Support => Looking for Freelancers / Paid help => Topic started by: labro on May 06, 2008, 06:59:57 AM

Title: need a Flickr or Lightroom standard galery theme
Post by: labro on May 06, 2008, 06:59:57 AM
I need a standard galery like the ones created by Lightroom,... or similar to the ones of Flickr (but without more beautiful background colors !)

I have very little experience with Dreamwaver (not enough to create a whole site or edit existing themes) and I find the available themes beautiful but "similar". I mean that replacing a flower with Hulk doesn't add an interesting feature like a filmstrip/thumbnail,...

My needs are :

1. A homepage like the ones given in the different themes of Coppermine but, if possible :
* possibility to remove all infos I don't need (favorites, forum, lins,last posted,...).
* possibility to remove albums infos on right (number of albums, pictures, visits,...) to allow a matrix (ie : 6x6) of albums LIKE FLICKR.
Like that, 36 albums can be put on same homepage

2. when I select an album, same standard galery screen than the ones generated by Photoshop Bridge or Lightroom or Flickr. I mean a full size (ie:800x600 or 1024x768) picture on left (no need to click on an image to have full screen) with a thumbnail (ie: 4 rowsx3colums) on right
with arrows to go to previous next thumbnails. You need lot of screens and operations in Coppermine to open the album, find the picture and zoom at full size

3. Possibility to select the color of each album background separately (ie : for animals album, big picture and thumbnail on a blue background,...)

Can't Coppermine staff implement such a "Flickr" standard theme ?

Otherwise, can somebody quote for this custom ?

Thanks for help
Best regards
Title: Re: need a Flickr or Lightroom standard galery theme
Post by: Joachim Müller on May 06, 2008, 08:05:59 AM
This is the paid support board. Read the sticky thread here and do as suggested. There is no free meal here, nor are we anyone's coding slaves.

Joachim >:(
Title: Re: need a Flickr or Lightroom standard galery theme
Post by: labro on May 07, 2008, 05:25:24 AM
Hallo Joachim,
Sorry but I don't understand.
I have seen in this category people like VEE quoting for custom themes, so I have the feeling to be in the right category and I asked for a quotation.
On the other hand, I felt a good idea that Coppermine galery has in its shelf in a future update the possibility to implement a standard galery like the ones we could found with Porta, Flickr or Lightroom BUT WITH THE POWER AND SECURITY OF COPPERMINE. As indicated earlier, in my mind, you go to my site, clic on an album and the first image appears at full size on left and thumbnails on right. Only one clic instead of two, three, four screens/clicks in coppermine to have same result.

Best regards
Title: Re: need a Flickr or Lightroom standard galery theme
Post by: Joachim Müller on May 07, 2008, 07:20:24 AM
Whatever... I told you to read the sticky thread "sub-board rules, read first! (,8170.0.html)" and do as suggested there. From that thread:
Quote from: Joachim Müller on July 22, 2004, 10:32:01 AMDetails needed
It's advisable to post the budget you're ready to spend, the time schedule you have in mind and as many details as possible on the customization you need - a link to your page is almost mandatory.
I can't see a link to your existing gallery, nor have you posted your budget. What you request can be done as a customization.

Quote from: labro on May 06, 2008, 06:59:57 AM
Can't Coppermine staff implement such a "Flickr" standard theme ?
No, we respect copyrights and intelectual properties, so we won't create a Flickr mock-up. We're not your coding slaves, nor are we thieves.
Title: Re: need a Flickr or Lightroom standard galery theme
Post by: labro on May 07, 2008, 08:26:32 AM
Hi Joachim,
I am going to reformulate my needs but generally we don't specify the max money but ask for a quotation for a specified job which, in this case is a flickr look. My link is

I never considered you as coding slave. I appreciate your work a lot. I just mentioned that all themes are very similar (I mean a different look but same basic features). Only filmstrip has a new feature but not optimized (arrows,... hard to add when we are not skilled in dreaweaver).

I don't say you "must" copy flickr. I just say that :
- it could be possible, as on flickr, to have a matrix of up to 6x6 albums on a same page with number of pages below each album picture
- most galeries (adobe photoshop, elements, lightroom, breezesys,flickr,porta,...) use same template
(html or flash) with a big picture on left (or right) and 4x4 or more thumbnails on right with ARROWS. The most important is we don't need to click to have full size.
I just find it is a pity one theme doesn't have this "standard" template.

Sorry for misunderstanding
Best regards
Title: Re: need a Flickr or Lightroom standard galery theme
Post by: Joachim Müller on May 07, 2008, 08:33:17 AM
Before doing anything else it's mandatory that you upgrade your site: you're currently running cpg1.4.14, while the most recent stable release currently is cpg1.4.18. All versions before cpg1.4.18 contain a severe security flaw that is actively being exploited. Upgrade!