hi guys,
i like to show the intermediate picsize when i click on a embedded album on my website.
where in the cpmftechcode do i have to change the code to edit that the fullsize will not longer linked?
What version of cpmFetch you are using?
The actual code you used?
PYI, CpmFetch 2.0.0 have imagelink in intermediate picture by default.
function highSlideSettings() {
global $mainframe;
$this->cfOptions['linktemplate'] = $this->objCfExt->cfg['cpg_url'].'displayimage.php?pos=-{{pPid}}" title="{{pTitle}}" class="highslide" onclick="return hs.expand(this,{src: \''.$this->objCfExt->cfg['cpg_url'].'albums/{{pFilepath}}{{pFilename}}\', slideshowGroup: \''.$this->cfGroupId.'\'})';
just solved it by insert _normal in the cfPWrapper.php from my joomla plugin folder.