Support => Looking for Freelancers / Paid help => Topic started by: tinorebel on February 25, 2008, 11:51:15 AM

Title: [Done]: Photostock improvement: Direct Download
Post by: tinorebel on February 25, 2008, 11:51:15 AM
Hallo to all the coppermine team and friends.
I'm posting here because I'm willing to run a photostock site with full funcionality.
I'm not shure this is possible with coppermine, but I think maby some clever developer could find a solution:

My need is to offer customers inmediate download of big image files after they buy the image.
I mean 2, 3 or 4 Mb pictures in Jpeg or other format.

Actually I'm using a photo shop mod by stramm wich gives a nice option to buy trough paypal.
At the moment I just keep low res pictures on my site. (
I would like to offer visitors posibility to buy and download immediatly the pictures, with a corresponding licence.

Since I dont know if this is possible or how to do it, I dont have any idea of how much it coud cost to hire a developer to do this.

If someone hase any idea, suggestion or dubit, write an answer in here.

Thanks for your attention.
Have a good time.

Title: Re: Photostock improvement: Direct Download
Post by: tinorebel on February 25, 2008, 06:10:24 PM
OI just read the stiky  :o
Well, obout the budget I can offer, it depends on how well the whole job is done.
I think realizing what I have in mind is quite complicated.

In fact, I would need an automatized process to handle the whole task:

-Pricing photos in diferent ways (already acomplished using photos hop by stramm)
-Redirecting buyer to download page (?) OR Giving buyer a code to axess full size image.
-Give an invoice to the biyer with the licence agreement (this is the easiest thing)

I intend this job should require at least 3-5 days of an expirienced developer.
I guess a day of work is to be rewarded with at least one hundred dollars.

Lets say I would be disposed to offer oround 300 - 400 dollars.
The timeschedule should be ASAP >As soon as possible>
At least the proyect should be clarified quickly.
Title: Re: Photostock improvement: Direct Download
Post by: foulu on February 25, 2008, 10:54:58 PM
check your PM, I send one to you.
Title: Re: Photostock improvement: Direct Download
Post by: tinorebel on April 25, 2008, 06:51:55 PM
The thing is been done.
Cane rate this thread as CLOSED
thanks :)