iam a prof Photographer running since years Coppermine with Basic settings with aprx. 150 000 Images in 4 different CP-Galleries.
I would love to have some Modifications like:
** Lightbox/Favourites: the add to fav button at a more famous place
** Shop/Cart: where customers can order and the files are sent to my photoexpressshop by ftp including a txt.file containing the job.infos (piece, size, ...)
this should be available for NON REGISTRED users too since i protect most of my galleries only by password not by login (!) but it should be KISS
** Hotlinking: preventing hotlinking in gallery
** Theme: make a more elegant theme only with the most necessary buttons and kick all other stuff like MOST VIEWED, PUPULAR, LAST UPLOADS, ...
** Hiding Galleries from Album List
** Lightbox2: I love it, maybe its possible to implent this too: http://www.lokeshdhakar.com/projects/lightbox2/
** Finetuning all Security and Performance Settings in MySQL, Apache, FTP, ...
Time: plenty, i would love to have it by aprx. Feb2009 ready running
Server: own server located in austria with root access (linux)
Budget: ?
Thank You for Replying, meanwhile im getting quite Desperate since im looking for someone since ..... 2004
*** German speaking preffered ***
* Watermarking of Images
* add IPTC Infos to Original Image after added to CPG
* ...
Quote from: oreste on November 06, 2008, 01:39:14 PM
** Theme: make a more elegant theme only with the most necessary buttons and kick all other stuff like MOST VIEWED, PUPULAR, LAST UPLOADS, ...
Posting a link to your gallery might help freelancers to decide wether they're willing to take the job. That's why the sticky thread says you have to post a link to your gallery. Niemand kauft gerne die Katze im Sack. (sorry, German proverb that I don't know how to translate).
Most (if not all) of the modifications you request are already available as mods or plugins and can be applied easily. Why are you trying to hire a freelancer for that? The mods are pretty straightforward to apply. I don't think though that you'll be successfull with the IPTC stuff: that's not so trivial. I suggest splitting your job offer into bits: there are not many freelancer who can do all the mods you require.
hi, thank your for your reply. i did not post the link because its really a standard gallery. no mods. original theme. and i think its very insecure installed as i mentioned, so i dont want to call too much attention to it. but im a portrait/businessevent photographer and put all my images online so customers can access.
its like telling: i have no BURGLAR ALARM and ALL MY DOORS ARE OPEN all night long and POSTING the adress of my home :-)
i cold do it myself, but "schuster bleib bei deinen leisten" im a photographer and dont want to waste my time with things i have no clue of, or just a bit ...
i could spend to much time with searching for information i dont wanna know. and if i can support any young student oder IT fellow ... why not?
the IPTC stuff is the most less important, the THEME and the SHOP are the most important, and securing the system ...
if anyone contacts me, of sure he can have the adress of my photodatabase
thank you oreste
thank your for your message. do you have any experiance or are you using CPG yourself. sorry for the question but i am aware of programmers who want to charge xxx$ for just having a look at CPG to find out how it works .. :-(
last night i wrote a quick note for myself:
• user puts images in Basket (user is NOT logged in! Login not necessary)
• user orders images
• fill out form* → system is waiting
* name, company, VAT#, adress, zip, country (D,AT,CH,FR,UK) email, phone
• receives email with auth-code (valid once for actual order)
• user takes auth-code from email and enter into waiting form (alternate: link in email to activiate final order process)
• system opens ftp connection to fotospeed; new folder with order#; new subfolder for each size and subsub folder for amount
i.ex.: root/ 20081105-003/ 20081105-003.txt
(contains details
adress, name, IP, ...)
13x18cm/ 004pcs/ image001.jpg
016pcs/ image004.jpg
9x13cm/ 001pcs/ image002.jpg
100pcs/ image003.jpg (<- this should be a folder tree)
• if ftp is completed send email to fotospeed, oreste, customer and write info into database and calculate fees (monthly provision)
this is the main and most importrant project, i tried the plugin Photo Shop v1.3.6 wich is absolutely what i need, it makes the ZIP file finally ... only the mentioned mods have to be done. and everything should work in behind, i do not want to touch anything. people should order and the files should move on to my photoshop where they print and send the images out.
and finally the template refinement. last night i found some tools Final_Extract v2.2 and Add thumbnails to Lightbox v1.2.5 and CPG MiniCMS v1.6 wich are solving a lot of my problems.
i tried EnlargeIt! v2.11, wich needs some mods for me too.
finally system should keep open to further updates of CPG, but if i have a running stable CPG it could run for the next 2 years without updates?
thank you, oreste
sorry for serialposting: one more idea but maybe this could be done with CPG MiniCMS v1.6
a customized logo for each gallery (logo of client1 ind category33) logo of client2 in category62 ...
and if i did not mention meanwhile: I LOVE COPPERMINE!!! THANK YOU ALL!!!