I am looking to get coppermine installed PROPERLY lol I cannot get it to work through fantastico. I have a website ClevelandChildren.org and I need ( basic fruity theme , or better) it installed and tested so that I can upload images. I want people to be able to visit and print out the pictures, or save them if they want. I want these of course categorized ( I can add different categories, once I know it is working with proper instructions of course. ) I would also like advertisement banners, for Adbrite.com if possible added top bottom and sides? I am lookiing for something similar to coloringbookfun.com and I do not want to spend more than $20 that is why I wanted coppermine, but cannot get it to work?? I am a very poor inner city school art teacher, any help is greatly appreciated, I just want my future students to be able to visit my website to download printable material and examples of artwork? Thanks
my email is bloesinger@gmail.com if you can help PLEASE contact me ASAP!!!!!! thanks and God Bless. :)
ok I got it "installed" now I am looking for someone to add ADBRITE banners to the TOP and BOTTOM for me?? thank you if you are interested I can pay you with paypal bloesinger@gmail.com thanks
Edit themes/yourtheme/template.html for JavaScript-driven adverts. Just paste the code you got from Adbrite's affiliate site into the section where you want the ads to turn up.
It's not a bright idea to post your email address here, see "sub-board rules, read first! (http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php/topic,8170.0.html)"
sorry I just need help. I am new at this can you please explain again slower...lol I do not quite understand?? Can you please give steps? Thank you for your reply
Quote from: Joachim Müller on August 01, 2008, 08:19:24 AM
Edit themes/yourtheme/template.html for JavaScript-driven adverts. Just paste the code you got from Adbrite's affiliate site into the section where you want the ads to turn up.
Connect to your ftp server and edit the file "themes/
yourtheme/template.html", where "yourtheme" is the name of the theme you use ::)
In the 'template.html' you can see some basic html with placeholders. Just add the code you got from Adbrite to the section where you want the ads to turn up.
Was this slow enough?
PM me, if you don't know what to do, you have ftp access to your files and are willing to pay for this basic thing....