where to place my "AddThis.com" javascript. I will like to have it center align and very close to the footer.
That's just plain HTML know-how. Add that whereever you want it to display, e.g. directly before the closing </body>-tag. To center-align, wrap that stuff into a corresponding HTML-tag (it's your choice if you want to use <center>, <div align="center"> or <div style="text-align:center">). We can't/won't teach you HTML basics, simply because that's beyond the scope of this board.
Thanks, however you don't need to break a blood vessel.
Thanks, Nibbler and Joachim. I guess I deserved the negative karma. My problem (non problem) was so simple that it took me less than a minute to implement. I will be more careful next time.