Ive just posted a thread asking for some help in another board, and the administrator has suggested that i shoul upgrade my gallery first.
I need to upgrade it As soon as possible as im planning to launch my website this week.This is the link:
Also i need somebodys help to make the gallery a "must register" one to be able to see it.
Im paying 10$ via paypal for upgrading it, but we can talk about the budget if you want.
Thanks a lot in advance,
If you want to try it on your own:
- Upgrade guide (http://coppermine-gallery.net/demo/cpg14x/docs/index.htm#14)
- How can I let unregistered users see the thumbnails only, but not the actual pictures? (http://coppermine-gallery.net/demo/cpg14x/docs/faq.htm#viewThumbnailsOnly)
If not, you'll have to wait for a freelancer, who will do this very easy thing for you.