Support => Looking for Freelancers / Paid help => Topic started by: spireart on November 05, 2008, 01:57:04 PM

Title: Developer required: customised template - automated creation of new galleries -
Post by: spireart on November 05, 2008, 01:57:04 PM

I am building an art website that allows for multiple users to display and sell their work. My e-comm has been developed, my developer suggested I use Coppermine to create the galleries for users (such as schools & art groups) to display their work. Please reply if you can assist me in the following areas:

1. I require initially one gallery template to be customised for me, I can show an example of an existing gallery as to what I require.

2. A solution to: I want users such as art groups/art schools to maintain and manage their own gallery and monitor their own content. I do not want to be responsible for overseeing all images etc that are uploaded. It was suggested that I may need to upload/install a new coppermine gallery for each user to do this??  Is code available or can it be developed to allow for an automatic creation of a new Coppermine gallery at the click of a button? i.e. click here to create a new gallery for your school, then be emailed with a temporary username/password etc.

3. Is this also possible: To create a search facility that enables each gallery/installation to be searched through collectively, for example: search for 'sculpture > stone' in all galleries. And to view all examples of 'stone sculptures'? Maybe I am looking at this all wrong? I thought about creating a single gallery and having the different artforms within it, however I would then have to administer each gallery, which would become very time consuming.

I have only recently been introduced to Coppermine, and excuse my ignorance. These questions have probably been discussed before? Coppermine has been installed on to my server, I just need it customised and to find a solution to Q2&3. I would like to be operational asap. Ideally I want to find a Coppermine developer that can grow with my business and keep me uptodate with all new code and features that I can use.


Title: Re: Developer required: customised template - automated creation of new galleries -
Post by: Αndré on November 05, 2008, 02:06:57 PM
2.) Every user can create his own albums and upload pictures if you have set it in the group manager. You as administrator have nothing to do. You don't have to set up a new cpg for every user.

3.) You can search e.g. by keywords and create meta albums depending on picture keywords.

So what customisation do you need? Read the docs - it's all explained.
Title: Re: Developer required: customised template - automated creation of new galleri
Post by: Joachim Müller on November 05, 2008, 06:09:31 PM
And read the sticky thread on this sub-board that is named "sub-board rules, read first! (,8170.0.html)". It is named that way for particular reasons. You need to read it before being allowed to start a thread here. Your posting should subsequently look different - in fact, you failed to do as suggested completely.