I've had a good search here and in the FAQ for this problem.
My site is here: http://moments.misplaced.co.uk/caps/
I've recently moved servers, I uploaded the same files of coppermine as I had before, the database and images and for some reason when you click to view the full size image (which I have set to do directly from the thumbnails) the image opens up in a tiny pop up so you have to enlarge it yourself. This only happens in IE, in FF it's fine.
I've also attached the screenshot of the size it opens.
I've tried a few things, myself but not having much knowledge I'm not comfortable playing around too much. Any help is much appreciated :)
The width and height parameters in the popup code are empty. Post your code.
Which file is the code for that in?
It's wherever you added it.
Ah sorry, I didn't know it was something I added.
I think it might be this line
$detailsLink = $CONFIG['vote_details'] ? ' (<a href="#" onclick="MM_openBrWindow(\'stat_details.php?type=vote&pid='.$CURRENT_PIC_DATA['pid'].'&sort=sdate&dir=&sdate=1&ip=1&rating=1&referer=1&browser=1&os=1\',\'\',\'resizable=yes,width='.$width.',height='.$height.',top=50,left=50,scrollbars=yes\'); return false;">'.$lang_picinfo['details'].'</a>)' : '';
That's from displayimage.php
No, that's not it.
You need to update your gallery anyway.
This one?
'{LINK_TGT}' => "javascript:;\" onClick=\"MM_openBrWindow('displayimage.php?pid={$thumb['pid']}&fullsize=1','" . uniqid(rand()) . "','scrollbars=yes,toolbar=yes,status=yes,resizable=yes,width={$thumb['pwidth']},height={$thumb['pheight']}')",
I will update it this weekend then :)
You need to modify include/functions.inc.php
$thumb_list[$i]['aid'] = $row['aid'];
after it, add in
$thumb_list[$i]['pwidth'] = $row['pwidth'];
$thumb_list[$i]['pheight'] = $row['pheight'];
Edit: fixed typo
Thank you so much, it's all working now :)
Really grateful for your help.
arking as "solved" then. Remember that you need to upgrade asap!