At present, registered users can only upload pictures into the public categories/albums.
Want to be able to allow registered users to be able to upload public categories and albums like administrator, except that once it is upload, it cannot be modified/edited except by admin.
I hope that this is clear enough for bidders of this project. :)
And I also hope that this is easily done and possible, with the tweaking of some template files.
Code to be replaced should be finished by bidder before payment and payment will be immediate once code replacement is implemented successfully.
Will pay $30 for this small project (just one feature tweak)
Look forward to seeing bidders
It's not that small of a feature, a lot of the core code has to be modified to do that.
In CPG 1.5.x, this feature will be built in.
Quote from: deslim80 on March 18, 2008, 09:40:46 PM
And I also hope that this is easily done and possible, with the tweaking of some template files.
Nope, not easy - not at all. Not just a question of some beautification of the template. As SaWey suggested: you will hardly find someone who will do this, particularly not for this budget. I wouldn't do it for $300.
Has been requested very often already. If it would have been easy, someone would already have accomplished it, or we would have added it to the core long time ago. As suggested, you'll have to wait for cpg1.5.x or hire a freelancer to backport the feature from cpg1.5.x to cpg1.4.x. Anyway, the budget is way to small for the amount of work kthat needs to be done.
Thanks for the reply!
Well, guess it wouldn't be a small matter after all. :(
So when will 1.5 come out? I can't wait for this feature to be implemented, believe that it is a good one.
There is no scheduled release date for cpg1.5.x