I refer to this thread: http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php/topic,35240.0.html
I already use the modification posted at the beginning and it works well, but now, we have many pics on our gallery and searching for comments gets slower.
Little bit but I want to change that before problems get bigger.
In this thread "interarte" posts the solution. I wrote myself in this thread how I implemented it into coppermine.
Unfortunately I lost the files and redoing it like I wrote doesnt work for me.
So you can use the thread to bring the faster "interarte system" working. (not the first one mentioned, as it already works)
I only need to see one coment under each pic.
I would need the exact programming to include this myself into functions.inc (cpg 1.18)
I think if you could do it fast, related to the thread, I will pay $20 as most of the work has been done.
At the end we will post the solution in the thread in this forum, just to let you know.
Thank you.
regards, Dietmar
SaWey did the job.
Lightspeed fast "grouped last comments" query !
You did a G.R.E.A.T. job
Thank you.
Thanks for the positive comment.
See this thread for the solution: http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php/topic,35240.new.html#new
The earnings of this job will be forwarded to the project when we accept donations.