Site: ( Index and Gallery are SFW as long as you don't login.
CPG 1.4.16 hand fixed to .17 and .18 – bridge to SMF 1.1.5
Apache, PHP 5.2.4, GD 2, hash support (No Perl!)
ToDo: Install a MD5 checksum tool (I have Flash/Videos only so it's not as useless as for jpegs)
Problem: My users can't remember all (>700) Videos in the gallery and therefore upload the same stuff over and over again.
What I'd like to have: [Edit GauGau] Replaced hotlink with attachment [/Edit]
(all existing files in the gallery have the thumb_$name thumbnail)
Keep in mind that all files already on the server need MD5 string to.
basis for negotiation: around 15 US$ (Paypal only)
Someone tell me if it’s a money issue or if it’s just too hard? I have no idea how much work this is going to be for a pro and what I should pay for her/his services o.o
A lot of coding needed. I wouldn't do it for so little money. Even a budget of $150 would be too small imo.