I have a phpbb (2.0.22) web forum - www.paddle-fishing-forum.com
I have Coppermine (1.4.19) available to me as part of the hosting package.
What I need is someone who can install it and make the bridge work. I'd like Coppermine to be fully integrated into the forum so that members only have to log in to the forum, not both, if that is possible,
It would be great if that someone knew both phpbb and Copermine as I have some other stuff I'd like to do on the forum.
PM or respond here, please.
What you are asking is actually really quite simple. If you are able to follow a few basic instructions and use an ftp app then there is no reason why you shouldn't tackle this yourself. It shouldn't take you more than an hour and if you have any problems then ask the questions in the right section of the forum and you will surely get all the help you need.
When you say you can have coppermine 1.4.19 as part of your hosting package I assume you are saying there is a built in installer. If there is, igonre it and install using the docs on here.
Thanks Phill. I'm don't mean to sound snotty but that is easier said than done. I want someone who can do it for me. I don't want to learn any new tricks.
The only things to do are:
- install cpg
- bridge cpg with phpbb
Quote from: rik-pf on October 27, 2008, 11:06:50 PM
Thanks Phill. I'm don't mean to sound snotty but that is easier said than done. I want someone who can do it for me. I don't want to learn any new tricks.
The problem with this kind of attitude is that you're going to run into issues later, when running and maintaining the gallery: if you haven't installed it in the first place, you won't have enough information how to operate it. Think of the need to install it on your own as a ticket that allows you to enter the world of coppermine.
Look, we're not trying to put you down: I have seen requests similar to yours many times already. Let's assume that you will find someone who will perform the install for you for a few bucks. That type of freelancer who would perform such a job can hardly be called a skilled person - they know just a few things more than you because they read the short instructions in the docs. I'm pretty sure that if you get the initial install done by the freelancer you're looking for, you will return here in no time and will have more questions. The next issue you will run into will be the next upgrade of coppermine - if you're too lazy to perform the install for yourself, you won't be able to perform an upgrade. What then? Are you going to pay someone each time you need maintenance work to be performed?
The other reason why hiring a freelancer to perform an initial install is a bad idea is the amount of work you will have to perform by yourself no matter what: you will have to provide details to the freelancer to enable him to perform the job that are quite hard to obtain for a complete newbie (FTP access data, mysql database connection data). If you manage to find them out (the freelancer won't be able to help you with this, as this entirely depends on your webhosting contract and webserver setup), you already have performed the hard part for yourself. Entering the data you need to collect into the corresponding fields (the FTP access data into the form fields of your favorite FTP app, the mysql data into the form fields of the installer) is really very easy - in fact it's money for nothing.
This being said, you're of course welcome to continue looking for a freelancer, but I really have to warn you that it's not a bright idea to have this done by someone else.
P.S. Next time you start a thread, please use a better subject and reespect the board rules and the special instructions for postings on this very sub board that are being given in the sticky thread on this board named "sub-board rules, read first! (http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php/topic,8170.0.html)". This is for your own good, trust me.
Skip this request.
I figured I'd get some support here, not a bunch of finger shaking.
You get support if you ask actual questions on the regular support board. You haven't done that. You posted on the freelancer board, asking to be spoon-fed. All I did was to tell you that it's not a good idea to do that. Toddlers get spoon-fed. Grown-ups shouldn't ask to be spoon-fed.
Anyway, I'll mark your request as "closed".
Quote from: Joachim Müller on October 31, 2008, 05:01:13 PM
Toddlers get spoon-fed. Grown-ups shouldn't ask to be spoon-fed.
Gee, you're such a pleasant guy.
There was a reason I skipped the support forums - I wasn't looking for support, I was looking to pay someone to do it for me. Nor did I even come close to asking to be spoon fed. I was looking to pay someone to provide a service. What is so wrong with that?
Though you may not realize this, some folks that use Coppermine are doing so on hobby or side line sites. I have a full time job in a completly unrelated field. I have neither the time nor the inclination to learn all about Coppermine.
Yes, this Coppermine stuff may be easy for you. In my line of work, the work is easy for me. That is why people pay me to do it when, if they desired to study, practice and become proficient, they could most likely do it themselves.