I use 'Fullsize Access' plugin (http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php/topic,36322.0.html (http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php/topic,36322.0.html)).
to restrict access to the fullsize image and to add a download link.
what i want to do is:
- limit the number of downloads per registered user to something like 20 images a month for example.
- i want to be able to easily configure that number and have a different number per usergroup.
- i'd like to see the number of downloads for each image under the thumbnails and in the intermediate image view.
- if possible, in the 'User Manager' section (in admin mode) i'd like to see the number of images downloaded by each user.
- and finally (i think :)), i'd like the user to see how many images he/she downloaded, and how many left for current month in his profile and in the main page.
my site is : http://www.rebel-station.org (http://www.rebel-station.org)
i don't have a fixed budget and i have no idea how complicated this is to do,
so í'll pay any reasonable amount, if anyone is interested PM me.
Thank you.
foulu took care of it and did a fantastic job.
You can close this thread.
thank you,