I have an inactive php site to be clone. everything unless the contents and photo of the clone site. the site have forum and coppermine-gallery intergrated. All the files can be found in the ftp I will provide. Including the datbase ect.. The new hosting account is ready.
All you need to do is clone the site to a new hosting account with all the functionalites.
1.Change the theme to a new one.
2. Create a header banner or logo. (If you can)
3. activate multiligua function.
4. fix all necessary fixes in control panel. Mail setting ect...
With some minor adjustment if necessary. I need someone with understanding please.
Duration: less that a week. I want good job.
Budget: around 150 to 180 euros , for a great job only.
PM me if you're intrested.
Please note: I contacted someone who did a job for me once on this site. If the person able to do the job I will rather go witht him First. I will accept your bid if the person cannot. So PM me...
Quote from: OAK on November 13, 2008, 03:45:50 AM
1.Change the theme to a new one.
To allow the freelancer to see what amount of work is required, you need to do as suggested in the sticky thread on this sub-board named "sub-board rules, read first! (http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php/topic,8170.0.html)" and post a link to your existing page. Only this way a freelancer can understand what the scope of work will be.