Support => cpg1.5 plugins => cpg1.5.x Support => cpg1.5 plugin contributions => Topic started by: Timos-Welt on January 05, 2009, 01:19:00 AM

Title: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Timos-Welt on January 05, 2009, 01:19:00 AM
What's this?
This plugin replaces the intermediate page with an AJAX gui that is widely configurable. EnlargeIt! turns the whole intermediate page into a pop-up-like window. It provides one of the fastest possible ways to browse a picture gallery.

This plugin works fine with any graphical web browser (Firefox 1.5 and higher, IE 5.0 and higher, Opera 8 and higher, Safari 3 and higher, Konqueror 3.5 and higher, Google Chrome ...), so you won't lose any visitors because of compatibility issues. Users without a Javascript-capable browser or who have deactivated scripting in their browser can use the gallery as if EnlargeIt! wasn't there at all. The whole plugin including the Javascript stuff is licensed under the GPL.

* buttons for picture info, full size image, add to favourites, download, histogram
* navigation and close buttons
* navigation with arrow keys or mouse wheel (mouse wheel only with Mozilla & IE)
* seven different animation types
* chose animation speed and steps
* select border size, color and shadow
* centering and screen darkening (lightbox alike)
* enlarge to intermediate size or full size pics
* doesn't blow up your page size - only 24 Kbyte of javascript and 1 Kbyte of CSS is added
* support for flash files (SWF)
* support for playback of *.flv files - simply upload them to your CPG and they will play (filetype: *.flv)
* support for playback of *.divx files via DivX Web Player ( (filteype: *.divx)
* you can configure virtually everything on the config page - though it's not mandatory ;)

Demo gallery

Best practices

1. Copy folder enlargeit to your plugins folder.
2. Install via plugin manager. Configure with new admin button EnlargeIt!
3. If you update from a previous version, make sure to always completely uninstall the old version before installing the new one, and empty your browser cache afterwards.

1. Uninstall via plugin manager.

If it doesn't work

This plugin uses EnlargeIt! technology -
This plugin uses some icons from the free icon set 'Silk' -
This plugin uses free FLV player by rphMedia -,43180.0.html
This plugin uses open source FLV player OSFLV -
Parts of this plugin are based on various MODs and plugins from the CPG forum by users Nibbler, Sami, rphMedia and others.


Download latest SVN snapshot:

Please don't send any PMs to me regarding this plugin; reply to this thread instead. Thanks!

regards  ;)

Download from repository at
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Nibbler on January 06, 2009, 03:30:29 PM
Split bug discussion to,57455.0.html
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Paver on January 06, 2009, 11:13:08 PM
I have found that RegEx filtering using the "page_html" hook can be very CPU-intensive on large thumbnail pages.  Pages either time-out or load very slowly, or in extreme cases, the web host shuts down your site due to excessive CPU load (this happened to a colleague's site).

I started looking at EnlargeIt to see how to use better plugin hooks - either current ones or ones to create - that will avoid filtering the whole page using "page_html".

If you have time, Timo, please suggest new plugin hooks if necessary for this plugin or any of your others to avoid this heavy filtering.  The dev team agreed on the Dev Board to allow the addition of new plugin hooks during the alpha phase of 1.5.  This will hopefully encourage plugin authors who are porting existing plugins to 1.5 to suggest new plugin hooks that are more efficient or just more useful.
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Timos-Welt on January 07, 2009, 01:28:47 AM
I'll have a look into it.
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: SaWey on January 07, 2009, 08:37:00 AM
If you're having problems finding your way around the plugin API, don't hesitate to ask us
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Timos-Welt on January 07, 2009, 02:23:30 PM
Quote from: SaWey on January 07, 2009, 08:37:00 AM
If you're having problems finding your way around the plugin API, don't hesitate to ask us

It's not a plugin hook, but here's what I need to make the plugin very simple: EnlargeIt! modifies $template_thumbnail_view.

There's some variables/placeholders in there, e. g. {THUMB} or {CAPTION}.

I could remove nearly all of the regular expression stuff and the complete page_html filter, if six additional placeholders would be interpreted correctly for $template_thumbnail_view:
{PID} - The picture ID ($CURRENT_PIC_DATA['pid'])
{TITLE} - The picture title ($CURRENT_PIC_DATA['title'])
{PWIDTH} - The picture width ($CURRENT_PIC_DATA['pwidth'])
{PHEIGHT} - The picture width ($CURRENT_PIC_DATA['pheight'])
{FILEPATH} - The picture path ($CURRENT_PIC_DATA['filepath'])
{FILENAME} - The picture filename ($CURRENT_PIC_DATA['filename'])

Is it possible to teach the interpreter of $template_thumbnail_view these six variables?


Edit: Forgot PWIDTH and PHEIGHT - they're neccassary for videos and flash files. Added filepath and filename.
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: SaWey on January 07, 2009, 03:40:20 PM
You might do this yourself, it is possible to override a theme function by just defining it in your plugin, just like you did with the template.
Have a look at this if you don't get what I mean: usergroups_alphatabs plugin ( (line 41)
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Paver on January 07, 2009, 10:56:08 PM
Overriding a theme function is a bad idea.  It means that users have to modify all their themes they want to use/have available for users to conform to the plugin's requirements.

@Joachim: Can these tags be added to and the sample theme (and all core themes that override the relevant function) during this alpha phase?  It can be written so that the current tags like {THUMB} are still processed so this doesn't force theme designers who are porting themes to use the new tags.

I think that it's very important to allow plugin and theme authors to avoid filtering final HTML, so adding these tags would be extremely helpful.

Optimizing plugins & themes, I think, is a good thing to do during the alpha phase.  Is this acceptable if the changes are minor changes like these?
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: SaWey on January 07, 2009, 11:30:50 PM
I think it is the same as overwriting a theme template, like he does in his plugin, which is the reason I mentioned it.
Of cource it is best to avoid overwriting.

Could you clarify some more where you would place those tags?
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Paver on January 07, 2009, 11:47:17 PM
Quote from: SaWey on January 07, 2009, 11:30:50 PM
I think it is the same as overwriting a theme template, like he does in his plugin, which is the reason I mentioned it.
Overwriting any theme variables or functions in a plugin is a bad idea.  Unless I'm mistaken, we should strongly discourage plugin authors from doing so, because this makes the plugin difficult to use with many themes unless you make manual changes.   Plugins and themes should respect each other and not replace each other's code.

Quote from: SaWey on January 07, 2009, 11:30:50 PM
Could you clarify some more where you would place those tags?
The tags go into theme_display_thumbnails (with added array keys in display_thumbnails).  I've made the changes on my testbed and can commit them if it's OK to do so.  One alternative to adding these tags to the core is to add a plugin hook instead that allows a plugin (like EnlargeIt) to add these tags itself.  This might be preferred if adding more tags to a str_replace (from template_eval) is considered too much of a performance hit.  The new plugin hook would go into, the sample theme, and other core themes as needed.  So new theme authors would have this plugin hook in the theme function.  Theme authors converting 1.4 themes would need documentation about adding this plugin hook, although it would be best as a general rule to tell theme authors to look at all functions and variables they overwrite to look for other changes in 1.5.
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: SaWey on January 08, 2009, 12:13:14 AM
I prefer the plugin hook over the tags, no need to have those variables there for most people.
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Paver on January 08, 2009, 03:43:53 AM
I ran into a problem with implementing the plugin hook suggestion.  The problem is detailed here (,57480.0.html).

I have it running correctly now, with the changes to the Plugin API that I proposed in that thread.  Once that thread is resolved, I'll commit a plugin hook that will do what Timo wants and post a sample plugin here to show how to do so.
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Paver on January 08, 2009, 06:24:10 AM
I was misguided in my Plugin API problem (linked above), and so I reconsidered the plugin hook discussed here.

I committed the new plugin hook so it's ready to use.

Attached is a sample plugin showing how to use the new plugin hook.  It overrides $template_thumbnail_view since that's the simplest right now.  Looking through the core themes, no theme overrides the default (except the sample one of course).

Oh, the new hook is a filter hook named 'theme_display_thumbnails_params' and filters $params from theme_display_thumbnails().

edit: A link to the documentation with an example is here (

Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Timos-Welt on January 08, 2009, 09:24:03 AM
Absolutely great, thanks. I will do an adapted EnlargeIt! version to try it out.
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Paver on January 08, 2009, 10:07:03 AM
A few notes (which will eventually make it into the plugin documentation as guidelines for all plugin authors):

* For plugin configuration, please use a button on the plugin manager page instead of one on the admin toolbar.  The admin toolbar quickly gets filled up when using many plugins.  You can use the "extra_info" in configuration.php to include both a configuration button and a support button like this (I also included a modification for $install_info for EnlargeIt! to note the new location of the configuration button):
$install_info = "You can configure the plugin after installation, use the button on the plugin manager. "
    . "If you want ImageFlow or Slider plugins to use EnlargeIt!, install them together with this plugin and switch the settings on their config pages.";
$extra_info = '<span class="admin_menu"><a href="index.php?file=enlargeit/plugin_config" title="Configure EnlargeIt!">EnlargeIt! Configuration</a></span> '
    . '<span class="admin_menu"><a href=",57424.0.html" rel="external" title="EnlargeIt! Support">EnlargeIt! Support</a></span>'
    . '<p>This plugin is currently an alpha version. Not all features will work, especially the AJAX parts (these will be completed after CPG 1.5.x is released). Thanks for understanding.</p>';

Some plugins' main function might require a button on the admin toolbar, but most plugins should just use a button on the plugin manager page.

* You can remove the plugin manager button from the title of your configuration panel.  For 1.4, this was a quick way to return to the plugin manager, but now 1.5 has a plugin manager button on the admin toolbar.

* $lang_continue is no longer a language variable.  You can use $lang_common['continue'] instead.  In your plugin_config.php, here are the relevant lines with a link back to the plugin manager page (which makes sense to me):
  // success note to user
  msg_box($lang_enlargeit['display_name'], $lang_enlargeit['update_success'], $lang_common['continue'], 'pluginmgr.php');

Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Timos-Welt on January 11, 2009, 12:17:20 PM
Just uploaded v0.3 - this one avoids regular expressions completely using the new plugin hook, though it may not yet work with all thumbnail settings from the config page. Thanks for your hints.

And yes: It's faster.
Title: Re: Monitor Calibration Bar for cpg1.5.x
Post by: Joachim Müller on March 27, 2009, 02:14:12 PM
Quote from: Hein Traag on March 27, 2009, 12:48:12 PM
Problem fixed with 1.2. Config page looks really dummy proof now, nice job!
Would be nice if this could link with EnlargeIt.
I must admit that I'm a bit reluctant to look into enlargeIt: it really looks very promising, but I just can't understand why it needs the extra file to go into the root, making it not a genuine plugin that way.

[Edit GauGau]
Split this posting and the next few ones from the thread that deals with the monitor calibration bar plugin (,58638.0.html) and merged them with the thread that deals with enlargeIt.
Title: Re: Monitor Calibration Bar for cpg1.5.x
Post by: Hein Traag on March 27, 2009, 02:18:15 PM
Not for you to worry about but for Timos (should he choose to use this or a other method of calibration in EnlargeIt).
Title: Re: Monitor Calibration Bar for cpg1.5.x
Post by: Timos-Welt on March 27, 2009, 04:05:17 PM
Quote from: Joachim Müller on March 27, 2009, 02:14:12 PM
I must admit that I'm a bit reluctant to look into enlargeIt: it really looks very promising, but I just can't understand why it needs the extra file to go into the root, making it not a genuine plugin that way.

You're certainly not dumb, so I don't need to tell you what changes would be neccessary to certain core files to make EnlargeIt! a 'genuine' plugin. You already know it - simply give the core files a 'snippet' mode.

=> Pic info snippet
=> Voting snippet
=> Comment snippet
=> Ecard snippet

The question is: Do you actually want that? The core files will be more complicated in this case (the switch would lead to certain different CSS classes to be used which have to be part of the themes, links from snippet to snippet must be handled in a different way than now...), and EnlargeIt! would have to be an integral part of the whole project. The continuing friendly indifference of you as project leader and the whole dev team in the last 10 months gave me a completely different impression: Nice gimmick, but not interested. As long as this is the case, it's not a very good idea from your side to put the existence of the additional root files into question.
Title: Re: Monitor Calibration Bar for cpg1.5.x
Post by: Nibbler on March 27, 2009, 04:49:15 PM
It's much simpler than that.

You just move the root files into the plugin's folder, and then change the urls you use from




Then Coppermine will include() the file from the plugin's folder. Much neater and much easier for the user.
Title: Re: Monitor Calibration Bar for cpg1.5.x
Post by: Timos-Welt on March 27, 2009, 05:14:03 PM
I don't think that Joachim's reluctance is based on the exact place where the additional files reside (but thanks for the tip anyway).

Adding EnlargeIt! and snippet functionality to the core files would improve usability for the end user because he can chose an AJAX GUI if he wants. Beyond it would massively improve security for current users of EnlargeIt! because fixes would automatically as well go into the snippets and not only into the core files that aren't used as long as EnlargeIt! is active. This of course comes at a price of the core file's additional complexity.

So the question still is: Do you actually want that? And I think the answer is 'no', so it's not very admissible to complain about the additional snippet files IMO.
Title: Re: Monitor Calibration Bar for cpg1.5.x
Post by: Joachim Müller on March 27, 2009, 08:48:03 PM
Quote from: Timos-Welt on March 27, 2009, 05:14:03 PM
I don't think that Joachim's reluctance is based on the exact place where the additional files reside (but thanks for the tip anyway).
My reluctance is based exactly on that issue. As I said earlier, I'm not fond of plugins that don't behave like real, genuine plugins, but require you to move files around, edit files with an editor or similar. That's why I'm not fond of enlargeIt (it requires you to move a file into the root). That's why I'm not fond of Captcha (it requires you to move a file to the root or attempts to do so by itself during install, but will fail in most cases due to permissions). That's why I'm not fond of the RSS feed plugins (there are some of them). All those plugins are really cool and they do cool things, but they are not genuine plugiuns in the aspect that they require the end user to do something that he shouldn't have to do in the first place. As Nibbler pointed out, that's needless - I can hardly think of a reason why a file should need to reside in the root folder. A closer integration into the core is something that might go into future releases, but then it would no longer be a plugin, but a core component.
When Omni created the plugin API for Coppermine, one of the key benefits he build the API on was the fact that the plugins could be installed in a fool-proof way, without requiring newbies to move files around. That's why there's even an uploader and un-archiver built-into the plugin manager: we don't want to force end users to edit files in the long run.

Quote from: Timos-Welt on March 27, 2009, 04:05:17 PMThe continuing friendly indifference of you as project leader and the whole dev team in the last 10 months gave me a completely different impression: Nice gimmick, but not interested.
You got the wrong impression: too many sub-projects on to few shoulders. We can't look into everything we'd like to look into, and you certainly where doing well, so there was no reason to butt in with the development nor support you gave.
We definitely could use skilled coders like you, that's why I posted in the dev-only board
Quote from: Joachim Müller on March 23, 2009, 10:34:47 AMWhat about new candidates for the dev team? I think there are some people who have been around for long and have proven their skills. I suggest asking [...] Timos-Welt (;u=42505) [...] to join the team.
So far, only positive feedback has been given. That's why I would like to invite you to join the team - this is of course a strange way to post an invitation (I just couldn't resist to post this here as well ;)). This being said, let's discuss this privately by PM.


Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Timos-Welt on March 31, 2009, 10:21:04 PM

the latest beta (,53290.msg289603.html#msg289603) for 1.4x is now 'genuine', and all future versions will be.

Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: DaMysterious on April 06, 2009, 05:55:10 PM

For testing purposes I have installed the from the first message on my CPG1.5.1 ( Without diving into the code, do you have any suggestion why I'm redirected through every time I click a drop down, field or even in the page when in the configuration screen?
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Timos-Welt on April 06, 2009, 10:58:29 PM
This shouldn't be the case, and your test gallery (from a user point of view) works exactly as it should.
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: DaMysterious on April 07, 2009, 12:00:51 AM
Quote from: Timos-Welt on April 06, 2009, 10:58:29 PM
This shouldn't be the case, and your test gallery (from a user point of view) works exactly as it should.

Yes I know, but that wasn't my problem and question. The problem is caused in admin mode only when entering and hovering over the EnlargeIt settings/page.

Note: noting is changed through the default installation of CPG 1.5.1. Only installed plug-in is Using FireFox latest.

Cause is found and eliminated in file plugin_config.php as a closing a tag is missing in the snippet below.

starttable('100%', $lang_enlargeit['main_title'].' - '.$lang_enlargeit['version'].'<font size=1 color=red> by <a href="">Timos-Welt</font>', 3);

Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Joachim Müller on April 07, 2009, 08:22:39 AM
The font tag is deprecated btw and should by replaced with <span style="color:red">
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Timos-Welt on April 11, 2009, 04:52:17 PM
I'll do a new version soon that takes care about these things. Thanks for your comments.
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: brr on August 11, 2009, 11:33:29 PM

In my CPG 1.5.1 gallery I have not managed to got the following function to work:

Show button 'Info': Yes (open AJAX snippet)

I do not get the AJAX info snippet to show up. I get the normal CPG info view in stead of the AJAX snippet.

Plugin configuration: Show button 'Info': Yes (open AJAX snippet)

Version: EnlargeIt! (enlargeit): v0.3 (for CPG 1.5.x)

System setup: Coppermine 1.5.1 alpha downloaded from the dev board link. OS web –server: Windows Vista Premium, Norwegian. Web solution: XAMPP for Windows, 1.7.1 (Apache 2.2.11, MySQL 5.1.33, PHP 5.2.9). Browser: Both Firefox 3.5.1 and Internet Explorer 8.

Main gallery (stable version):
Test gallery (1.5.1 alpha):

Also published this error report in > Dev Board > cpg1.5 Testing/Bugs, but got as replay that it was not the right place for such error reports.
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Timos-Welt on November 08, 2009, 06:57:45 PM
Quote from: brr on August 11, 2009, 11:33:29 PM
In my CPG 1.5.1 gallery I have not managed to got the following function to work:
Show button 'Info': Yes (open AJAX snippet)
I do not get the AJAX info snippet to show up. I get the normal CPG info view in stead of the AJAX snippet.

Correct, this is not implemented yet. Read the config page carefully, there's a lot of 'Dummy - does not work yet' on it. It doesn't make sense to implement the AJAX stuff before CPG 1.5 is released to the public. Please be patient, it will all come back :)
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Timos-Welt on November 11, 2009, 03:57:48 PM
Just released v0.4 for CPG 1.5.x

- favourite button is back
- histogram button is back
- download button is back
- bbcode button is back
- three new animation modes
- genuine: nothing must be copied to gallery root anymore
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Joachim Müller on November 11, 2009, 05:06:38 PM
That's great news. I can't wait to get home and test the new version on my local testbed there.

Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: phill104 on November 11, 2009, 09:07:20 PM
Absolutely superb work. I really loved this on 1.4.x and am glad to see it carried over to 1.5.x.

I've done a little testing and there is a small difference with the hit counting with this version compared to 1.4.x. It appears that the view count only goes up if you view the fullsize image but on the old version views increased when the intermediate image is viewed. Some users are obsessed with stats like this so may want the old method.

Also, are you aware of this thread regarding the admin/user mode?,62046.0.html
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Timos-Welt on November 11, 2009, 10:03:34 PM
Hi Phil,

do you use IE as browser?

Please try the attached version and empty your browser cache after installing it. Does it count correctly now?

Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: phill104 on November 11, 2009, 10:17:54 PM
Yep, that is counting correctly now. ;D

I've tested in IE8, Safari, Opera and FF.
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Joachim Müller on November 12, 2009, 08:28:04 AM
This is a milestone release: finally, enlargeit works out of the box, without the need to move files around. Great job.
Please allow me to come up with some suggestions for possible future releases or enhancements. Please note that this is not actually a list of bugs nor is it a list of feature requests, but something in between. Please understand that I'm not trying to nag or criticize, but to improve your already great plugin.
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Timos-Welt on November 12, 2009, 04:36:16 PM
Hi Joachim,

thanks a lot for your review, I'll try to realize your suggestions soon.

BTW: I think we should definately add EnlargeIt! to the SVN repository. My Sourceforge username is timoswelt.

Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Αndré on November 13, 2009, 08:49:28 AM
Added plugin (version 0.41) to repository as suggested.
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Joachim Müller on November 13, 2009, 11:43:27 PM
Quote from: Timos-Welt on November 12, 2009, 04:36:16 PMMy Sourceforge username is timoswelt.
You already have SVN access.
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Joachim Müller on November 16, 2009, 07:50:36 PM
Quote from: Joachim Müller on November 12, 2009, 08:28:04 AM

  • Suggestion: Would you be OK to add the plugin to the SVN repository? This way, others could contribute as well, but of course you'd lose control over it a bit. Your choice. If you decide for yes, we of course need to make sure that you have write access, so please review the other thread in the dev-only board where dev team membership issues are being discussed

Quote from: Joachim Müller on November 12, 2009, 08:28:04 AM

  • Maintenance: the content of the js folder is a mess. One would expect js files to reside there, but it contains all sorts of files. I suggest at least moving the images to a separate folder. The changelog and license definitely should not be inside that folder.
Cleaned up. Please make sure to update your working copy by checking out / updating.
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Timos-Welt on November 16, 2009, 09:46:33 PM
Cleaning up is nice, but does it actually still work as it should?
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: phill104 on November 16, 2009, 11:11:02 PM
It works well for me.
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Joe Carver on November 16, 2009, 11:27:29 PM
Works well for me too - another great job!  :)
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: phill104 on November 16, 2009, 11:33:03 PM
Only a couple of minor issues. There is currently no button to return a pic from fullsize to intermediate ( minimize?).

The second is the z-index is not high enough (at least on my site) causing the fullsize window to hide behind the site navigation. This means that I cannot press any of the enlargit buttons.

Aside from that, fantastic work.
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Joachim Müller on November 17, 2009, 09:30:04 AM
Taking a deeper look at the resources used I figured out that the silk iconset has been used: that's not possible! The license that the silk iconset comes with does not allow the usage with GNU GPLed projects. That's why I have removed them in favor of crystal icons along with some other minor improvements in v0.6. Additionally, the changelog format was changed to cpg standards. Please let me know your thoughts.

Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Timos-Welt on November 17, 2009, 10:43:25 AM
QuotePlease let me know your thoughts.
Great! I'm finally not longer alone in the desert!  ;D

QuoteThe license that the silk iconset comes with does not allow the usage with GNU GPLed projects
The license of the silk icon set has changed a few times during its existense. But I agree: Why use them if there are other nice ones under GPL.
Histogram and BBCode icons were my own work and may be used in the future (the current ones are not that intuitive).
Current SVN snap shot doesn't work in IE6/7/8 at all. :( Edit: found bug and fixed. TW

QuoteThere is currently no button to return a pic from fullsize to intermediate
Correct. The main reason for using intermediate images and not generally using the big ones is avoiding the loading times. Once the HQ image is loaded - where's the sense in switching back to the small one? EnlargeIt takes care so it will always fit into the browser viewport.

QuoteThe second is the z-index is not high enough
The zIndex of EnlargeIt's objects starts with 9700. Some older browsers do not support setting zIndex via Javascript > 10000. I recommend to reduce the zIndex of your Menu a bit.
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Joachim Müller on November 18, 2009, 06:28:58 PM
Hello Timo,

giood work. Sadly, I have been working in in-depth changes as well, so our commits might have overlapped. Currently, I have left the svn repository in a state where the plugin doesn't fully work as expected, so that's something I could use your help with. But let me report first what I did and why:
I have changed the installer and uninstaller functions and dropped the extra table that was used to store the plugin's settings. Instead, I have converted everything to use the config table.
This works as expected and the config page should give you a new look that's is pretty impressive compared to the old one imo. However, I need to figure out how to transport the data from PHP to JS. The recommended way in cpg1.5.x is to use the set_js_var method, which I did for some variables. Others don't work so well, especially the arrays. That's where I could use your help with. Please take a look at what I did inside the function enlargeit_head. To be able to fix this I swapped from the compressed js file to enlargeit_source.js for development reasons. I'm having a hard time the to read the button array; maybe you could take a look at that first.
However, the enlargeit script now just loads on the pages it is needed on: if the js part of enlargeit is needed on more pages, just edit the $enlargeit_pages_array.

Another minor issue that is not working as expected is the farbtastic color picker; it used to work in a version on my testbed, (sadly a version that didn't get preserved by a commit to the svn), but then I must have over-edited, as it stopped working at some stage while I performed some more hacks on the plugin_config page.  Maybe someone would like to take a look at that issue as well....

I hope you don't mind me butting in that massively; looking forward to your reply.


Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Timos-Welt on November 19, 2009, 09:42:23 AM
Quote from: Joachim Müller on November 18, 2009, 06:28:58 PM
looking forward to your reply.

Just had a quick look at the latest codebase.php. The EnlargeIt! javascript is a seperate product ( To ensure that users of the plugin can safely use the latest javascript version at any time in order to benefit from bug fixes and new features, it's essential IMO to not change anything inside enlargeit.js and enlargeit_source.js. This means, the 'standard' way of setting Javascript variables inside of cpg1.5 should not be used in this case. Parameters should be modified by embedding the script and directly after it setting the variables as desired.

Try it yourself: Get the latest stable version ( (the script version that comes with the plugin is a newer development release) and copy the js files to the plugin folder. The plugin should work as before, just these new features ( will be missing / not working. Using EnlargeIt! Building Blocks (, the user can even generate his own javascript version with only the features that are really needed. This way the additional Javascript file can easily kept < 20 KByte. Please restore the original comments in the JS files for the same reason. I think the line "This comment MUST stay intact for legal use, so don't remove it." says it all.

The other changes are very neat IMO and I really appreciate your work.
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Joachim Müller on November 19, 2009, 02:54:43 PM
Quote from: Timos-Welt on November 19, 2009, 09:42:23 AMPlease restore the original comments in the JS files for the same reason. I think the line "This comment MUST stay intact for legal use, so don't remove it." says it all.
As far as I can see the comment is still in the file, at the very top. I'm very picky with such issues, that's why I haven't removed that first line, but converted it just to sit inside the "regular" header. But if you're not fond of that I will of course go back to the original method, with the shorter credits at the top.

Quote from: Timos-Welt on November 19, 2009, 09:42:23 AMThe EnlargeIt! javascript is a seperate product ( To ensure that users of the plugin can safely use the latest javascript version at any time in order to benefit from bug fixes and new features, it's essential IMO to not change anything inside enlargeit.js and enlargeit_source.js. This means, the 'standard' way of setting Javascript variables inside of cpg1.5 should not be used in this case. Parameters should be modified by embedding the script and directly after it setting the variables as desired.
I can see your point and of course I will respect it. Please give me some days to roll my changes back and come up with a solution that will work with the enlargeit.js out of the box.

However, I'm concerned that the method you propose to use will have a negative impact on the caching performance of the enlargeit script in the long run.
I agree to undo my edits inside the core of the script for the said reasons, but I'd really like you to review the following proposal: you already have a line inside enlargit_source.js that reads// stuff to leave alone. I suggest renaming that to "do not edit below this line". All edits of the JavaScript file should come before that line. They could be used to "translate" the variables from external scripts like I did partially with lines likevar enl_brdsize=js_vars.enl_brdsizeThis way, the third party app (coppermine in this case) will not interfere with the way that enlargeIt works in the first place.

Another thing I suggest to review is the way you handle the array for the buttons: it's not that intuitive to come up with custom features or custom buttons as long as you stick to one single icons graphic that you chop into bits script-wise: I understand that there can be a slight performance penalty for single images (instead of the script only having to load one monolithic image) to be used as buttons, but I guarantee that there will be only very few non-coppermine users who will be ready to look into enlargeIt in detail just because of the handling of the icon bar.

Gongrats for your documentation though: it's excellent. I suggest making it available as an HTML document as well for better results in search engine ranking.

Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: phill104 on November 21, 2009, 08:05:17 PM
I've been testing out this at . One little bug (I think, it could just be my computer) and a little idea.

First the potential bug. On the bbcode page in IE8 on Vista ( :-[) I cannot highlight the code top copy it, it is ok in FF.

And now for the idea. For the bbcode [IMG] copy I like to display the intermediate pic, other gallery admins might prefer the thumb. With this in mind how about changing the dropdown in the config page to - yes, with link to intermediate : yes, with link to thumb : no. I simply adjusted the code but it might be nice for admins to have a simple choice.
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Timos-Welt on November 21, 2009, 08:52:39 PM
In enl_bbcode.php, there's this line:

if (eregi("MSIE",$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) $isie = 1;

I think it must have something to do with Inspekt / superglobals. Seems as this line must be changed somehow...
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: phill104 on November 21, 2009, 09:09:32 PM
eregi is now depreciated  ( I believe so something else that needs adjusting.

Sorry if I seem to be picking up on a lot with this plugin. It is just that I really like it and as such am sure to be using it on many live sites myself.

In the 1.4.x version did you not have a "Copy" button or am I imagining it?
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Joachim Müller on November 22, 2009, 11:29:07 AM
Quote from: Timos-Welt on November 21, 2009, 08:52:39 PM
I think it must have something to do with Inspekt / superglobals. Seems as this line must be changed somehow...
That's correct, see for details: you can not use $_SERVER any longer. Instead, use something like$superCage->server->getRaw('HTTP_USER_AGENT');,  but remember not to trust what is returned using that method: you need to explicitely sanitize the content. But why don't you just use the function cpg_determine_client that is built into the core for something as simple as checking the browser?

@Timo: rev 6761 contains the code that I have changed as per your suggestions to restore the js files as they were. I'm having troubles though to figure out why the JavaScript variables that I populate using the function definition for enlargeit_head in codebase.php are not being taken into account at all. Could you please look into this particular issue? Thanks in advance.
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Αndré on November 22, 2009, 11:29:42 AM
Quote from: Timos-Welt on November 21, 2009, 08:52:39 PM
In enl_bbcode.php, there's this line:

if (eregi("MSIE",$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) $isie = 1;

I think it must have something to do with Inspekt / superglobals. Seems as this line must be changed somehow...
Change the line to
if (substr_count($superCage->server->getAlpha('HTTP_USER_AGENT'), "MSIE") > 0) $isie = 1;
(not tested). Please note that MSIE is case sensitive. Alternatively you can use stripos ( or preg_match (
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Timos-Welt on November 22, 2009, 11:05:59 PM
Quote from: Joachim Müller on November 22, 2009, 11:29:07 AM
I'm having troubles though to figure out why the JavaScript variables that I populate using the function definition for enlargeit_head in codebase.php are not being taken into account at all. Could you please look into this particular issue? Thanks in advance.

I think I found it, SVN has an updated codebase.php. You set enl_brd to nothing (it shouldn't be configurable, as the border is the AJAX window - without it, none of the AJAX buttons will work. Use border size = 0 for no border instead).

Some things I found:
- works only on thumbnail.php, but should work on index.php as well
- Umlauts are cryptic on config page (see screenshot)

Apart from that: Nice work!  :)
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Timos-Welt on November 23, 2009, 08:56:32 AM
Quote from: Joachim Müller on November 22, 2009, 11:29:07 AM
But why don't you just use the function cpg_determine_client that is built into the core for something as simple as checking the browser?

Because I didn't know that it's existing.
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Joachim Müller on November 23, 2009, 09:22:40 AM
Quote from: Timos-Welt on November 22, 2009, 11:05:59 PM
- Umlauts are cryptic on config page (see screenshot)
Please re-attach the screenshot ;)

Quote from: Timos-Welt on November 22, 2009, 11:05:59 PMYou set enl_brd to nothing (it shouldn't be configurable, as the border is the AJAX window - without it, none of the AJAX buttons will work. Use border size = 0 for no border instead).
Dang, I knew it had to be something that simple - I used to have that in the code in aprevious version but forgot to add it when I rolled back. Thanks for spotting. I'll keep you updated.
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Timos-Welt on November 23, 2009, 09:35:35 AM
Ahhhhh... sorry.  ;D
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Joachim Müller on November 23, 2009, 10:11:31 AM
Thanks for the report. The fix was dead easy: the German language file was not encoded in utf-8 (as all coppermine files should be), but in iso8859-1. I changed the encoding - now the Umlauts should no longer look scrambled. Please take a look at your editor: if you can, you should set it to use utf-8 as default encoding for new files to avoid such issues.
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Joachim Müller on November 23, 2009, 12:55:46 PM
What happened today
@Timo mainly: rev 6769 contains my fixes from today: note that I have changed around the population of the JS vars in codebase.php, as there is no such thing as $CONFIG['plugin_enlargeit_brd'] nor $CONFIG['plugin_enlargeit_shadow']; I have deliberately dropped those options from the plugin as I find them useless double-option: instead there's a lookup wether the border width / shadow width are set to zero - if that is the case, the corresponding JS var is being toggled. I have added some other minor fixes, but my main issue remains: the buttons till don't show up. I would appreciate your help once again: please perform a full checkout to get the current images folder with it's sub-folders populated properly, because the code you committed didn't work for me. Also please keep in mind to always come up with a comment that describes what you are doing when committing to the SVN. If you can, please edit the readme file as well and add your comments to the changelog section there.

I want to encourage others who are interessted to look into this plugin as well, that's why I'm packaging the current SVN stage and attaching it to this posting: the attached plugin does not fully work as expected, so it's merely meant for contributors who are willing to look into this code-wise. The attachment is not meant to be used live. The version count currently is at version 0.10 (which is not the same as 0.1, but the minor release that followed v0.9); I plan to go to v1.0 once the buttons work as expected to mark a first production-ready stage.

I understand that you don't want me to change the file enlargeit.js or the correpsonding source file over. That's why I want to request changes to go into the enlargeit core for the benefit of the coppermine plugin that at least won't hurt for the standalone code you maintain:

Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Timos-Welt on November 23, 2009, 02:18:57 PM
In codebase.php, change

var enl_gifpath = 'images/';


var enl_gifpath = 'plugins/enlargeit/images/';

and it works. But it still doesn't work an album list page.
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Joachim Müller on November 24, 2009, 09:59:01 AM
The following issue seems to be present inside the original code
At last I have made a breakthrough, correcting several smaller issues that kept the plugin from working as expected. The issue Timo brought up, with the plugin not working on meta albums on index pages still exists (maybe related to the switch from pos to pid when going from cpg1.4.x to cpg1.5.x), but apart from that major issue and the fact that several minor features don't work exactly as expected, the plugin has gone from alpha to beta stage now (with rev. 6778). That's why I have counted the version count up to v1.0. Right now, the plugin is as much dev-only as the entire cpg1.5.x package: those who know their way around are welcome to use it at their own risk. I will add it to a live gallery soon where all the experimental stuff goes to.

I'd really appreciate your feedback.

Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: phill104 on November 24, 2009, 10:31:09 AM
I like the new admin interface. Seem to fit in better with the overall look of coppermine. Padding around many of the boxes is not quite right in IE8 (bloody m$ >:() and the bbcode still cannot be copied in IE (bloody m$ again  >:() but apart from thost things it is really coming together.

I've attached a screenshot of the padding problem in IE. At least I see the very small gap to the right of the numerical dropdowns as untidy but you may disagree.

I have it on a live server as I am happy to test on that one
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Timos-Welt on November 24, 2009, 10:32:32 AM
Quote from: Joachim Müller on November 24, 2009, 09:59:01 AM
The following issue seems to be present inside the original code

  • Rounded corners don't seem to work with border background images

Please see EnlargeIt! documentation page 8 enl_brdround (

Issues I found:
- snippet add to favourites gives a critical error page
- snippet download of file doesn't work at all
- histogramm isn't viewed
- 'maximize as popup' doesn't work
- doesn't work an album list page because of these lines in codebase.php
$enlargeit_pages_array = array('thumbnails.php');
if (in_array($CPG_PHP_SELF, $enlargeit_pages_array) == TRUE) {

I'd replace this by
 if ((defined('INDEX_PHP') && !defined('DISPLAYIMAGE_PHP')) || defined('THUMBNAILS_PHP')) {

- transparent AJAX loader ani is taken from theme, looks really ugly in my eyes and isn't visible good enough
- copyright on plugin page: I changed my name this year, see here (

What I really love is your config page, it is incredibly user friendly and looks fantastic.

My testbed ( (doesn't work well). Here's the cpg1.4.x version ( in productive usage (works).
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: phill104 on November 24, 2009, 10:41:16 AM
Quote from: Timos-Welt on November 24, 2009, 10:32:32 AM

Issues I found:
- snippet add to favourites gives a critical error page
- snippet download of file doesn't work at all
- histogramm isn't viewed
- 'maximize as popup' doesn't work

Odd, all those snippets are working fine for me on the above intall
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Timos-Welt on November 24, 2009, 11:00:55 AM
Funny - the attached 1.0 version from Joachim's posting didn't work for me. Just tried the latest SVN. Histogramm and Favorites buttons work now. Download still doesn't work.
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Joachim Müller on November 25, 2009, 04:36:24 PM
Quote from: Phill Luckhurst on November 16, 2009, 11:33:03 PMOnly a couple of minor issues. There is currently no button to return a pic from fullsize to intermediate ( minimize?).
I agree that this would really be a cool feature. @Timo: any plans to implement that?

Quote from: Timos-Welt on November 21, 2009, 08:52:39 PM
In enl_bbcode.php, there's this line:

if (eregi("MSIE",$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) $isie = 1;

I think it must have something to do with Inspekt / superglobals. Seems as this line must be changed somehow...

Quote from: Timos-Welt on November 24, 2009, 10:32:32 AM
Quote from: Joachim Müller on November 24, 2009, 09:59:01 AM
The following issue seems to be present inside the original code

  • Rounded corners don't seem to work with border background images
Please see EnlargeIt! documentation page 8 enl_brdround (
Hehe, I agree that I have deserved to be told to RTFM, but in this aspect I don't think you're right (apart from the fact that the section is on page 7 for me). I understand that rounded corners are a gimmick that only work with particular browsers. Of course I was using one of those supported browsers when I wrote my bug report: what I was trying to say that the rounded corners work fine if you use a monochrome background, but stops working when using a background image. I'm not sure if this is a bug in the script or a missing feature or a known issue for the entire rounded-corners-technology; it's just meant as a report, that's all. There is no note in the docs you refered to about this, that's why I don't think that your mentioning the docs applies in this aspect.

Quote from: Timos-Welt on November 24, 2009, 10:32:32 AM- snippet add to favourites gives a critical error page
can not replicate

Quote from: Timos-Welt on November 24, 2009, 10:32:32 AM- snippet download of file doesn't work at all
Haven't looked into the download feature yet, but it certainly needs reviewing. I'll do so as soon as I've finished working on the open histogram issues.

Quote from: Timos-Welt on November 24, 2009, 10:32:32 AM- histogramm isn't viewed
Can't replicate

Quote from: Timos-Welt on November 24, 2009, 10:32:32 AM- 'maximize as popup' doesn't work
I'm aware of that - see my note on the admin screen: the feature is needlessly complicated, as we already have the corresponding permission flags built-into the core. That's why I'll need to look into this feature to make it work flawlessly both with coppermine as well as for your standalone version.

Quote from: Timos-Welt on November 24, 2009, 10:32:32 AM- doesn't work an album list page because of these lines in codebase.php
Changed that, but not in the way you proposed. Usingif ((defined('INDEX_PHP') && !defined('DISPLAYIMAGE_PHP')) || defined('THUMBNAILS_PHP')) { is a very bad idea: those constants exist for the sake of i18n only. They are not unique. To determine what file you're in, use $CPG_PHP_SELF. Under no circumstances should you use the code you proposed.

Quote from: Timos-Welt on November 24, 2009, 10:32:32 AM- transparent AJAX loader ani is taken from theme, looks really ugly in my eyes and isn't visible good enough
That's a matter of taste. Minor issue if you ask me. I'll see to add your loader back in, but I do not believe that plugins should come with proprietary styles of their own; instead, they should respect the styles of the theme used.

Quote from: Timos-Welt on November 24, 2009, 10:32:32 AM- copyright on plugin page: I changed my name this year, see here
Changed that as suggested. I wasn't aware of it though: your old name still shines through in the JS files and credits of enlargit (standalone) - you might want to correct that.

@all testers: please keep in mind that you need to uninstall an old version first, then delete the enlargit plugin folder, then upload the new enlargeit fodler, then install the new version of the plugin again using the plugin manager. Just updating the files is not enough, as the database changes are only being performed during plugin install/uninstall.

The database part of the plugin is currently changing a lot, as I have been adding options...


Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Joachim Müller on November 26, 2009, 09:09:04 AM
Side-note: when reviewing this plugin  I noticed the all PHP files inside that plugin contained some mistakes. I'm posting them for the benefit of others to help plugin authors come up with valid code; I'm not posting them to bash Timo or any other plugin author. Some of the mistakes are specific to coppermine, others are generic.

Here's a generic one:

Here are some that apply for coppermine plugins only:

Again: please understand that this posting is not intended to blame anybody, but only for the benefit of the community and the individuals that actively contribute.

Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Joachim Müller on November 26, 2009, 06:34:56 PM
We're nearly there: as far as I'm concerned, the plugin is almost exactly as I wanted it to be in the first place: the attached version is sort-of beta stage, but should work as expected. I have overhauled the entire histogram caching, so take care to uninstall an old version first if present on your server before installing this new plugin version v1.3.

As far as the language files are concerned, only English and German are up to date: the rest of the language files is outdated and needs editing. The strings that are new will shine through in English even when using a language file that is still incomplete.

I'd really, really love to see your test reports and feedback.


Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: phill104 on November 26, 2009, 08:10:54 PM
Where has the maximise button gone and the option in config?

The copy to clipboard in bbcode works really well. The new histogram is superb.

It will be good to see all the other options implemented. Even without, this is my favourite plugin.

Still needs a little css tidying in IE8 though I am sure that is just me being picky. In IE8 the padding around numerical dropdowns is lacking on the right and the details box displays 2 bullet points.
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Joachim Müller on November 27, 2009, 09:04:05 AM
Quote from: Phill Luckhurst on November 26, 2009, 08:10:54 PMWhere has the maximise button gone and the option in config?
It has gone because the logic now resides in coppermine's core code (for cpg1.5.x): go to the groups control panel and set the access level settings at the very right to allow "thumbnail, intermediate, and full-size image" for the group you wish to allow a maximize button for. The maximize button will show up when the follwoing conditions are met:That's the intended behaviour after all. As this feature was the last one I implemented it still may have flaws, so please test thoroughly and report if this work for you as expected.

Quote from: Phill Luckhurst on November 26, 2009, 08:10:54 PMThe copy to clipboard in bbcode works really well.
That's great to hear.

Quote from: Phill Luckhurst on November 26, 2009, 08:10:54 PMThe new histogram is superb.
I haven't changed much from the original code as far as the logic of the histogram is concerned, but only beautified the code a bit to make it better readable. The serious changes lie in the caching handling: with the old plugin, all files went into a sub-folder of the plugin itself, which will cause many issues: nearly every OS that I'm aware off chokes if a particular folder contains several hundred (or thousand) files. That's why the needless enabling of safe_mode in coppermine is a bad idea. That's why one of the reasons to store all files in one single folder is a bad idea. The old plugin didn't contain a mechanism to delete the files neither. That's why there is a rather sophisticated cache control mechanism in place now. But: I haven't really tested this in a life environment (with thousands of cached files), so I'd appreciate reports about that aspect.

Quote from: Phill Luckhurst on November 26, 2009, 08:10:54 PMIt will be good to see all the other options implemented. Even without, this is my favourite plugin.
Compared to the plugin for cpg1.4.x, the following features are missing as far as I can see:
The first two don't look to complicated to implement, as the tricky stuff already has been accomplished by Timo: creating the corresponding functionality in JavaScript. All that needs to be done as far as I can see is porting those functions over to cpg1.5.x ;)
For the other features Timo has implemented files of his own that mimmick the functionality of coppermine's core code. Before I start working on them I suggest to hear Timo's ideas first (wether he's going to implement them or if he prefers this to be done by someone else).

Quote from: Phill Luckhurst on November 26, 2009, 08:10:54 PMStill needs a little css tidying in IE8 though I am sure that is just me being picky. In IE8 the padding around numerical dropdowns is lacking on the right and the details box displays 2 bullet points.
Those two features are taken from coppermine's core: the spin-button jquery plugin as well as the expandable details are core features that this plugin just makes use of. I'll try to test the plugin with IE at work.

Thanks for your report. Please keep up the good work.


Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Joachim Müller on November 27, 2009, 09:40:32 AM
Bug: I just found out that the content of the file info.php doesn't work at all (corresponds to the option "Show button "Info" -> "Yes: Open as AJAX snippet") due to the fact that the language file handling has changed from cpg1.4.x to cpg1.5.x.
I'll look into that.
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Joachim Müller on November 29, 2009, 05:51:49 PM
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Timos-Welt on November 29, 2009, 09:57:26 PM
Hi Joachim,


Issues I found with 1.5:
- enl_brdround doesn't work because you set 0.png as background (rounded borders only work with no background pic at all)
- activating info as ajax snippet crashes album list page (after menu nothing else, see screenshot)
- download snippet has wrong background color (should take it from style.css like favorite and bbcode snippet, see screenshot)
- you still use enlargeit_source.js, but it takes only 30s work to generate enlargeit.js out of it (
- saving settings on config page de-activates all file types on 'picture formats' and 'video formats'

Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Joachim Müller on November 30, 2009, 08:38:59 AM
Hello Timo,

thanks for your report.

Quote from: Timos-Welt on November 29, 2009, 09:57:26 PM
- enl_brdround doesn't work because you set 0.png as background (rounded borders only work with no background pic at all)
Fixed in rev 6809, thanks for the report.

Quote from: Timos-Welt on November 29, 2009, 09:57:26 PM- activating info as ajax snippet crashes album list page (after menu nothing else, see screenshot)
- download snippet has wrong background color (should take it from style.css like favorite and bbcode snippet, see screenshot)
Will work on that as soon as the plugin is functional again (see Inspekt issue discussed below).

Quote from: Timos-Welt on November 29, 2009, 09:57:26 PM- you still use enlargeit_source.js, but it takes only 30s work to generate enlargeit.js out of it (
It's simply easier for me to use the source file while developing, but I'll change accordingly if I remember it, promise.

Quote from: Timos-Welt on November 29, 2009, 09:57:26 PM- saving settings on config page de-activates all file types on 'picture formats' and 'video formats'
This used to work yesterday and stopped working after Nibbler's fix (rev6804) of the Inspekt cage in  the core code (see,62532.msg311267.html#msg311267). I'll discuss this with Nibbler in that thread.
I'll keep you updated.

Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Joachim Müller on November 30, 2009, 10:23:31 AM
Quote from: Timos-Welt on November 29, 2009, 09:57:26 PM
- activating info as ajax snippet crashes album list page (after menu nothing else, see screenshot)
Can not replicate, please elaborate.

Quote from: Timos-Welt on November 29, 2009, 09:57:26 PM
- download snippet has wrong background color (should take it from style.css like favorite and bbcode snippet, see screenshot)
Fixed in rev 6812 by replacing the proprietary style sheet class with the generic one from coppermine's theme, which should be prefered in any case.
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Joachim Müller on December 01, 2009, 08:36:37 AM
Quote from: Timos-Welt on November 29, 2009, 09:57:26 PM
- saving settings on config page de-activates all file types on 'picture formats' and 'video formats'
Fixed as per revision 6818 of coppermine's core code (see Andre's fix in,62532.msg311319.html#msg311319).
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Timos-Welt on December 04, 2009, 10:29:05 AM
On my testbed, I am still not able to save any file types on the enlargeit config page. Once I click submit, all types are de-selected. r6827.
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Joachim Müller on December 04, 2009, 10:35:22 AM
Hm, that's strange. Did you update the cpg1.5.x core code (and not only the code of the enlargeit plugin) on your testbed with the latest checkout from the SVN?
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Timos-Welt on December 04, 2009, 11:08:48 AM
I think so - my testbed is here:

I made a copy of my 1.4.x gallery yesterday and updated to the latest 1.5.x revision.
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Joachim Müller on December 05, 2009, 09:08:59 AM
Timo had sent me an admin account for his testbed, where I was able to replicate his issues: the changes on the config screen just wouldn't stick. I changed some things around that I thought were not related, but that seems to have done the trick, so the issue didn't lie on Timo's end, but on mine. Sorry for wasting your time. Anyway, v1.7 of the plugin should work as expected now (hopefully). On your tesbed I haven't been able to make the plugin work with the slider plugin, so I turned that off temporarily (sorry). Something that has been on my mind is the flash support: I think that it's broken. Maybe you could look into that first? Thanks in advance.

Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Timos-Welt on December 05, 2009, 09:45:08 AM
Hi Joachim,

the problem is still there - saving my settings once, all file types get de-activated.
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Joachim Müller on December 05, 2009, 10:55:44 PM
That's indeed weird. I could have sworn that it sticked when I tested some hours ago. Please uncomment //print_r($superCage->post->getRaw($san_key));in plugins/enlargeit/codebase.php
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Timos-Welt on December 08, 2009, 05:49:32 PM
Quote from: Joachim Müller on December 05, 2009, 10:55:44 PM
That's indeed weird. I could have sworn that it sticked when I tested some hours ago. Please uncomment //print_r($superCage->post->getRaw($san_key));in plugins/enlargeit/codebase.php

Done (on admin.php).
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Timos-Welt on December 11, 2009, 02:02:48 PM
Any news regarding the filetype problem? With the latest SVN, I still cannot save my settings. This makes testing really difficult.
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Αndré on December 11, 2009, 02:45:56 PM
Please install a clean cpg and test your plugin again, as it works for Joachim and works for me, too.
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Joachim Müller on December 11, 2009, 03:50:25 PM
I'm stumped as well that it doesn't work for you. Maybe you could go through the lines 129 to 149 in admin.php: this is where the code resides at that determines what has been set for the multiple select fields in the form and subsequently what get's written to the config.
Title: [Solved]: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: phill104 on December 11, 2009, 04:05:27 PM
It works fine for me too. What os are you using?
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Timos-Welt on December 11, 2009, 04:47:53 PM
Found the bug. There was a non-standard cr/lf in the file that eliminated one important line. See screen shot.

I committed the fix to the SVN. Now it works!
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Timos-Welt on December 11, 2009, 04:58:17 PM
Added version 1.7 to first post of this thread.
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Joachim Müller on December 11, 2009, 05:38:37 PM
Thanks for the fix.

Always count the version up when fixing bugs. My version has been 1.7, so yours possibly can't be 1.7 as well, but needs to be 1.8, as it differs from my version. I'm currently busy fixing some other issues, so I'll commit in no time. I'll correct the confusing version glitch.
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Joachim Müller on December 14, 2009, 10:19:15 AM
Version 1.9 of the plugin is out (attached to initial posting), where I have started a documentation file. All devs are encouraged to populate the browser compatibility chart in that documentation as well as all other possible sections of that file. It's of course a work in progress that will be populated pretty soon.
When reviewing the credits section I wondered what of the ImageFlow code went into the plugin (if any): if part of Finn Rudolph's code has gone into the EnlargeIt plugin it subsequently mustn't be released under GNU GPL, as Finn's license is not compatible at all with that the GPL. Timo, please clarify.

Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Timos-Welt on December 14, 2009, 12:19:08 PM
EnlargeIt! for cpg1.5.x does not contain any code of Imageflow. For  some time, the 1.4.x version included a dedicated Imageflow plugin version, that's why there was this credit.

BTW: Finn Rudolph stated, that all Imageflow versions prior to 1.0 are still absolutely free to use.
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Joachim Müller on December 14, 2009, 12:50:06 PM
Should the ImageFlow credits be removed from the cpg1.5.x-plugin then?
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Timos-Welt on December 14, 2009, 03:55:54 PM
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Joachim Müller on December 18, 2009, 10:31:49 AM
The most recent version (as usual) resides in the subversion repository. Reference to ImageFlow has been removed from the credits section. The documentation should answers most questions - do you have any suggestions for it? Anyone care to improve the translations / language files? If you feel like it, you ("you" as "you, the reader of this thread") could as well translate the documentation - that would be cool...
I have started to port the new features from the cpg1.4.x plugin by adding the shadow color feature; I'd really like to start adding all the other options as well, so I'd love to hear your thoughts on my previous posting:
Quote from: Joachim Müller on November 27, 2009, 09:04:05 AM
Compared to the plugin for cpg1.4.x, the following features are missing as far as I can see:

  • Use hourglass mouse cursors if browser supports it
  • Shadow color
  • Vote button
  • Comment button
  • Ecard button
  • SEF_URL support
The first two don't look to complicated to implement, as the tricky stuff already has been accomplished by Timo: creating the corresponding functionality in JavaScript. All that needs to be done as far as I can see is porting those functions over to cpg1.5.x ;)
For the other features Timo has implemented files of his own that mimmick the functionality of coppermine's core code. Before I start working on them I suggest to hear Timo's ideas first (wether he's going to implement them or if he prefers this to be done by someone else).
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Joachim Müller on January 18, 2010, 11:59:09 AM
Feature request: currently when mousewheel navigation is enabled a scroll-down with the mouse wheel sends you to the previous image; a scroll-up sends you to the next. This is the opposite of what I find natural. Could this be changed in the future or is there an impact that I'm not aware of?
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Αndré on January 18, 2010, 12:31:48 PM
I support Joachim's request, as previously mentioned in the stripwheel plugin thread:
Quote from: Αndré on November 13, 2009, 08:56:40 AM
I suggest to switch the mousewheel up/down actions:
- scroll up = prev pic
- scroll down = next pic

because it's more intuitive imo and fits better for themes with a vertical filmstrip (e.g.
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Timos-Welt on January 18, 2010, 01:48:47 PM
Should be no problem. In enlargeit_source.js find

    if (enl_wheeldelta > 0) enl_next(enl_infront,0);
    if (enl_wheeldelta < 0) enl_next(enl_infront,1);

and change to

    if (enl_wheeldelta < 0) enl_next(enl_infront,0);
    if (enl_wheeldelta > 0) enl_next(enl_infront,1);

The direction was chosen after asking my wife how she would like it. She uses an image viewer on her PC that has the same direction in use, so I coded it this way round.
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: phill104 on February 09, 2010, 05:32:59 PM
Not sure if this is a bug or just something to do with the way I have upgraded but.

Take a look at the videos here.

If I disable enlargeit they play fine but with enlargeit enabled I get a media not found error.
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Timos-Welt on February 09, 2010, 05:52:57 PM
Please try latest SVN version of codebase.php.
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: phill104 on February 10, 2010, 08:14:34 PM
Well done Timo, works a treat.
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: marcelm on March 11, 2010, 03:15:20 PM
Changed Dutch language file.

Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: marcelm on March 11, 2010, 03:20:18 PM
Am I correct when I conclude that pictures that are to big for the browser screen are reduced in size by the browser and that IE is not doing that good job of it and that Firefox is better.

Link: ( and look at the landscape orientated pictures that are resized when the browser screen is smaller.

Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: andybutkaj on March 25, 2010, 09:27:26 PM
1.15 version works on mac.... tested newest safari, firefox 3.6.2 and with Chrome 5.0 on mac/leopard snow leopard..

chrome looked like doesnt work.... no + icon was displayed when above the thumbnail (i tried different albums and pages, clicking thumbnail doesnt make any action)... so i tried google to search some reports about problem with new enlargeit + chrome, and didnt find any...

so i returned to chrome browser and then i found, that it already works... + icon is displayed and it works normally... surprised, but 
great work...

Small bug
When you set the info button to show intermediate page it goes to page .. displayimage.php?pos=-<IDPIC> (note - before the PICID)
but coppermine 1.5 version now use ... displayimage.php?pid=<IDPIC> (without - before the IDPIC and parameter 'pid' is used instead of 'pos'

I think,
using pid=IDPIC is great plus for linking.... before with pos=- technique, position of images were altered after new images were imported

Two versions?
I have a question why there are two versions 1.15 + 1.9 (there is no explanation text near files in the first article of this forum)
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: andybutkaj on March 25, 2010, 09:54:54 PM
edit: you can see the wrong info button link, (problem which i described above) - at my site ( [Link not safe for work] with coppermine 1.5rc + enlargeit1.15 installed

[andybutkaj - please follow the rule about posting links (,55415.msg270616.html#msg270616)  in the future]

[edit Joe Carver - add link + posting warning]
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Joachim Müller on March 26, 2010, 07:11:11 AM
Quote from: andybutkaj on March 25, 2010, 09:27:26 PM
Two versions?
I have a question why there are two versions 1.15 + 1.9 (there is no explanation text near files in the first article of this forum)
The numbering scheme goes up, so v1.15 is six versions more advanced than v1.9. Subsequently, you should not use the older version v1.9, but only the newest version v1.15. The older version v1.9 is attached for reference purposes to the initial posting, because it was the version that started the forking of EnlargeIt for cpg1.4.x and EnlargeIt for cpg1.5.x, which is only important from a developer's point of view, but can savely be ignored by you. As Joe already told you, you should respect our rules in the future!
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: andybutkaj on March 26, 2010, 10:17:26 PM
Thanks Joachim for explanation... Numbering was clear, but it looked strange, why just two versions, one definitely far older.. thank you for clearing it out.

Regarding rules, i apologize... sure, i did not read rules... i just signed up recently and wanted to share my findings that chrome+macos works, (in documentation macos+chrome was not listed). You can delete my post (link) if you can ( i cant )... when i saw url tag is possible, i listed url, as I just wanted to show the issue regarding enlarge1.15 and info button, didnt mean to break a rule... even when i didnt know i should post a warning with link, i think at least, i may have posted link to 12 other categories which are safe for work... wiser everyday ;) 

during instalation and modifications in my coppermine/enlarge, i found some other small issues which may save time for somebody:
if using enlarge there is a problem to update thumbnail_image_view section, via theme.php in your themes/ directory. Because, enlarge seems to copy this part to codebase.php (plugins/enlargeit/ directory). so if you want to change this section, you will need to change this part in codebase.php, not as recommended by coppermine (in theme.php), which has no effect at all.
Maybe this can be noted somewhere in documentation (or is it already somewhere?) because many users wants to change what is displayed under thumbnails and this section is one of most widely changed part in coppermine installations.

also i found another small issue with ie7 or chrome + "display a link to the plugin configuration ..." option. This option breaks the coppermine "config" menu panel, which is badly displayed (broken) if this option is allowed.
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Timos-Welt on March 27, 2010, 08:05:52 AM
Quote from: andybutkaj on March 26, 2010, 10:17:26 PM
also i found another small issue with ie7 or chrome + "display a link to the plugin configuration ..." option. This option breaks the coppermine "config" menu panel, which is badly displayed (broken) if this option is allowed.

A man goes to the doctor: "I always get red spots on my chest an hour after I drank more than two litres of tabasco liqueur." Guess what the doctor may answer?

Turn the option off if it doesn't work correctly with your theme.
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: andybutkaj on March 30, 2010, 08:30:21 PM
Timos, lol, of course I disabled it... thats why I wrote  "... if this option is allowed"...

If you are not interested about this bug - that enlargeit plugin + STANDARD coppermine theme (curve) causes this problem, never mind... sorry for "disturbing"
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Joachim Müller on March 31, 2010, 07:10:12 AM
Instead of posting apologies you just should do as suggested: Joe reminded you of board rules, yet you haven't done as he suggested - you still haven't posted a link to your gallery. Do so now, without further excuses and without shouting "bug". >:(
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: andybutkaj on March 31, 2010, 10:06:52 AM
Joachim, link to gallery is still posted in Reply #105 on: March 25, 2010, 08:54:54 pm...  ;)

Where I am "shouting" ??? I am very satisfied with this plugin and its earlier versions for 2 years now. I just mentioned some small issues and thought it might have been useful and informative for someone who develops it.

For you convenience, posting link to the gallery again: ( [Link not safe for work]
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Αndré on May 10, 2010, 12:04:41 PM
Timo, please note that issue (,64885.0.html).
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Cath22 on May 23, 2010, 02:53:38 PM
Hi Timo, is a "slide-show" feature also possible with this neat plugin?
Now you still need to click to next picture, (or use keyboard), some automation would be nice, not?

Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Timos-Welt on May 24, 2010, 04:55:04 PM
Slideshow is on my to do list, but no release date is given for now.

Andre: Thanks I'll have a look.
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: phill104 on May 31, 2010, 09:40:21 AM
There appeard to be a problem with Bb code generation when an image has no intermediate pic. This only applies if you modify the code to use intermediate rather than the thumb.

Any ideas on a way to fix this issue.

Take a look at this image as an example.

It currently uses the no thumbs image (which is correct if using the thumbs). The mod to the code should fall back to the fullsize if there is no intermediate generated because the fullsize would be smaller than the specified intermediate size.
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: mrdee on June 04, 2010, 11:58:00 AM
Hi Timo

I am just in the process of trying to migrate my site to 1.5.4 and stuggling getting this plugin migrated.  I think I found a bug when calling flv files.  I notice you changed the location of some of the files in this version (from the 1.4 edition).  It appears that on calling a flv file via EnlargeIt it finds the player file OK, but when the player tries to call the actual movie file it doesn't find it in the location which codebase.php points it to.  The fix which is working for me is to find both instances of the following text in codebase.php:


and replace them with:


Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: mrdee on June 04, 2010, 03:35:28 PM
One more just found (again in codebase.php):

Replace this line:

for($pos = 0; $pic_data[$pos]['pid'] != $pid && $pos < $pic_count; $pos++) {

with this one:

for($pos = 0; $pic_data[$pos]['pid'] != $pid && $pos < $pic_count; $pos++); {

Prior to doing this the movie dimensions were not being pulled correctly for each movie thumbnail on the page.  When viewing the browser page source it was clear that only the first thumb in the album of movies was showing a longdesc which included the correct movie dimensions.

Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Αndré on June 04, 2010, 03:39:16 PM
Quote from: mrdee on June 04, 2010, 03:35:28 PM
Replace this line:
for($pos = 0; $pic_data[$pos]['pid'] != $pid && $pos < $pic_count; $pos++) {
with this one:
for($pos = 0; $pic_data[$pos]['pid'] != $pid && $pos < $pic_count; $pos++); {
Then you can also delete the whole line :P I don't know what this loop does, but when you add a semicolon, the loop does only loops for fun.
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: mrdee on June 04, 2010, 03:53:28 PM
Quote from: Αndré on June 04, 2010, 03:39:16 PM
Then you can also delete the whole line :P I don't know what this loop does, but when you add a semicolon, the loop does only loops for fun.

I agree.  I think by adding it in it causes the next line to execute irrespective of the for-loop (?)  I think only Timos will have the full background to the coding.  I suggested doing it this way to replicate the line that was in the plugin for Coppermine v1.4.  It worked for me in that edition, and adding the semi-colon back in gets me the functionality back again now.  I appreciate Timos may wish to look at a better way...

Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Darkness on June 04, 2010, 04:26:33 PM
I found a couple of problems with the popup feature. Firstly, the enlarge button doesn't show no matter what you do because the $USER_DATA['access_level'] variable is empty. By changing it to USER_ACCESS_LEVEL, it works.

        } elseif ($CONFIG['plugin_enlargeit_maximizemethod'] == '0') {
    if ((USER_ID && $USER_DATA['access_level'] == '3') || (!USER_ID && $CONFIG['allow_unlogged_access'] == '3')) {
$meta  .= <<< EOT
        enl_buttonurl[{$loopCounter}] = 'maxpop';
        enl_buttontxt[{$loopCounter}] = '{$lang_plugin_enlargeit['full_size']}';
        enl_buttonoff[{$loopCounter}] = -144;

The next issue is that the image in the popup is scaled down for some reason so it looks like it's smaller than the intermediate picture. Not sure if this is intended or not but I preferred the popup with scrollbars.
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: mrdee on June 06, 2010, 09:19:51 PM
Noticed that the Lasthits function was not working if images were being viewed using Enlargeit.  The hits were being recorded under the meta data for each image, but when displaying the "lasthits" page it didn't show the latest "enlargeit" hits.  I fixed it by doing this:

In counter.php find the following line:

$enlcnt_query="UPDATE `".$CONFIG['TABLE_PREFIX']."pictures` SET hits=hits+1 WHERE (pid = '".$enlcnt_pid."')"

...and edit it to look like this:

$enlcnt_query="UPDATE `".$CONFIG['TABLE_PREFIX']."pictures` SET hits=hits+1, lasthit_ip='$raw_ip', mtime=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE (pid = '".$enlcnt_pid."')";
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: mrdee on June 09, 2010, 11:55:41 AM
I have edited my install of this plugin to use Flowplayer ( instead of the included players (along with the provided YouTube looking control bar).  This player allows me far more flexibility and plugin options.  I have tested it on FF and IE without problems.  I was considering posting details of the code changes here, but I'd like to know first if others are interested in doing it and also whether Timos is interested in adding it into future releases due to the problem if this doesn't happen.  e.g. if anyone changes their plugin code (like I have done) and it is then not included in future development of the plugin it adds complexity and maintenance burden for future upgrades (I have to document all that I do each time so I can repeat it when a new version comes out).  Also, it means editing the enlargeit_source.js file, compressing it (just an online tool) and then putting the compressed text into the corresponding enlargeit.js file.

Also, I upload all my files (some old flv files and also now higher res MP4 H.264 files) but give them all a .flv extension just to simplify the changes I need to make to this plugin.  If I were doing it properly I would spend more time creating a 3rd player option in the plugin config menu and coding it to recognise the different file types that flash can play.  I've found that the flash plug-in will play files irrespective of whether they are given the corresponding file extension or not (though for H.264 a fairly recent flash plugin is needed, v9 from memory...).

I can't post a link to the site as it is not connected to the public Net.  However, there are many demos at the Flowplayer site.

I'll put another post elsewhere explaining how to do it using just Coppermine (not Enlargeit), but not sure exactly where to put that post yet as it is mostly a mod to just my theme, plus the upload of 3 swf files to the root dir.  Also, their is the issue of crediting the Flowplayer product to consider.
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Timos-Welt on June 09, 2010, 12:08:48 PM
It's no problem to include a third player option. Please post what you have, I'll have a look into it.
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: mrdee on June 09, 2010, 01:44:09 PM
Quote from: Timos-Welt on June 09, 2010, 12:08:48 PM
It's no problem to include a third player option. Please post what you have, I'll have a look into it.

OK, here is what I did, step by step:

* Note:  Doing this uses the section of the plugin dedicated to the RphMedia player rather than adding a 3rd option, and effectively removes the RphMedia player.

1.  Download the player from (  As a minimum you need to upload the player file plus the controls file, but I also use the provided "Tube" controls file.  I attach the latest version of that one here as the recent update of flowplayer left it a bit tricky to find on their site.  Those files need to be uploaded to enlargeit/images/flash/.

2.  In enlargeit_source.js find this text:

    var enl_swfsrc = (enl_isie)? ' id="' +'swfinner" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" data="'+enl_swfpath+'player.swf?movie='+enl_getlongdesc.split('::')[1]+'&autoload=on&fgcolor=0xFF0000&bgcolor=0x000000&volume=70&autorewind=0"' : '';
    enl_swfsrc += ' width="' + enl_getlongdesc.split('::')[2] + '" height="' + enl_getlongdesc.split('::')[3] + '"><param name="movie" value="'+enl_swfpath+'player.swf?movie='+enl_getlongdesc.split('::')[1]+'&autoload=on&fgcolor=0xFF0000&bgcolor=0x000000&volume=70&autorewind=0"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param>';
    enl_swfsrc += '<embed id="' +'swfinneremb' + '" src="'+enl_swfpath+'player.swf?movie='+enl_getlongdesc.split('::')[1]+'&autoload=on&fgcolor=0xFF0000&bgcolor=0x000000&volume=70&autorewind=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="' + enl_getlongdesc.split('::')[2] + '" allowfullscreen="true" height="' + enl_getlongdesc.split('::')[3] + '"></embed></object>';

and replace it with:

    var enl_swfsrc = (enl_isie)? 'classid=\'clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000\' width=\'' + enl_getlongdesc.split('::')[2] + '\' height=\'' + enl_getlongdesc.split('::')[3] + '\' id=\'single2\' name=\'single2\'' : '';
    enl_swfsrc += ' ><param name=\'movie\' value=\''+enl_swfpath+'flowplayer-3.2.2.swf\'><param name=\'allowFullScreen\' value=\'true\'><param name=\'allowscriptaccess\' value=\'always\'><param name=\'flashvars\' value=\'config={\"clip\":{\"url\":\"'+enl_getlongdesc.split('::')[1]+'\",\"autoPlay\":false,\"autoBuffering\":true,\"scaling\":\"fit\"},\"plugins\":{\"controls\":{\"url\": \"'+enl_swfpath+'flowplayer.controls-tube-3.2.1.swf\",\"height\":\"20\",\"timeColor\":\"#D00000\",\"durationColor\":\"#FFFFFF\",\"timeBgColor\":\"#000000\"}},\"canvas\":{\"backgroundColor\":\"#000000\",\"backgroundGradient\":\"[0.1, 0]\"}}\'>';
    enl_swfsrc += '<embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" id="single2" name="single2" src="'+enl_swfpath+'flowplayer-3.2.2.swf" width="' + enl_getlongdesc.split('::')[2] + '" height="' + enl_getlongdesc.split('::')[3] + '" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" flashvars=\'config={\"clip\":{\"url\":\"'+enl_getlongdesc.split('::')[1]+'\",\"autoPlay\":false,\"autoBuffering\":true,\"scaling\":\"fit\"},\"plugins\":{\"controls\":{\"url\": \"'+enl_swfpath+'flowplayer.controls-tube-3.2.1.swf\",\"height\":\"20\",\"timeColor\":\"#D00000\",\"durationColor\":\"#FFFFFF\",\"timeBgColor\":\"#000000\"}},\"canvas\":{\"backgroundColor\":\"#000000\",\"backgroundGradient\":\"[0.1, 0]\"}}\'/></object>';

This leaves some of the many options "hard coded" and a gold plated solution would be to have them all configurable via the plugin interface (but I didn't need that so didn't do it).

3. Grab the newly saved js text in the source file (all of the file except the very top part, as indicated in the comments), paste it into a js compress tool and then paste the output text from that tool into the enlargeit.js file.

4. Edit the CASE 2 section of codebase.php to this:

    // CASE 2: flash or movie
    elseif (in_array($enl_filetyplower, $movie_array) == TRUE) {
      $pid = $thumb['pid'];
      // For flash or movie files we need some more data from the database
      $result = cpg_db_query("SELECT aid from {$CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES']} WHERE pid='$pid' LIMIT 1");
      $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
      $album = $row['aid'];
      $pic_data = get_pic_data($album, $pic_count, $album_name, -1, -1, false);
      for($pos = 0; $pic_data[$pos]['pid'] != $pid && $pos < $pic_count; $pos++); {
          $pic_data = get_pic_data($album, $pic_count, $album_name, $pos, 1, false);
      $CURRENT_PIC_DATA = $pic_data[0];
      if ($CURRENT_PIC_DATA['pwidth'] == 0) {
          $CURRENT_PIC_DATA['pwidth'] = 500;
      if ($CURRENT_PIC_DATA['pheight'] == 0) {
          $CURRENT_PIC_DATA['pheight'] = 410;

//the next single line corrects the viewer size in Flowplayer allowing for use of a player control panel set at 20px high
      $CURRENT_PIC_DATA['pheight'] = $CURRENT_PIC_DATA['pheight'] + 20;

      if ($enl_filetyplower == 'swf') {
      $enl_newthumb  = '<img src="images/thumbs/thumb_swf.png" class="enlargeimg" width="'.$thumb['pwidth'].'" height="'.$thumb['pheight'].'" ';
      } else {
      // $enl_newthumb  = '<img src="images/thumbs/thumb_movie.png" class="enlargeimg" width="'.$thumb['pwidth'].'" height="'.$thumb['pheight'].'" ';
      $mrdeefilename = $thumb['filename'];
      $mrdeethumext = ".jpg";
      $mrdeefilename = substr($mrdeefilename, 0, (strlen ($mrdeefilename)) - (strlen (strrchr($mrdeefilename,'.'))));
      $enl_newthumb  = '<img src="' . $CONFIG['fullpath'] . $thumb['filepath'] . $CONFIG['thumb_pfx'] . $mrdeefilename . $mrdeethumext . '" ';
      $enl_newthumb .= 'class="enlargeimg" ';
      if (($CONFIG['thumb_use'] == 'any' && $thumb['pwidth'] >= $thumb['pheight']) || $CONFIG['thumb_use'] == 'wd') {
        $enl_thumbheight = round($thumb['pheight'] / $thumb['pwidth'] * $CONFIG['thumb_width']);
        $enl_newthumb  .= 'width="' . $CONFIG['thumb_width'] . '" height="' . $enl_thumbheight . '" ';
       } elseif (($CONFIG['thumb_use'] == 'any' && $thumb['pwidth'] < $thumb['pheight']) || $CONFIG['thumb_use'] == 'ht') {
        $enl_thumbwidth = round($thumb['pwidth'] / $thumb['pheight'] * $CONFIG['thumb_width']);
        $enl_newthumb  .= 'width="' . $enl_thumbwidth . '" height="' . $CONFIG['thumb_width'] . '" ';
      $enl_newthumb .= 'border="0" onclick="enlarge(this);" ';
      if ($enl_filetyplower == 'swf') {
      $enl_newthumb .= 'longdesc="swf::'.path2url($enl_path).'::'.$CURRENT_PIC_DATA['pwidth'].'::'.$CURRENT_PIC_DATA['pheight'].'" ';
      } elseif ($enl_filetyplower == 'flv') {
      if ($CONFIG['plugin_enlargeit_flvplayer'] == '0') {
          $enl_newthumb .= 'longdesc="fl2::'.path2url($enl_path).'::'.$CURRENT_PIC_DATA['pwidth'].'::'.$CURRENT_PIC_DATA['pheight'].'" ';
      } else {
          $enl_newthumb .= 'longdesc="flv::'.path2url($enl_path).'::'.$CURRENT_PIC_DATA['pwidth'].'::'.$CURRENT_PIC_DATA['pheight'].'" ';
      } elseif ($enl_filetyplower == 'dvx') {
      $enl_newthumb .= 'longdesc="dvx::'.path2url($enl_path).'::'.$CURRENT_PIC_DATA['pwidth'].'::'.$CURRENT_PIC_DATA['pheight'].'" ';
      $enl_newthumb .= 'name="'.$thumb['pid'].'" alt="" title="'.$thumb['title'].'" />';
      $more_params = array(
       '{LINK_ONCLICK}'  => 'onclick="return false;"',
       '{THUMB}'  => $enl_newthumb,

5.  When I upload a movie I do it via the batch add tool.  I use the thumb file which comes from my camera, after renaming it giving it the thum prefix as per the setup of the coppermine config.  The name after the prefix needs to match the name given to the uploaded movie file.  The batch add process then links the thum to the movie automatically.

6.  The final step is to edit the movie file dimensions (width/height) in the properties of the uploaded image.  I tend to compress my movies in H.264 but leave them at full 1080P in terms of physical pixel dimensions.  This makes them look very good when you play them back in the player at full screen.  However, I set the properties in the image to initially play them at 881x496, which makes for a popup box in enlargeit which suits the majority of screen resolutions.

The last two steps are needed irrespective of using Enlargeit.
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: commonplace on June 17, 2010, 02:27:23 AM
I'm having an issue with this plugin. On my main/front page, when I click on "User Galleries", it shows the two users that have uploaded pictures (myself and my sister), but the image shows up as... I'm not sure what to call it. :)  But it looks like maybe a symbol for a movie/video? When I hover over it, the mouse turns into the "EnlargeIt" plus icon, almost like I could enlarge the picture, but of course I can't. And I'm not able to click the image to go into the user's gallery; I have to click their name. It's not a big deal but my end users are not that computer savvy and I'm sure this will confuse them.

My gallery is here: (

User name: test
Password: test123

You should be able to see what I mean without even logging in, though -- it behaves the same for guests as it does for registered users and admins. Let me know if you need any more information, or if anyone knows how to fix it. Disabling EnlargeIt! "fixes" it but I'm hoping to keep it enabled AND have this work. :)  Anything else I can do to help, please let me know! I've attached an image of the picture I'm seeing when I go to the User Galleries. When EnlargeIt! is disabled, it shows a random image from that user's albums and I'm able to click on the image in order to enter that user.

Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: mrdee on August 10, 2010, 02:44:05 PM
If you are running a development thread for this plugin then please move these to a "bugs list" type of thread

In v1.15 for CPG1.5 I have found a small bug in info.php

if ($CURRENT_PIC_DATA['keywords'] != "") {
        $info[$lang_picinfo['Keywords']] = '<span class="alblink">' . preg_replace("/(\S+)/", "<a href=\"thumbnails.php?album=search&amp;search=\\1\">\\1</a>" , $CURRENT_PIC_DATA['keywords']) . '</span>';

probably should be:

if ($CURRENT_PIC_DATA['keywords'] != "") {
        $info[$lang_common['keywords']] = '<span class="alblink">' . preg_replace("/(\S+)/", "<a href=\"thumbnails.php?album=search&amp;search=\\1\">\\1</a>" , $CURRENT_PIC_DATA['keywords']) . '</span>';

Clickable Keywords in the Info Page

When using keywords which have spaces in them, with the keywords separated by ";" the Info Page displays them as individual clickable words rather than allowing keywords to include a space (and be one single clickable link).  Make sense?  I didn't find out how to fix this yet.
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: mrdee on August 10, 2010, 03:14:45 PM
Quote from: mrdee on August 10, 2010, 02:44:05 PM
Clickable Keywords in the Info Page

When using keywords which have spaces in them, with the keywords separated by ";" the Info Page displays them as individual clickable words rather than allowing keywords to include a space (and be one single clickable link).  Make sense?  I didn't find out how to fix this yet.

Here is the fix for the one above:

In info.php replace:

if ($CURRENT_PIC_DATA['keywords'] != "") {
        $info[$lang_common['keywords']] = '<span class="alblink">' . preg_replace("/(\S+)/", "<a href=\"thumbnails.php?album=search&amp;search=\\1\">\\1</a>" , $CURRENT_PIC_DATA['keywords']) . '</span>';


if ($CURRENT_PIC_DATA['keywords'] != '') {
        if ($CONFIG['keyword_separator'] == ' ') {
            $info[$lang_common['keywords']] = '<span class="alblink">'
                . preg_replace("/([^{$CONFIG['keyword_separator']}]+)/"
                        , '<a href="thumbnails.php?album=search&amp;keywords=on&amp;search=$1">$1</a>'
                        , $CURRENT_PIC_DATA['keywords'])
                . '</span>';
        } else {
            $keyword_links = '';
            foreach (explode($CONFIG['keyword_separator'], $CURRENT_PIC_DATA['keywords']) as $keyword) {
                $keyword_links .= ($keyword_links ? ' '.$CONFIG['keyword_separator'].' ' : '')
                        . '<a href="thumbnails.php?album=search&amp;keywords=on&amp;search='
                        . str_replace(' ', '+', $keyword)
                        . '">' . $keyword . '</a>';
            $info[$lang_common['keywords']] = '<span class="alblink">'
                . $keyword_links
                . '</span>';

this then takes into account different keyword separators (copied from displayimage.php in CPG1.5.8)
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: mrdee on August 10, 2010, 04:49:28 PM
Hi Timos

Please do you know if there is there a way that I can either:

A.  Retain the plus/minus mouse cursor and still get the "alt" tooltip popup box to appear on thumbnails?


B.  Switch off the plus/minus mouse cursor and still benefit from the "alt" tooltip popup on thumbnails?

This functionality is standard for the thumbnails pages when Enlargeit is not installed and I'd would like the best of both worlds.  I notice that from source pages that the "alt" data is still being loaded, but the tooltip function is not working.

Thanks in advance.
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x - facebook share
Post by: toxichotspot on September 08, 2010, 05:38:27 PM
Is there a way to add a facebook share button in a way similar to the download button?
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Shane on September 12, 2010, 01:16:14 AM
Is there any way to include the photo description below the image in the same way that the photo title is included above?

Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Ivo007 on September 22, 2010, 03:15:51 AM
First of all great plugin!

I recently upgraded the existing 1.4.22 galley to a test 1.5.8 in order to get familiar with the new CPG version and check out the plugins in the new version. When I installed EnlargeIt! I noticed a few things:

1. In the Configuration screen, the display of the buttons Vote, Comments, E-Card cannot be configured. Is there a plan to add that functionality again?
2. When I click on the Last updated albums the behaviour is not the same. Where in the 1.4.x version clicking on a last updated album would open the album thumbnails, the 1.5.x pluging displays the thumbnail picture of the last updated album. Is that a bug or wanted behaviour? A lot of my users want to see the whole album and not just the thumbnail picture of the last updated album, therefore if its wanted behaviour can you make it configurable?

1.4.22 gallery

1.5.8 test gallery

Keep the good work going!
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: vibe7 on September 28, 2010, 04:53:30 AM
Currently I am using Enlargeit 1.15 plugin , and my hosting provider complain that i am using 100% of the CPU and ask to remove the plugin,, does any one have newer version that fix the high CPU issue.
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: TeknoSounds on October 30, 2010, 01:49:32 AM
Luckily haven't had the CPU issue...mines sitting at 0% (able to watch it directly since I have a dedicated server) but maybe I don't get as many hits as you...?

I second the issue with the comments button, where did it go??
Also would be awesome if could get the comments to show to the side of the picture when blowing it up? I feel the comments function is mostly overlooked by my users that visit since they currently have to click the info button to get to the intermediate picture.

Also I installed a plugin for sharing a picture on facebook, could you set an option to detect this and put a image link up top to do the same?
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: holyworld on November 07, 2010, 11:45:39 PM
Thanks a lot for this great plug-in, works great & love it!


Currently it works only with youtube files, where the thumbnail pic starts with "youtube_" (if I am not mistaken).

There is a plug-in called "remote videos" which works with "" text files and normal labeled "thumb_" thumbnail pics.

After several attempts to change the code myself and failed... I was wondering if its planed to add support for youtube videos as well.

Thanks a lot!
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: phill104 on December 24, 2010, 07:51:44 PM

Any idea why the copy to clipboard buttons do not appear in the latest FF and IE9 on the Bb page -
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: FBleu on December 26, 2010, 07:28:11 PM
Hello  :)

There are big differences between the file lang english and german,
I would do the update file French,
My translation must be done from the English or German file ?
or a mix of the two files ?

Cordially Franck
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: phill104 on December 27, 2010, 12:24:25 AM
Please always base translations on the English file.
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: shortmort37 on December 29, 2010, 04:15:08 PM
Hi Timos!

Quote from: Timos-Welt on June 09, 2010, 12:08:48 PM
It's no problem to include a third player option. Please post what you have, I'll have a look into it.

Have you had a chance to review FlowPlayer?  Also, any comments on this?

Quote from: Shane on September 12, 2010, 01:16:14 AM
Is there any way to include the photo description below the image in the same way that the photo title is included above?


I, too, would like to include descriptions.  NFLightbox provides descriptions, but skips over video in albums; EnlargeIt! does not skip, but lacks descriptions.  I would love to have the best of both worlds!

Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: fmk on January 07, 2011, 02:39:03 AM
Hi Timos,

I found a small conflict between EnlargeIT's settings and MiniCMS.

"MiniCMS plugin for cpg1.5.x :,68455.msg341717.html#msg341717
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x (screwing up user gallery button thing)
Post by: solipsism on January 18, 2011, 01:20:01 PM
Quote from: commonplace on June 17, 2010, 02:27:23 AM
I'm having an issue with this plugin. On my main/front page, when I click on "User Galleries", it shows the two users that have uploaded pictures (myself and my sister), but the image shows up as... I'm not sure what to call it. :)  But it looks like maybe a symbol for a movie/video? When I hover over it, the mouse turns into the "EnlargeIt" plus icon, almost like I could enlarge the picture, but of course I can't. And I'm not able to click the image to go into the user's gallery; I have to click their name. It's not a big deal but my end users are not that computer savvy and I'm sure this will confuse them.

My gallery is here: (

User name: test
Password: test123

You should be able to see what I mean without even logging in, though -- it behaves the same for guests as it does for registered users and admins. Let me know if you need any more information, or if anyone knows how to fix it. Disabling EnlargeIt! "fixes" it but I'm hoping to keep it enabled AND have this work. :)  Anything else I can do to help, please let me know! I've attached an image of the picture I'm seeing when I go to the User Galleries. When EnlargeIt! is disabled, it shows a random image from that user's albums and I'm able to click on the image in order to enter that user.


Did we ever get a solution to this? I am having the same problem on several sites. When I disable enlargeit I the problem goes away.

With enlargeit, if you have a user with more than one album, I get the black and white "movie snapboard clapper image" with the arrow on it. Normally you would click on that icon and it would open up the categories of that user. (If you click on the user name you don't get "categories" you only get a choice of "everything uploaded by the user") but Enlargeit is trying to open the icon instead of clink on the LINK that the icon represents.

The icon is different on Firefox and IE as well
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101203 Firefox/3.6.13 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)
IE 8.0.6001.18702

FF produces a 1" regular sized icon, but IE just gives you a small dot

This shot is 3 versions of a member gallery that contains two different albums. The first one is correct. The Second two are the error on 2 different browsers.

Enlargeit seems to work fine for other enlarging functions.

(same problem here:)
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: François Keller on February 20, 2011, 11:51:06 AM
Improvement of the french lang file and adding french translation to the doc of this plugin (thank's FBLEU)
Pack updated on the very first page of this thread
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: sergeir on March 21, 2011, 11:43:09 PM

Thanks for the plug-in - nice stuff, looks really much neater than the standard! Somehow I have a little trouble getting along with it, mainly because of the navigation. Before installing it, when I clicked an album thumbnail, i used to navigate into the album. Now I only get this thumbnail "enlarged". If I navigate using navigation buttons of the plug-in I jump between the images, whose thumbnails are already on the screen (random files, etc.) but I can't just see the content of the selected album. Also when I navigate beyond the first or the last image the screen stays "darkened" and no image is displayed.

NB: I have several albums per category.

Thanks for a hint


Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Hexo on May 10, 2011, 01:11:48 PM
Hey Timo.
I got a question about the "mouse" navigation...
When i click on a image, the "lightbox" open and i see the "Fullimagesize". Perfekt.
But where i can navigate with the mouse?
I have enable this function:

The only thing, that i missed here in the plugin:
When i click on an image, the image will close. But: I would be better to click on the right side of the image to navigate to the next image... click on the left side to get back to the last image-> click outside of the image-> close the image.

Greetz Hexo

Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Timos-Welt on July 07, 2011, 03:33:22 PM

sorry but I did not visit this thread for a looong time. IMO it's now time for me to restart working on this fine plugin. The current version has issues with FF5 and IE9 and it still supports no voting, comments or eCards - I'll start to get voting back as a first step and make it 100% browser compatible again.

See here to try it out the actual state (it's a beta version running on my server):

Changes up to now:
- mouse wheel navigation now works with IE8/9
- rounded border in IE9 (yeah!)
- button and title bar softly fades in for browsers != IE
- voting is back (at least the old style one for now)
- SEF URL support is back

I think I'll be able to release a beta version in the next days, so stay tuned.

Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: phill104 on July 07, 2011, 10:24:12 PM
It will be great to see this superb plugin back up to par with the new browsers. Things like the bbcode copy buttons not working etc are sorely missed.
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: try911 on July 21, 2011, 12:56:53 PM
Can anybody tell me how to skip thumbnails.php page and go directly to displayimage.php using enlargeit????
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Gutty on August 17, 2011, 11:15:53 AM
awesome plugin timos, cheers.

Is it possible to add social site icons and links to the displayed image?
I have socialshare installed, but because i use enlargeit, it skips the page or course. id quite like to let people share an image on their FB/twitter pages.

if this is an easy thing done by simple coding, plz let me know how.
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: on October 08, 2011, 01:12:30 AM
thank you for this useful plugin but can you add a comment system and ranking please
special thank to you very good work
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Valk on November 05, 2011, 08:50:01 AM
Timos-Welt are you still working on this?  If your busy I would be very interested in hiring someone to add all the listed/requested features.  The plugin is of coarse yours afterwards to do with as ya please.  I don't care about any credit, only that it is shared with everyone.  I really think this plugin brings the gallery to a new level and would be more than willing to pay to have it finished up for the community.  Thank you for your great work!
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Timos-Welt on June 16, 2012, 04:50:15 PM
Not much time, sorry. Attached you find the latest beta that works fine with IE9 and has voting feature as in CPG 1.4. Hope this helps a bit, and hope it works for you.

You'll have to put some files into your gallery root, see readme.txt for details.
Uninstall any previous version completely before trying out this beta.

Edit: Removed attachement because newer beta is available.
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: phill104 on June 17, 2012, 12:14:35 AM
Gallery root? We are back to the early days. Joachim will be coughing up his coffee lol.

As ever, great works and thanks for getting this out. Hopefully sometime we will have you back as a regular, you have been missed.
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Timos-Welt on June 17, 2012, 12:20:29 AM
Gallery root is neccessary to enable voting and comment function (later) for now. It will take more than my PHP knowledge to adapt these to work without gallery root placement.
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: AlexL on June 18, 2012, 01:45:56 PM

I used the and it works :)
but a little thing
the view counter counts correct with the Enlarged Viewer - but the album at /thumbnails.php?album=lasthits
isn't updated - any suggestions?

Thanks for your help!
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Timos-Welt on June 27, 2012, 04:58:04 PM
Here's another beta (v3.00beta1). Added some nice fancy effect stuff, better support for CSS3 and modern browsers, and a few bug fixes. Have fun and please report if it doesn't work correctly in a certain browser.

You may have a look at it 'in action' here (

Have fun!

Edit: Added beta 2. Fix for IE in compatibility mode. Optimized some code.

Edit2: Removed beta files because newer beta is released (scroll down).
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Cath22 on June 28, 2012, 11:42:33 PM

I tested on latest Firefox with Beta 2 (except in the plugin list it states 1 ????), the buttons on top are NOT shown when not logged in, although it is set in config.

On latest Chrome, and not logged in, the buttons are shown, but the Mouse navigation does NOT work (on firefox mouse nav works)

Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Timos-Welt on June 29, 2012, 12:11:39 AM
Please make sure that you clear your browser cache and reload your website freshly after updating EnlargeIt! plugin.

Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Cath22 on June 29, 2012, 12:35:55 AM
Right, sorry for that, I didnt clear the cache before.
Now I have and restarted both browsers on my test site

Now Mouse navigation works on both, all buttons on top are missing on both, either logged in or not. BUT they are clickable, so it must be some color setting in my page I guess
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Timos-Welt on June 29, 2012, 01:17:01 AM
Ah I see - please use a glide animation for now, I'll have to fix fade in/out button zIndex. Thanks, I was able to reproduce it, this will be fixed with the next beta.
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Timos-Welt on June 29, 2012, 10:46:05 AM
Beta 3 fixes this issue.
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: DoubleYou on September 09, 2012, 09:03:29 AM
Hey there,

great plugin, I really love it. One small problem remains for me with the latest beta version. When I try to download a picture the download seems to work fine, but on opening the file Windows tells me the file is too big or damaged. The size seems reasonable though.

Any ideas? Tested it with various browsers (IE, FF, Opera)
Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: 2andy on September 26, 2012, 03:23:40 PM
Where can I turn ON addthis or facebook comments in EnlargeIt plugin like shown on this site?? (
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: phill104 on September 27, 2012, 04:59:03 PM
I believe that to be some custom code added by the site developer. It is not part of the standard plugin.
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: alexandregrassi on November 22, 2012, 12:04:25 PM

The facebook comments and sharing off this website is really awersome... I tryed to do something like that, but it not worked... Look:

Any idea to use facebook comments like ??
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: phill104 on November 22, 2012, 04:28:48 PM
The code to do that is quite simple, you can see an example of it running on my site but not in CPG, just in normal articles -

I will not have time until Monday but I will test the code in this plugin and see how it woks. I cannot promise a completion date though as I am snowed under.

Here is the code used in the Joomla site above, maybe you can integrate it yourself. Obviously the JURI:: section is very Joomla specific so will not work as is.

<script type="text/javascript">
var js, id = 'facebook-jssdk', ref = d.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
if (d.getElementById(id)) {return;}
js = d.createElement('script'); = id; js.async = true;
js.src = "//";
ref.parentNode.insertBefore(js, ref);

<div class="fb-comments" data-href="<?php echo JURI::getInstance()->toString(array('scheme''host''port')) . $this->item->readmore_link?>" data-num-posts="2" data-width="576"></div>

and the css

.fb-comments {
  clear: both;
  padding-top: 20px;

.fb-comments span {
  display: block !important;
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Xtinch on August 08, 2013, 04:54:35 PM
Hi There,

I'm wondering if there is a way to prevent the image downloading when you perform a right click.

I've configured the image protection setting, that works for the site, but it is not working when I use the plugin.


Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: bady on October 20, 2013, 03:03:43 AM
Hi Timos-Welt (Coppermine addict)

thanks for your plugin
but one sad thing with the Title bar: when you log off -- it shows ALWAYS (white bar)
"Show title bar when buttons are inactive" -- dosnt swich it off
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: cherokee on February 16, 2014, 12:11:04 PM
First, sorry for my English.
Thanks for this great work.
I would ask:
Is there any way that the download button only to a specific user group appears?
Thank you.
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: TeknoSounds on February 25, 2014, 06:28:58 AM
Has anyone been able to successfully add buttons to say the top bar or anywhere along the margins of the photo?

Specifically trying to add button code like addthis or addtoany.

I put the code where I think it'll cause it to show up, but nothing changes.  I guess I'm not understanding how the plugin was written well enough. 
Anyone have any suggestions?
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: cherokee on February 25, 2014, 04:13:49 PM
Sorry for my English (google translator)
I changed the icons and the space between them.
You can see it here: (
Note: You may see some failures, I'm trying to disable it on the main page.
Would you use?
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: TeknoSounds on February 25, 2014, 06:58:59 PM
That's definitely a start cherokee :D
Where did you change the code at for the spacing?

It seems like where I attempt to put the code should show up on the screen, but alas :-/  I think I might be missing something simple like...putting the AddThis code in a definition and calling it to an element...  maybe. 
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: cherokee on February 25, 2014, 08:20:33 PM
open enlargeit.js

Modify the pixels corresponding to the left margin
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Jean Michel on April 02, 2014, 04:00:20 PM

This beautiful plugin does not seem to work on IE11.
In Chrome not display buttons closure and slideshow?

Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Wozik on February 10, 2015, 11:15:49 AM

Is there any way to create a direct link to an image, that opens up the desired gallery and the snippet windows while pasted into the browser?
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: gmc on April 20, 2015, 04:11:03 PM
I ran into a compatibility problem between 'EnlargeIt' and a plugin using the filter 'picture_url'. In my case it is the 'Mask URL' plugin - but the problem would affect any plugin that CHANGES the thumbnail URL - or wants to change the intermediate or fullsize URL.

EnlargeIt regenerates the thumbnail URL from scratch (previously generated by CPG and possibly edited by plugins) - and generates new intermediate/fullsize URL.

I made the following changes to codebase.php (based on most recent SVN version) to

In codebase.php find (line 87 at revision 7221 in function enlargeit_addparams)

    } else {
        $enl_path = $CONFIG['fullpath'] . $thumb['filepath'] . $thumb['filename'];
    // CASE 1: images
    if (in_array($enl_filetyplower, $image_array) == TRUE) {
       $enl_newthumb  = '<img src="' . $CONFIG['fullpath'] . $thumb['filepath'] . $CONFIG['thumb_pfx'] . $thumb['filename'] . '" ';
       $enl_newthumb .= 'class="enlargeimg" ';

and replace with:

    } else {
        $enl_path = $CONFIG['fullpath'] . $thumb['filepath'] . $thumb['filename'];
    // since we are creating a new picture url - drive the pluginAPI to see if anyone else cares...                                    //*GMC
    $pic_row = array('pid' => $thumb['pid'],                                    // set up parameter array for API call                 //*GMC
                     'filepath' => $thumb['filepath'],                          //   specifying those parms we have access to          //*GMC
                     'filename' => $thumb['filename'],                          //   if additional fields needed, will need to         //*GMC
                     'pwidth' => $thumb['pwidth'],                              //   add database calls                                //*GMC
                     'pheight' => $thumb['pheight'],                                                                                   //*GMC
                     'filesize' => $thumb['filesize'],                                                                                 //*GMC
                     'url' => $enl_path,                                                                                               //*GMC
                     'mode' => 'normal',                                                                                               //*GMC
                    );                                                                                                                 //*GMC
    $pic_row = CPGPluginAPI::filter('picture_url', $pic_row);                   // see if anyone else has interest                     //*GMC
    $enl_path = $pic_row['url'];                                                // use value returned from API call                    //*GMC

    // CASE 1: images
    if (in_array($enl_filetyplower, $image_array) == TRUE) {
      //obtain current url from params (other plugins may have altered from default)                                                   //*GMC
      $enl_matchfound = preg_match('/"([^"]+)"/', $params['{THUMB}'], $enl_matches);                                                   //*GMC
      if ($enl_matchfound) {                                                                                                           //*GMC
        // use url from params                                                                                                         //*GMC
        $enl_newthumb  = '<img src="' . $enl_matches[1] . '" ';                                                                        //*GMC
      } else {                                                                                                                         //*GMC
        // unable to match - generate ourselves...                                                                                     //*GMC
        $enl_newthumb  = '<img src="' . $CONFIG['fullpath'] . $thumb['filepath'] . $CONFIG['thumb_pfx'] . $thumb['filename'] . '" ';
      }                                                                                                                                //*GMC
       $enl_newthumb .= 'class="enlargeimg" ';

and find (line 102 at revision 7221 before above changes in function enlargeit_addparams)

       $enl_newthumb .= 'border="0" onclick="enlarge(this);" longdesc="' . path2url($enl_path) . '" name="' . $thumb['pid'] . '" ';

and replace with:

       // removed 'path2url' - should already be valid/safe url and this removed '=' and '?' that are valid for url query string       //*GMC
       //$enl_newthumb .= 'border="0" onclick="enlarge(this);" longdesc="' . path2url($enl_path) . '" name="' . $thumb['pid'] . '" ';  //*GMC
       $enl_newthumb .= 'border="0" onclick="enlarge(this);" longdesc="' . $enl_path . '" name="' . $thumb['pid'] . '" ';              //*GMC

These changes should have no effect if no other plugin alters the URL's generating by CPG - but may fix other compatibility issues as well...

I would have discussed with Timos - but he hasn't been online in the forums for some time...
I wanted to offer this as a solution for those encountering conflicts.

Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: marcelm on April 20, 2015, 11:48:13 PM
Thanks and in my version of EnlargeIt the lines were on other locations. I am using the last version and that is a beta 3 version from 2012. It is mentioned a page back in this thread.

direct link to the beta:;topic=57424.0;attach=38731

Were can I find the 7221 SVN version so I can try the code? In the beta version the your code did not made the thumbnails visible.
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: gmc on April 21, 2015, 12:42:14 AM
Quote from: marcelm on April 20, 2015, 11:48:13 PM
Thanks and in my version of EnlargeIt the lines were on other locations. I am using the last version and that is a beta 3 version from 2012. It is mentioned a page back in this thread.

direct link to the beta:;topic=57424.0;attach=38731

Were can I find the 7221 SVN version so I can try the code? In the beta version the your code did not made the thumbnails visible.
Ah well... made an assumption... I went directly to the Coppermine SVN repository ( set up with TortoiseSVN to synch code... It contained V1.15 which is same level as in the first post...

I have the beta version downloaded - I'll fit my changes and test and post results/new code as appropriate.
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: gmc on April 21, 2015, 01:19:29 AM
In the beta version - the line numbers changed - but I used the exact same changes...
The first change is replacing lines 73-80.
The second change is replacing line 88 (before first change is made) or line 109 (after first change is made).

I have Mask URL coded to encrypt - .htaccess set in albums folder to 'Deny from all' - and EnlargeIt set for admin, registered, and guest...

All seems to work fine...
(Without the changes - the thumbnail and enlarged displays were all blocked by the .htaccess rule as the encrypted thumb URLS were overwritten - and enlarged URLs were never encrypted.)

Can you attach your codebase.php to a post (zip it...) with the changes applied? I'd like to compare to mine if you are still having an issue...
(Try clearing your browsers cache as well... though that caught me more with it working when it shouldn't in my testing... )

Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: marcelm on April 21, 2015, 02:12:20 PM
Thanks Greg and your edits works now when I go back to a standard theme like "eyeball" so it was configuration that mutilated your adaptation of codebase.php.

I am using a modified version of Blankstrap (Bootstrap adaptation) and that also seems to rewrite the thumbnails strings. Also it seems to make a difference if I use not a sub-domain (www) in my configuration so I have to some looking into this why it differs. I see in the acces_log that the web-server is transferring the thumbnails and I have result 200 and size. The browser is stating that the picture "can not be displayed because it contains errors" when a sub-domain is used.
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: marcelm on April 21, 2015, 02:23:18 PM
And I already solved the mystery of the picture not showing when there is no "www" in front. I am using Blankstrap but not to administrate my site. I use the Eyeball theme for that. To be able to have in the same browser the normal site and the administration part of the site open side by side I open the administration site without the "www".

That also explains why I requested the same link in my other browser it made no difference and both times the picture was not shown.

Blankstrap is the cause for not showing the thumbnails on my side that is now for sure.
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: nambroque on April 17, 2016, 11:08:20 AM
I would like to change one little thing in ths plugin:

When you activate the "Display BBCode" option in the config area, and you click on the button, two "Bbcodes" are displayed
But I'd like only the absolute URL to appear there
May anyone help me?
Thanks in advance
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: ron4mac on April 18, 2016, 02:34:39 PM
In the folder for the plugin, there is a file bbcode.php. Near the bottom of the file, delete (or hide) the row for the url that you don't want. The rows will start with <tr> and end with </tr>.

To hide instead of delete, insert <!-- and -->  around the row:
<!-- <tr>
<td class="tableb" align="center">
<h5 style="margin:0px;padding:0px;line-height:0.8em;">[url]title[/url]</h5>
<textarea rows="3" cols="40" class="textinput" style="overflow:off;">{$name_url}</textarea>
</tr> -->

Title: Re: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: nambroque on April 18, 2016, 02:58:10 PM
Thanks for your reply, ron4mac
That`s useful for hide wthat is currently displayed when you click on the Bb button.
But I'd like the absolute URL to be displayed instead of it.
For example, at the moment, if I click on it, this is what is displayed:

[url=]Nubes orogénicas[/url]

But in this example, I would like only this to appear:

So, I'd like only the absolute URL to be dsplayed
Thanks again, I hope you can help me...

PD: This question is for a photo contest... people will have to upload their photos to the gallery and then copy and paste the URL's of their photos in the gallery into a document, so I want the URL as much easy to find for them as possible
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: ron4mac on April 18, 2016, 03:49:12 PM
Quote from: nambroque on April 18, 2016, 02:58:10 PM
But I'd like the absolute URL to be displayed instead of it.
Sorry .. I didn't totally understand what you are looking for.

Replace the associated table rows with this:
<td colspan="2" class="tableh1" align="center">
<td class="tableb">
<h5 style="margin:0px;padding:0px;line-height:0.8em;">URL:</h5>
<textarea style="width:100%">{$CONFIG['ecards_more_pic_target']}{$fullsize_url}</textarea>
<td class="tableb" align="center">
<!-- <h5 style="margin:0px;padding:0px;line-height:0.8em;">[url][img][/url]</h5>
<textarea rows="5" cols="40" class="textinput" style="overflow:off;">{$img_url}</textarea>
{$copy_image_string} -->
<td class="tableb" align="center">
<!-- <h5 style="margin:0px;padding:0px;line-height:0.8em;">[url]title[/url]</h5>
<textarea rows="3" cols="40" class="textinput" style="overflow:off;">{$name_url}</textarea>
{$copy_url_string} -->

It is what I could come up with that didn't destroy the visual too much.
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: nambroque on April 18, 2016, 04:31:18 PM
Thank you very much... that's exactly what I needed!  :)

There is another thing about this plugin that I would be very happy wether it may be changed, but I fear probably it would be more complicated:
If you are seeing the thumbnails of a meta_album, or the ones from an album which contains linked files, you enlarge any photo from there, and then you click on the "i" button for seeing the info of the photo, vote it, etc., then you will see the image displayed from the album were the photo was uploaded to by the user.
I wonder if it could somehow be possible that the image is displayed from the meta_album you were in (from the one you enlaged the thumbnail from)
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: ron4mac on April 18, 2016, 07:10:10 PM
Quote from: nambroque on April 18, 2016, 04:31:18 PM
I wonder if it could somehow be possible that the image is displayed from the meta_album you were in (from the one you enlaged the thumbnail from)
Meta albums contain no images. They only provide links to images that exist in the albums where they were uploaded (or linked).
Title: Re: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: nambroque on April 18, 2016, 08:32:37 PM
Quote from: ron4mac on April 18, 2016, 07:10:10 PM
Meta albums contain no images. They only provide links to images that exist in the albums where they were uploaded (or linked).

Ok, thanks, I feared that maybe it was not possible... :-\
Well, I'll wait until the voting function is implemented, as it's said in the to do ( section of the Plugin Documentation.
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Αndré on April 19, 2016, 11:07:14 AM
Honestly, I wouldn't expect much development on this plugin, at least there was no progress for over 5 years now. Someone else than Timo needs to volunteer (or paid) to continue the development of this plugin.
Title: Re: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: nambroque on April 19, 2016, 11:20:17 AM
Quote from: Αndré on April 19, 2016, 11:07:14 AM
Honestly, I wouldn't expect much development on this plugin, at least there was no progress for over 5 years now. Someone else than Timo needs to volunteer (or paid) to continue the development of this plugin.

That's a pity, as this is a great plugin.
On the other hand, I have detected another problem with it: when it is enabled, then the personal albums indexes appear like this ( and you can not open them, instead of appear the thumbs (  :-\

Edit André: attached pictures
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: ron4mac on April 19, 2016, 02:26:11 PM
Quote from: nambroque on April 19, 2016, 11:20:17 AM
On the other hand, I have detected another problem with it:

Here's a quick fix for that:

In the plugin file, codebase.php, on line 70 right after:

    if (!USER_ID && !$CONFIG['plugin_enlargeit_guestmode']) {
        return $params;


    if (!isset($thumb['filename'])) {
        return $params;
Title: Re: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: nambroque on April 19, 2016, 02:32:48 PM
Quote from: ron4mac on April 19, 2016, 02:26:11 PM
Here's a quick fix for that:

Solved.. thank you!
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: ron4mac on April 19, 2016, 02:57:23 PM
Quote from: nambroque on April 19, 2016, 02:32:48 PM
Solved.. thank you!

The beautiful images in your gallery might also look good in my slideshow plugin:,75994.0.html
Though some of your images may be small for the plugin's full-screen format, you might want to check it out.
Title: Re: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: nambroque on April 19, 2016, 05:30:57 PM
Quote from: ron4mac
The beautiful images in your gallery might also look good in my slideshow plugin:,75994.0.html
Though some of your images may be small for the plugin's full-screen format, you might want to check it out.

I didn´t know it... it's installed now.. thanks!
Title: Re: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x
Post by: kamad3 on June 20, 2016, 09:39:37 AM
Dear all,

could somebody tell me, that if I would like the plugin to close the picture if I press the left mouse button outside the picture where I should write the "enl_shrink()" function?

Thanks in advance,