Support => Looking for Freelancers / Paid help => Topic started by: WebTrooper on October 20, 2008, 10:20:19 AM

Title: [Closed]: Need some core hacking involving Joomla with CB...
Post by: WebTrooper on October 20, 2008, 10:20:19 AM
My setup is Joomla 1.0.15, CB 1.2 RC2, and Mehdi's Coppermine bridge (

What I need done is twofold: Create a new album for new users, and have a CP tab with some of that users photos.

The primary mission is to create an album for a new user on registration, named for that user. So when TestUser creates an account, an album /Gallery/TestUser is created. Of course, it should belong to that user.

Ideally, 'Create/order my albums', and 'Modify my albums' could be disabled, but if that's not possible I remove those buttons from the template. Simply disabling personal albums from the backend also disables the user from uploading photos to their album.

'Sort my pictures' would have to be hacked to remove the select album option - I'm guessing by making the drop-down a hidden field, with the user's album already selected.

The second task would be to create a CB tab with that users photos. The CP tab could be complex or fairly simple, and I'm open to options. The simplest form would be a few random photos, while more complex might include pagination and mootools (lightbox, thickbox..) effects. But be carful of conflicts with javascript conflicts! ;)

I can make a backup of my site and give full access to it, as it's still in developement. However, I'll need to know how long you'll be working on it, so I can plan my own schedule.

My budget for this is $200. I don't know if that's a high or a low amount, but it's what I can afford. Time is of essence, as I have to get on with developing my website. If I don't get any serious response in a couple of days, I'm gonna have to move on.

The website is

I'm subscribed to this thread and will be sure to follow up on any offers.


Title: Re: Need some core hacking involving Joomla with CB...
Post by: WebTrooper on October 21, 2008, 05:35:25 PM
I have someone working on it.   ;D