I am looking to have a custom RSS feed created for coppermine, basically what I need is a feed that has the title link as the album name and goes to that album upon clicking, then in the content area either random for that album or last added for that album and showing 2 rows of 3 thumbnails. I have tried this myself and searched the forums many times and can not find a sample of what I need, also I have tried it myself using cpmfetch but I don't have the time to spend sorting it out at the moment.
The purpose of doing this leads into the next portion of the request. What I would ideally like to be able to do is have my gallery updates auto post into wordpress so hence why I need the rss feed from CPG in that specific format; this way when I update the gallery I don't have to come back to WP and post about my updates to the gallery.
I am also in need of the auto posting plugin for wordpress for the rss feed. I realize that there are a few available but the ones I find either require chron jobs to be automatic (which I don't know how to do) or they do not work correctly.
I am willing to pay for someone to set this up for me to work as I need it to if the price is reasonable... I am thinking about $30 and can send it via paypal? I'll need a copy of the rss feed and WP plugin for the auto blog; payment will be sent once I confirm it is working as requested.
Thank You to anyone who is interested in doing this! I just don't have the time to spend trying to sort this out, I have tried on and off for about 3 months and have not gotten it going as of yet.
I have gotten the rss feed to list updates by album:
Now I just need it to show a set number of thumbnails from that album (say be able to set 1 row of 3 thumbs last added to that album). I am thinking between cpmfetch and the coppermineSC plugin for WP this can work.
Using the Easy RSS plugin for coppermine; modified to show last album updates-
Getting it to post into WP is done and working... all I need is the thumbs in the rss
Since I got a fair share of it done I am going to cut the price down to $20 for the remainder of the work
$20 to get the rss to show the last added thumbs to that album and be able to conhtrol how many thumbs is displayed