I have read that hacks should be posted in the appropriate board, so I did. This one is so simple, that calling it a hack is maybe to much. While uploading an image, you get a pull down list from all the categories and albums you can post the image in. I would think, the order of this list is the same as the order of the categories list, but that is not the case, but I wanted it to be like this. I am using version 1.4.19
For making this happen:
In upload.php, line 225
$listArray = array_csort($listArray,'cat','title');
$listArray = array_csort($listArray,'pos','title');
In upload.php, line 220
$listArray[$list_count]['title'] = $album['title'];
$listArray[$list_count]['pos'] = $vRes['pos'];
In upload.php, line 209
$vQuery = "SELECT cat.name FROM " . $CONFIG['TABLE_CATEGORIES'] . " cat, " . $CONFIG['TABLE_ALBUMS'] . " alb WHERE alb.aid='" . $album_id . "' AND cat.cid=alb.category";
$vQuery = "SELECT cat.name, cat.pos FROM " . $CONFIG['TABLE_CATEGORIES'] . " cat, " . $CONFIG['TABLE_ALBUMS'] . " alb WHERE alb.aid='" . $album_id . "' AND cat.cid=alb.category";